Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"I ... I'm waiting for you, when did you come back, I kept guarding at the door, why didn't I see you?"

Xiao Ru looked puzzled.

She didn't know that Xiao Si got the order of Empress Zhou, and she hurried back with 100,000 frantic exercises and jumped directly from the roof.

"Primary four, just come back, I have a lot to say to you!" Xiaoru smiled with a happy face.

Primary 4 shook his head: "If there is anything I will change to another day, I still have an urgent matter and I'm leaving soon."

He doesn't have the mind to talk to Xiaoru now. Empress Zhou has a limited time there. After a column of incense, she will take poison and commit suicide. This is a hundred times more important than talking to Xiaoru.

"Cough, the emperor, the empress empress, the empress empress, the limited time is coming ..."

He coughed softly and reminded in a low voice.

Mo Chuan really wanted to fly a kick to kick Xiao Si's ugly ghost out of Jiu Xiaoyun, but Xiao Xiao stood outside the door and he couldn't kick it.

He left her lips reluctantly, stroking her white and light cheeks: "When the matter after the mother is over, let's go back and continue."

He punished Shen Ning with a pun, and then raised his head and smiled and blinked at him.

"You are not afraid to go, can't you come back?"

Although Shen Ning smiled lightly, he was not relaxed at all.

The empress dowager actually made the move of threatening with death. Obviously, she was furious. Presumably, the master of Zhaorong County came to a wicked man to complain, and the empress dowager first came first. , It's almost time to get rid of.

"Ning'er, don't you believe me?"

Mo Chuan stared at her and said firmly.

What she thought about, he had already thought about it, but he had the confidence to protect the beloved girl, and would never let her suffer any harm.

Even after he offended his mother, he could not care.

Shen Ning looked at his extremely calm eyes, as if the boat drifting in the violent wind and rain suddenly drove into a safe harbor, and his heart was settled at once.

She tipped her toes and kissed him on the lips.

The light kiss like a dragonfly made him very excited.

Mo Chuan took a lot of effort to control himself, smiled, and stroked her hair.

"I have a few words to tell Primary Four."

He walked aside and beckoned to Xiaosi, and said a few words in his ear.

The sound was extremely low, and even Shen Ning didn't hear clearly what he said.

Xiao Si's face was all surprised, and Mo Chuan said another serious expression, and then he nodded and ordered to leave quickly.

Xiaoru stared blankly at the back of Xiaosi. His face couldn't help but show disappointment, his teeth clenched his lips tightly.

She waited for a long time before finally seeing Xiaosi, but she only said a word to Xiaosi, and she felt sad that she couldn't tell.

"Miss, are you going to leave?" She saw Shen Ning and Mo Chuan also leaving, catching up with two steps, staring at Shen Ning sadly, only feeling that in this huge palace, everyone She left all by herself, she was always such a lonely person, lonely and deserted guarding a courtyard.

Her deer-like eyes softened Shen Ning's heart, turning back and rubbing her hair, laughing: "Wait for me to come back."

Xiaoru grabbed her sleeves and said: "Miss, let's go with your slave girl. The slave girl doesn't want to leave you half a step."

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