Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1215: Sell ​​her

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Mo Chuan reached out and held her hand tightly.

"Sweet and bitter, life is full of flavor, you can rest assured that I will hold your hand tightly in this life and taste the sweet and bitter life with you!"

Shen Ning couldn't help but sigh with satisfaction, burying his head in Mo Chuan's arms, and a sweet smile on his lips.

He actually realized her thoughts, and did not bother to make these four dishes.

Speaking of comparing life with vegetables, it was the inspiration she used to see from a book. When she was alive, she made a try. She originally wanted to make a joke with Mo Chuan, but did not expect Mo Chuan to be so smart. Not only did she guess her test questions, she also answered a full score!

Such is the case with the husband, what do women want!

The two hugged and listened to each other's heartbeats, both of which were warm and infinite.

After a while, Shen Ning left Mochuan's arms, pursed his lips, and glanced at Mochuan with a smile.

"Is the food I made delicious, or the food in the Empress Dowager?"

Mo Chuan said slowly: "Do you want to listen to the truth?"

"of course."

"Naturally, the dishes in the mother's harem are delicious," Mo Chuan said honestly, and then said: "However, I love to eat the dishes you made yourself."

He stretched his arms around her and kissed her on her face.

Shen Ning blushed, and said: "Yuezi slips tongue!"

The smile on her face flashed away, and she said right away: "Okay, you are telling the truth, Mochuan, I only ask it again, do you really think that Chu Shaoyang is the master who steals the drawings?"

Mo Chuan had been waiting for her for a long time. He thought about it and shook his head gently.

"Then do you know where I went as an **** today?"

Mo Chuan shook his head again.

"I went to the house of Li Zhixing and Li Shangshu. You said that I have the ability to see through people's hearts. Yes, I can really deduce through some subtle details whether a person is telling the truth or falsehood, so I want to tell you Yes, the real leader behind the scenes is not Chu Shaoyang at all, but Li ... "

She didn't finish what she said, because Mo Chuan extended her finger and pressed it on her lips to stop her from continuing.

"Hush, Ning'er, you don't need to say it, I know it." He looked at her eyes tenderly, his dark eyes as unpredictable like Hantan.

"You know? If you knew it was not Chu Shaoyang, why did you take him to jail? You ... why are you doing this?"

Shen Ning widened his eyes and looked at him incredulously.

"I naturally have my reasons for doing this."

"What's the reason?" She asked.

"Ning'er, don't ask, there are some things you still don't know well." Mo Chuan stroked her face and said softly: "What I can tell you is that I did this, it was definitely not private anger. Absolutely not because of you, you believe me, I Mochuan has never been a person between public and private. "

Although his voice was soft, his eyes were firm and focused.

Shen Ning suddenly felt that she really could not see through him, but she believed every word he said.

"Okay, I won't ask anymore, Mochuan, I believe you."

Mo Chuan stretched out his arms and hugged her, and walked outside.

"Where are you going to hug me?"

"Don't you believe me? I want to sell you." He answered with a smile.

Because of her "believe him", he burst into joy, and the smile flowed out of the corner of his eyebrows.

"Are you willing?" She smiled.

"You said I am willing to give up?" He glared at her.

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