Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 971 Truman Disbands

An unplanned battle started at a furious speed and ended extremely quickly. Chu Yan killed him with the power of the evil sword.

But everyone in the Holy Mountain knew that everything was not over, and Duanmutong was not destroyed by that terrible sword.

"Yan!" Liu Qingcheng and Qingyi hurriedly stepped forward and supported Chu Yan.

"Senior Brother Chu!" Wangfeng and others also rushed over. Chu Yan was not in good condition at this time. He had not consumed such a huge amount for a long time. He just used golden blood to temporarily unlock the seal of the evil sword, and used high-intensity With one thought to kill the immortal, all the energy in his body was drained out in almost an instant.

Being supported by everyone, Chu Yan relaxed a little and felt very tired. The long-lost dizziness and hollowness reappeared.

"Don't say anything, help me back first." Chu Yan said softly. Now that he was weak, he couldn't let too many people know. A few people nodded and helped Chu Yan back to the temple.

A few days later, in the temple, Chu Yan sat cross-legged on a platform, with a faint golden light intertwining between his eyes. He kept reciting the Tianxing Juechen Canon in his body, and a warm current spread from his heart, causing that violent The power gradually calms down.

Chu Yan has always known that there seems to be an ancient giant sleeping in his body. Just because he almost injured Qingcheng in the last battle in the world, he has been deliberately suppressing this power, but just now, his emotions reached To a certain extent, that power is somewhat out of control.

And similarly, every time that power emerges, it will inevitably be accompanied by a sequelae, which is the complete loss of practice.

Today's Chu Yan is no different from an ordinary mortal, without any fluctuations in vitality in his body.

"What's going on? What was the power from the previous fight with Duanmutong?" Lin Ang walked quickly and frowned when he saw Chu Yan's condition. He had been practicing in the Immortal Realm for a long time, but this was his first time. Seeing that kind of power, being able to cross multiple realms and kill enemies is like an ancient beast.

"We don't know either, but senior brother has a very strong force in his body. Once that power is used, senior brother will enter another state."

"Senior brother in that state is invincible in the world!" Wangfeng said seriously, this time it was relatively mild. He had seen Chu Yan really explode, the emperor regicide, killing enemies across multiple realms, and being invincible.

Lin Ang's heart trembled. He had heard of some special secret techniques in the Immortal Realm that could enhance a practitioner's strength in a short period of time. However, such secret techniques were extremely rare and were all forbidden techniques.

After all, a journey of cultivation is not achieved overnight, and this kind of force to forcibly elevate oneself is inherently contrary to nature.

But even so, there will be a limit, such as improving one realm, or three realms, such as saints and immortals, which have great essential differences, but cannot be improved.

But Chu Yan's secret technique was able to do it. He felt it was a bit exaggerated, but seeing Wangfeng's serious attitude, he couldn't doubt it.

"This madman!" Lin Ang shook his head, invincible in the world, what is the concept of this?

"Then what's going on with him now?" Lin Ang asked again. Liu Qingcheng was taking care of Chu Yan and said softly: "Every time that power appears, he will fall into a period of weakness for a long time. During this period, Xiu Yan Nothing, no fighting power.”

Hearing this, Lin Ang's face became even more livid. In the current situation, Chu Yan is dead, which is bad news for Chumen.

"Does that mean he can't fight?" Lin Ang whispered. Several people were a little helpless, but they nodded in unison. This made Lin Ang squint his eyes and fall into deep thought. This was not good news.

He is a senior brother and must ensure the safety of Chu Yan and the others. Although that sword may have hurt Duanmutong, it may come back at any time. By then, without Chu Yan's sword, no one in the Chu Clan can stop it. Next is the current Duanmutong.

"I'm going to kill him!" Feng Shan stood up, touched the slender cold sword on his waist with one hand, and started to walk out of the temple.

"No." Chu Yan said haggardly: "Duanmutong is no longer the Duanmutong he once was. The power in his body comes from that person. Now you are no match for him."

"The Leng family will not tolerate this person. We would rather die than kill the traitor." Feng Shan said seriously.

"Don't you listen to me? Then go back to the Holy Mountain." Chu Yan scolded, and Feng Shan stopped for a moment, feeling very angry in his heart, but he finally stopped and did not leave.

"The current situation in the Holy Mountain is extremely unfavorable to our Holy Mountain. Duanmutong will make a comeback at any time. By then, Chumen will be destroyed. I propose to disperse everyone and disband Trumen. Anyway, this place is only temporary. As long as you leave the Holy Mountain "There are Second Senior Brother and many senior Immortal Emperors in the outside world. Even if Duanmutong is the reincarnation, he cannot be the opponent of the Immortal Emperor for a short time." Lin Ang said slowly, this is the only way he can think of now. Leave and retreat to advance.

Everyone was silent, and they couldn't think of any other way.

"What do you think?" Lin Ang looked at Chu Yan. Although the Chu Clan was a force that briefly gathered in the Holy Mountain, Chu Yan was the leader after all, and he had to follow Chu Yan's opinions.

"I understand. Senior brother, let's arrange it. Gather everyone and I will explain the situation to them." Chu Yan said helplessly. Lin Ang nodded and turned to leave.

Soon, they were in the square in front of the temple, which was the area under the ladder to heaven.

Countless people have gathered here, including everyone from the Chu Clan. Yuqiong Immortal Pavilion, Tianhua Immortal Palace, Qingfeng Immortal Kingdom, Xuantian Sect, and the Wanderers from the Holy Academy are all here. There are huge crowds of people, and the atmosphere is full of noise. There was a lot of discussion, and many people didn't know the reason for this gathering.

"Miss Fairy, do you know what happened?" A member of the Xuantian Sect looked at Yuqiong Xian'er, and Yuqiong Xian'er blinked her beautiful eyes: "I don't know, but since Mr. Chu called us here, it must be very important. It’s something.”

"I don't know how injured Brother Chu is." Some Tianjiao expressed concern. Duanmutong's devastating attack that day left them all very powerless. If not for Chu Yan's sword, they might all be dead.


At this moment, a figure was being helped down the ladder. It was Chu Yan. Everyone in the square immediately looked up at him: "Brother Chu! Master!"

"Master Chu Clan, what do you want to announce when we gather together today?" the geniuses from all sides asked curiously.

At this time, Chu Yan was standing on the ladder, with Liu Qingcheng and Qing Yi standing on the left and right respectively, supporting him.

Although a few days passed and his mental state recovered a little, the energy in his body was still empty and could not be gathered. Fortunately, he did not hide it. He looked down at the talents of Trumen and said lightly: "Everyone, the battle not long ago, Everyone has seen that Duanmutong has now entered the path of evil. In the battle that day, I lost all the strength in my body and am now in a disabled state. "

"Wow!" In an instant, at the foot of the ladder, many geniuses started talking crazily.

Yuqiong Xian'er also frowned lightly and held her jade hands tightly.

"Today, it is ten years since the Holy Mountain Heavenly Road opened, and it is also the tenth year that my Truman brothers have fought side by side. In these ten years, we have learned a lot. During my absence, it was you who protected this glory. , but, after all, Truman is only a short-term gathering in the Holy Mountain. Now, it’s time for us to leave. The Holy Mountain and the Heavenly Road are over. From today on, Chumen is no longer here." Chu Yan spoke softly, and everyone in the square was stunned. Somewhat unwilling, let’s break up like this.

"Master, are you going to disband Trumen? We can still fight." One day pride shouted.

"No need, it's over, everything." Chu Yan shook his head and sighed: "I am no longer able to fight. The towering Taoist temple is watching eagerly. Duanmutong will come back at any time. I want to ensure that all the brothers in the Chumen survive, instead of going Make a fearless struggle, and besides, we have no regrets here, right?”

Everyone in the square was silent. They were all young people, so they were more passionate. They felt a little disappointed after hearing what Chu Yan said today.

"Brother Chu, after leaving the Holy Mountain, is Trumen still Trumen?" At this moment, Yitianjiao suddenly raised his head and asked loudly.

Chu Yan looked down and smiled brightly: "Leave here and meet again in the world. Truman is still Truman. When we meet again, we are brothers!"

"Okay! I listen to Brother Chu." You Tianjiao nodded: "In the future of the Immortal Realm, if Brother Chu builds momentum in the Immortal Realm and wants to create a Chu Clan, I will definitely respond."

"Also leave me a place." Many geniuses nodded, and Chu Yan looked at everyone, very pleased.

"Everyone, prepare yourself. Leave in batches. Don't be alone, don't go from one direction to the Immortal Realm. If possible, please don't mention the Holy Mountain. This is a merciless request from Mr. Chu." Chu Yan He opened his mouth and said that he had offended many people in the Holy Mountain, including the Nine Heavens Immortal Dynasty, the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, and the Sword God Mountain. Although he knew that these could not be hidden, but once the discussion reached a certain level, the direction of the matter would be out of control. .

Therefore, he hoped that after leaving the Holy Mountain, everyone could swallow everything in their stomachs, and it would be better not to get out of this kind of limelight.

"Brother Chu, see you in the Immortal Realm." Someone looked up and smiled. There were many young people present. These ten years are extremely important to them, and they are destined to become ten years that will affect their lifelong practice. Many years later, many of them Everyone has become a giant, an Immortal Lord or an Immortal Emperor. When drinking and chatting with others, they still can't help but laugh and mention the Holy Mountain for ten years, feeling honored to witness those two unparalleled battles.

Of course, that's all for later. Now that the Chumen have evacuated, Chu Yan is equally determined to leave.

Chu Yan, Liu Qingcheng, Qingyi, Wangfeng, Ye Xun and others finally left. They removed the golden plaque of Trumen that had been hanging for ten years. Everything came to an end, and then they left together until they reached the Holy Mountain. At the exit, Chu Yan stood there and couldn't help but look back. A flash of light flashed between his eyes.

Immediately, he looked back and walked out with long strides, leaving no more regrets.

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