Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

This dish looks like scrambled eggs, golden color, very bright.

Mo Chuan knows that even if it is scrambled eggs, made by her wonderful hands, this taste is definitely different.

Who knows that the scrambled eggs in the chopsticks were not ready to be chewed before he was chewed, his face suddenly changed, his mouth squeezed tightly, and his face was very strange.

Shen Ning's big black-and-white eyes stared at him in an instant, and asked with a smile: "Is it delicious?"

Mo Chuan spent a lot of effort to finally swallow the egg in his mouth. He didn't even chew it. After swallowing, he immediately picked up the tea cup and drank a full glass of water. .

"Ning'er, this ... what kind of dish is this?" He opened his eyes and looked at it. It looked like a plate of scrambled eggs.

But is this really scrambled eggs?

"This is scrambled eggs with bitter gourd juice, clearing heat and losing heat, nourishing health, taste bitter or not? Do you like this taste?" Shen Ning asked with a smile.

"Bitter ..." It was terribly bitter!

He was so bitter that he couldn't open his mouth.

"It's better if it's bitter." Shen Ning smiled. "Could you try another sweet one?"

Mochuan nodded quickly.

He was afraid that the other three dishes would be weird. When he looked closely, he found that one plate was stir-fried spinach, one plate was cold tofu, and the other plate was red candied fruit.

He threw a red holy fruit into the mouth without hesitation, just chewed it, only to feel that his mouth was stung by a scorpion, and immediately became hot.

"Good ... spicy ..." His clear and white face suddenly turned red, even the ears were red.

He is the most spicy, and he couldn't even say a pot of hot pepper soup that was condensed.

This is the case with Rao, he is not willing to spit out the red holy fruit in his mouth, because she made it by herself.

He stretched his neck, and finally swallowed the red holy fruit, and his tears were spiced out.

Shen Ning wiped tears for him and smiled: "Oh, I didn't say that this dish is sweet. This is Chaotian pepper mixed with red holy fruit. The most spicy, but you can't eat spicy. Want to eat spicy? "

Mo Chuan reached this point and had long seen that the girl was deliberately teasing herself.

He stared at her deeply, and his throat became hoarse when he spoke: "Ninger, did you make these four dishes by yourself?"

"Of course." Shen Ning folded his smile and nodded with a straight face.

"As long as you make it, I must eat it."

Mo Chuan couldn't care about the spicy sweat beads on his forehead, and stretched his chopsticks toward the fried spinach.

As soon as the dish entered, his eyebrows moved.

No one can think of it, it turned out to be vinegar fried spinach!

Sour, sour!

But Mo Chuan slowly chewed immobilely, then swallowed it, and then took the last dish, cold tofu, without changing his face.


This tofu is actually mixed with sugar ...

It ’s four new dishes with strange tastes!

Mo Chuan had never eaten such a weird dish, but his black eyes smiled softly and stared at her tenderly.

He now fully understands the true meaning of making these four dishes for herself, and his heart is full of tenderness.

"Do you like the taste of these four dishes?" Shen Ning winked at him.

"I like it very much!" Mo Chuan replied without hesitation.

"Then ... do you love eating?" She rolled her eyes skeletally.

"Love eating, love eating very much!" He resolutely answered.

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