Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1251: Nowhere to put your eyes

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Mo Chuan gritted his teeth and hated Zhao Rongjun over and taught him a hard lesson.

"Mochuan, you ... change clothes and go again."

The blush on Shen Ning's face had never faded, and she had started dressing quickly.

Mo Chuan realized that the dragon robe on his body had become crumpled, and people with a clear eye knew what was happening at a glance.

"I'm waiting for you outside."

After he finished speaking, he opened the door, and Xiao Siwu knelt and knelt on the ground.

"No need to knock," he said coldly.

Primary Four was relieved and lifted his head as if he had been forgiven, and his forehead was red and swollen.

"Serve me to change clothes." Mo Chuan said again.

"Yes, the emperor." Little four hands and feet neatly help Mo Chuan dressing.

Before long, the door of the inner room opened and Shen Ning appeared solemnly at the door.

Mo Chuan and Xiao Si couldn't help but look at her spontaneously. Although the two of them had long been familiar with her beauty, they still felt a sudden shine.

She wore a big red embroidered acacia flower Yunjin Guang sleeved palace dress, black hair like a cloud, wearing a Jiufeng Chaoyang golden step shake, gently shake, the step shimmered.

But no matter how bright the light was, she couldn't take away the radiance radiated from her.

She is slim and graceful, with a long skirt and ground, and she grows lotus step by step.

It's like a red hibiscus drifting on the water, beautiful.

Mo Chuan's throat tightened, and his eyes were fixed on her, aggressive.

Damn, she dressed herself up so radiantly, did she want to hook her soul!

He finally suppressed the fire in his body, and now seeing her, the flames started to move around again.

"It's just to see my mother, not to attend the ceremony. Why are you dressed so formal?"

Mo Chuan noticed that she wore a queen costume, including the nine crested heads on her head, and only the queen was qualified to wear them.

Shen Ning squinted at him and smiled softly: "I'm afraid that if I don't wear such beautiful clothes and jewelry, I won't have a chance to wear them in the future."

Mo Chuan froze for a moment, then understood what she meant, and his face sank, saying, "You are the Queen of Xi Chu, as long as I am there, no one wants to move you!"

She winked with a smile, and then said seriously: "I'm kidding, are you still serious? Today is my first formal visit to the Empress Dowager. Naturally I have to dress more formally to show respect to the Queen Mother."

Mo Chuan grasped her hand and stared at her, saying rightly: "In the future, you will never say this again!"

She looked at his serious expression, touched and ashamed in her heart, and answered honestly: "Yes, I won't say it again, Mochuan, as long as you don't leave me, I will always be yours."

She took the initiative to plunge into his arms and hugged his thin and powerful waist tightly.

Mo Chuan grabbed her with one hand, and lifted her chin with the other, and kissed her lips deeply.

The two embraced tightly.

Primary 4 was so embarrassed that his eyes didn't know where to look. There was a red tide on his fair and fair face. He bowed his head and left quietly, until he exited the room, he was relieved.

"Primary 4, you are back!"

Suddenly a shocked and happy voice rang behind him.

Little Four was startled and hurriedly turned around. I saw a girl's round face in front of her. Her eyes were dark and bright. It was Xiaoru.

"It turned out to be you little girl, scared me to jump, what are you doing here?" Xiao Si didn't have a good air, patted his chest, and almost scared him half his life just now.

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