Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 972: Collision outside the Holy Mountain

Although there are only two top teams left in the Holy Mountain in the later period, Towering Taoist Temple and Chumen, it does not mean that there are no others. Apart from the two parties, there are still many casual cultivators.

Therefore, the disbandment of Truman immediately caused a great disturbance in the Holy Mountain.

Some people claim that Truman was afraid of Duanmutong because of the last battle.

Therefore, Towering Taoist Temple has become the first and only team power in the Holy Mountain, and Duanmutong's name is undisputedly ranked first.

"You bastards, they actually escaped!" In the Towering Taoist Temple, Yun Feiyang was furious after learning that all members of the Truman family had picked up Sa and left the Holy Mountain, and he felt extremely unhappy.

"Senior, can this be the end of it?" Yun Feiyang found Duanmutong. Since the last battle, Duanmutong returned from the battle and announced to retreat. Seeing Yun Feiyang, he rolled his eyes at him: "You know nothing, you want to kill People are not simple, their destiny is greater than you think."

Yun Feiyang clenched his fist, but at this moment, Duanmutong also smiled greedily: "It's just that such a lucky person was born, and the fairyland seems to be ushering in a new era. If we can seize this person, With my destiny, I may be able to change the world.”

"Please step back first." Duanmutong said coldly, and Yun Feiyang lowered his head and left.

After that, Duanmutong stretched out his hand and took a look, only to see that in his fleshy palm, there was a demonic sword energy burning, which could not be dissipated, making his evil eyes flicker.

"Interesting, so interesting." Duanmutong licked the corner of his mouth, then closed his eyes and continued to practice. Unfortunately, this physical body was too weak and had only the extraordinary power of his previous life. He could not display his skills, but there was no need to be too hasty, Immortal Territory, Mr. Leng, just wait. It won’t be long before I, Leng Yaoming, return. At that time, all living beings will surrender at my feet.


Outside the Holy Mountain, the top figures in the Immortal Realm are still here.

They have been waiting for ten years since the opening of the Holy Mountain.

Ten years was a short time for them. Emperor Yan was still drinking alone on the suspended wine table. On the side of the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, Emperor Huaqing's eyes were burning with fiery flames.

Although the Holy Mountain is not over yet, and I don’t know who got the opportunity, it will never be possible for the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty. He has sent people back to the Immortal Dynasty to investigate. This time, all the soul cards of the descendants sent into the Holy Mountain are all Broken, no one can survive.

Just like the Xunxian Realm back then, the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty was the worst of the two great opportunities in the Immortal Realm.

So he was even more angry and had been waiting outside the Holy Mountain. Chu Yan and the adopted son of Emperor Yun had to settle this grudge.

"Emperor Yan, after ten years of the Holy Mountain, when will the size of the Holy Mountain be measured? When will those who enter come out?" Emperor Huaqing stood high in the sky and shouted coldly.

Emperor Yan rolled his eyes at Emperor Chen and said sarcastically, "You, the top Immortal Emperor, can't even enter the Holy Mountain. I'm only a junior Immortal Emperor, so how do you know? If you are curious, you can send a few more juniors to have a look. Of course , If you all die inside, don’t say I didn’t warn you, I won’t be responsible.”

"Boom!" Emperor Hua Qing's eyes flashed with anger. In the past ten years, no one has come out of the Holy Mountain. For example, people from the Nine Heavens Immortal Dynasty also let the outside world know that the power of the Trumen in the Holy Mountain is extremely great. If they send people to , die?

"Huanglong, what exactly is in the Holy Mountain?" Jiutian Immortal asked the Immortal Emperor.

"There is an infinitely long road to the sky in the Holy Mountain. Duanmutong, Longmeng Chu Yan and I reached the top. However, Duanmutong and I were all knocked down. Chu Yan did not. It should be that he has inherited the Immortal King's inheritance." Jiutian Huanglong said coldly, although he was defeated, Chu Yan said that there is no inheritance in this world, but he didn't believe it. If there was no inheritance, why would Chu Yan defeat him as a saint?

So he always thought that Chu Yan was just bluffing and deliberately concealing it. He must have got some great opportunity on the holy mountain.

Jiutian Huanglong's voice was not loud, but the Immortal Emperor and Immortal Emperor present could hear it clearly. For a moment, the eyes of all the forces narrowed and looked at the Dragon Alliance.

"Haha, Brother Chaoyang, who is this new disciple of your Dragon League? It is reported that he has gained great opportunities in the world of Xunxian, as well as in the Demonic Mountain in the middle of the Immortal Realm not long ago." Sword Emperor Xuan of the Supreme Military Palace of the East Speak slowly.

"This boy actually got the opportunity of Demon Mountain?" Some people who didn't know were surprised.

"Not only that, but you may not know that this child has many divine objects, as well as immortal arts and top-level immortal weapons. In the world of seeking immortals, the strongest luck in our eastern fairyland is distributed by this child. "The Immortal Emperor of the Qianqiu Immortal Sect shouted coldly. He originally had his Immortal Thought in Xunxian Realm and knew something about it.

"This boy has quite a secret." Immediately, many forces secretly thought in their hearts.

"I, the disciple of the Dragon Alliance, am an evildoer. It's not two days a day. Are you curious?" Li Chaoyang slowly raised his head and looked at the people who were talking strangely. He waved his hand and there was a buzz, and a sword blade came out of the wine glass. It's weird.

"Do you want to test whether I, the second disciple of the Dragon Alliance, am enough of a monster?" Li Chaoyang said calmly. The corners of their mouths twitched and they snorted coldly, but they were speechless.

"Li Chaoyang, don't be too crazy." Emperor Huaqing raised his head fiercely and glared at Li Chaoyang, but at this moment, Li Chaoyang looked at him and said with a smile: "Emperor Huaqing, you have been famous for a long time. It would be too ridiculous for an Immortal Emperor to be obsessed with killing me, a junior from the Dragon Alliance. If one day the head of my Dragon Alliance comes back, maybe I will encourage you to go to your Immortal Dynasty. By the way, I forgot to mention it. She has a bad temper."

"You threaten me?" Emperor Huaqing suddenly burst out with a strong aura, and the mountains and rivers changed, turning into huge mountains of soldiers, standing there.

"So what, you can't beat her anyway?" Li Chaoyang smiled, and his momentum rose. He stood there casually, with a romantic posture, but the air between heaven and earth became irritable, and kept making crackling sounds.

The two immortal emperors confronted each other, and everyone's heart was hanging.

"Buzz!" At this moment, a wave came from the Holy Mountain, and a group of figures walked out of it. The crowd was huge. The Holy Mountain was opened. Except for the last time when the Jiuxiao team was destroyed, there were not so many people walking out at once.

"Who could it be?" In an instant, the eyes of all parties were attracted to the Holy Mountain. Emperor Huaqing also snorted coldly at this time, restrained his breath, and looked at the Holy Mountain. No matter what, he must take revenge this time. Chu Yan, the leader of the Tiandi Sect, and the madman who killed his offspring must die.

There was a ripple on the Holy Mountain, and then a group of figures walked out.

"It's Xian'er!" In the direction of Yuqiong Xian Pavilion, many elders shouted in surprise when they saw the golden warship. It was the magic weapon of Yuqiong Xian Pavilion.

"Xiandi, Junior Brother Chen Le is also up there." In the direction of Xuantian Sect, an immortal spoke, and the Xiandi stroked his beard and chuckled: "I wonder if this bastard boy has gained anything in the Holy Mountain. He actually mixed with the people of Yuqiong Xian Pavilion."

"Princes, the princess is there." Someone from Qingfeng Xianguo also said, and saw a pink rabbit-eared cat demon flying behind the golden warship. Above, Chu Yan, Liu Qingcheng, and Qingyi were all there.

"Chu Yan!" With a buzz, Emperor Huaqing's eyes flashed with an infinite murderous intent, and fell on Chu Yan, and then there were many eyes, all looking at him.

On the side of Jiutian Xianchao, the Xiandi figure raised his head. According to Jiutian Huanglong's words, Chu Yan was the one who gained the most from the Holy Mountain this time.

"Swoosh!" At this moment, Emperor Huaqing took a step in the air and clenched his palm, as if he controlled the power of the world. An infinite and terrible oppressive force suppressed Chu Yan.

The light of the Immortal Emperor was too terrible. In an instant, the sky changed color.

Everyone's eyes froze. Standing on Miaomiao's back, Chu Yan's face was extremely pale. Not to mention that he was still in a state of loss at the moment, the Immortal Emperor's attack, even if he was in his prime, he could not resist it. With the help of everything, he could not. This is the Immortal Emperor.

"This old bastard!" Wangfeng roared on the warship in the distance.

"Buzz!" In another moment, the Qingfeng sword blade on Li Chaoyang's waist shook, and immediately there was a shocking sword shadow, slashing towards the huge handprint, with a clatter, the big handprint was shattered.

The next moment, Li Chaoyang took a step forward and looked up. With just one glance, it seemed to cover the entire sky. He turned the sword in his hand and pointed it at the Immortal Dynasty behind Emperor Huaqing: "Huaqing, the Immortal Emperor should have some dignity."

"Roar! Li Chaoyang, today, do you think you can protect him!" The crackling sound continued to ring out, and the momentum of Emperor Huaqing continued to rise, and the killing intent burned. No matter what, he wanted Chu Yan to die today.

"Then you try it!" Li Chaoyang narrowed his eyes, and his momentum changed. He put away his past casualness. At this moment, he was like a god descending to the earth, standing there alone, as if he had his back to a world.

"Li Chaoyang, I am not interested in your grievances, but since this boy has gone to the Holy Mountain, some things should be explained by him. He can't bear the responsibility of the Immortal King's Daotong." At this moment, with a thud, an Immortal Emperor also stepped out from the direction of the Nine Heavens Immortal Dynasty. The Immortal King's Daotong is related to the direction of the Immortal Realm. The changes of the times cannot be underestimated.

"I have the same idea." The next moment, Emperor Chen took a step forward. In addition, the Sword Emperor from the Supreme Armory also stepped forward: "The mystery of the Immortal King, my Supreme Armory is also curious."

Li Chaoyang narrowed his eyes. The four great Immortal Emperors, two top Immortal Emperors, even he was under a lot of pressure.

For a time, the situation outside the Holy Mountain became serious.

At this time, Yuqiong Xian'er returned on a magic weapon and landed in the direction of Yuqiong Xian Pavilion: "Ancestor, inside the Holy Mountain, the Nine Heavens Immortal Dynasty attacked us, and it was Master Chu who saved us in time."

Chen Le returned to Xuantian Sect at this time. Seeing Chu Yan's disadvantage, he was a little anxious. His big eyes turned: "Uncle, Brother Chu is my good brother, help him, he is going to die, and I will not live either."

An Immortal Emperor from Xuantian Sect glared at Chen Le. This bastard boy didn't understand at all. Chu Yan was just a saint and had little weight on the field. Today, it was a game between Immortal Emperors and a game between major Immortal Realms. It was not so easy to change.

But the next moment, the Immortal Emperor glared, almost angry to death, and saw Chen Le took the lead and walked out, looking at the Supreme Arms Palace and the major forces of Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, shouting: "A bunch of old bastards, bullying my brother Chu, my Xuantian Sect will never stand idly by!"

"Right, uncle!" Chen Le said, and turned around and looked at the Immortal Emperor with a smile.

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