Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 936: Unyielding

In the Chiyang Palace, King Chiyang returned from the Holy Mountain and has been practicing in the palace.

One day, someone came to announce: "Young Master Wang, the person you want is here."

In the palace, King Chiyang's eyes flashed coldly, he stood up, and looked at Chi Yangmu next to him, the young master of Chiyang who was threatened by Chu Yan several times: "Xiao Mu, follow me."

"Yes." A strong cold light flashed in Chi Yangmu's eyes. He was threatened several times in the Shenwu Ruins and lost face. Even his father was disappointed in him. In his opinion, all this was because of Chu Yan. Now that Chu Yan was caught, he would never let him go.

"Let's go!" King Chiyang stood up, and soon the two came to the central palace.

In the Zhantian Immortal Palace, a disciple hurriedly came to announce: "Elder, Chu Yan was brought back!"

"Let's go!" The immortals of Zhantian Immortal Palace stood up and walked towards the outside world. In addition, the Jiang family, the Fu family, and the Qiong family all received the news, and all of them went to the Chiyang Palace with an attitude of attack.

However, when they arrived, their eyes changed. They saw that Chu Yan was indeed brought back. In the Chiyang Palace, he was treated as a distinguished guest, especially the blue-clothed woman next to him. She was too outstanding and her beauty amazed the whole audience.

"What's going on?" Seeing this, the people of Zhantian Immortal Palace were puzzled and a little guilty.

"How should I know." The people of the Jiang family cursed in a low voice: "Didn't you say that you would attack this boy? Why let him sit in the VIP seat?"

Long Yang also came, with the people of Zhantian Immortal Palace.

"It's you." Chu Yan saw him as well, his eyes narrowed slightly. He was curious before, how did the people of Chiyang Palace know that he left Bingchan Sect, and now seeing Long Yang, do you need to ask more questions?

"Are the people of Chiyang Palace crazy? This boy killed countless of you and humiliated the young master of Chiyang, but now he is treated as a distinguished guest?" Long Yang said in a cold voice.

Qing Yi looked at him with autumn eyes, her eyes were very cold. If Chu Yan hadn't stopped her before in Bing Chan Sect, she would have taken action.

"Buzz!" At this moment, a terrible immortal power descended from the sky, overwhelming the world, and then the Chi Yang Immortal Emperor came to the main seat.

"Meet the Immortal Emperor." Seeing the Chi Yang Immortal Emperor, the people of several top forces had doubts in their hearts, but they still hurried to pay their respects.

"No need to be polite." Chi Yang Immortal Emperor said slowly, and then he looked at Chu Yan. He also knew about Qing Yi's affairs, and naturally understood that he wanted to take action against Chu Yan, and said with a gleam of light: "Everyone, the previous matter was a misunderstanding, and there is no need to pursue it anymore."

The eyes of the people of several top forces flashed coldly, especially the people of Zhan Tian Xianfu. They lost an immortal master and countless disciples in the Shenwu Ruins. Just with this sentence, let them forget it?

"Immortal Emperor, I don't understand!" An immortal master of Zhan Tian Xianfu roared.

"This is what the Holy Mountain meant." The Chiyang Immortal Emperor snorted coldly. The Immortal Venerable of Zhantian Immortal Mansion stared at him and suddenly became a lot more depressed. The Holy Mountain is the holy land of the Holy Dragon Pavilion. It has supreme dignity. Even the Immortal Emperor must obey.

"Senior, don't be angry in a hurry." At this time, a loud voice came. Everyone stared at the outside of the Chiyang Palace. The person who spoke was the Chiyang King.

"Young Master Wang, is it really the Holy Mountain's intention?" The Immortal Venerable of Zhantian Immortal Mansion bowed slightly.

"Yes, this boy is related to one of my Holy Mountain. The Holy Mountain did order that no one above the Immortal level should be killed by realm."

The Chiyang King stepped out and came to the palace. He looked at Chu Yan: "But the Holy Mountain did not allow him to live. At least, I don't allow it."

The Chiyang Palace was quiet in an instant, and the people of several top forces flashed sharp eyes.

"You are a person from the outer fairyland, but you don't know how to restrain yourself in the Holy Dragon Pavilion. You stir up trouble, steal the Nine Nether Qin of my Chiyang Palace, and trigger the war between the two emperors. Tell me, should I kill you or cripple you?" The King of Chiyang looked at Chu Yan, his voice calm, as if he was stating a fact.

Chu Yan's eyes fixed. He naturally knew the identity of the King of Chiyang. The descendant of the Chiyang Immortal Emperor had been to the Holy Mountain. He was also a person of the Holy Mountain and could represent the Holy Mountain.

But he didn't expect that the Chiyang Immortal Emperor had said that it was over before, but the King of Chiyang was still holding on to it.

"The Holy Mountain said that the matter of the Shenwu Ruins will not be pursued." Chu Yan said in a deep voice.

"Now, the Holy Mountain has also said that you can go and die." The King of Chiyang raised his head slightly, looking extremely arrogant. A fighting spirit suddenly rose from his body and continued to cover Chu Yan.

Qingyi stood up behind Chu Yan, said nothing, took a step forward, and blocked Chu Yan with her petite body.

"Princess Qingyi has already gone to the Holy Mountain, so why does she have to intervene?" The Red Sun King can kill Chu Yan, but Qingyi can't.

"If you touch him, I'll kill you." Qingyi said crisply, and the hearts of the people around trembled. The Red Sun Immortal Emperor is here, and this woman dares to say that she wants to kill the Red Sun King?

"Do you think you can kill me?" The Red Sun King was provoked and raised his eyebrows, saying unhappily.

Hearing this, Qingyi didn't respond, but just walked towards the Red Sun King. Seeing this scene, countless people's hearts were held back. Is this woman crazy?

Chu Yan was also startled and hurriedly reached out to grab Qingyi. He knew very well that Qingyi really dared.

"He bullied you." Qingyi frowned. Chu Yan looked at the girl in front of him and shook his head with a wry smile: "Silly girl, you have been protecting me for ten years. Now, it's enough. I will do it myself."


"Will you listen to me?" Chu Yan asked without giving Qingyi a chance. Qingyi fell silent and turned back. The people in the Chiyang Palace were relieved.

After Qingyi went back, Chu Yan turned around and looked at King Chiyang with cold eyes: "Young Master Wang has been saying that he wants to convict me. Then, Chu is very curious, what identity does Young Master Wang use to convict me, is it a person from the Holy Mountain, or the identity of the young master of the Chiyang Palace?"

"Does it matter who you represent?" King Chiyang said indifferently.

"Of course it does. If the young master represents the Holy Mountain, the Holy Mountain has already ordered that all grudges will not be pursued, but the young master insists on it. Can he take the Holy Mountain seriously? Or does anyone who sets foot on the Holy Mountain ignore the rules of the Holy Mountain?" Chu Yan asked.

"Want to use the Holy Mountain to pressure me?" King Chiyang narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a cold light: "In this case, I represent the Chiyang Palace!"

"That means that Young Master Wang wants to settle personal grudges with me as the young master of the Chiyang Palace?" Chu Yan looked at each other and said.

"So what?" said the King of Chiyang. Because of Qingyi, the Holy Mountain had an order not to let the immortals take action, but it did not say that the saints could not take action. Moreover, challenges often occur in the cultivation world. Even if the Holy Mountain knew, it would not stop it.

Chu Yan nodded after hearing this, and then he said nothing and walked towards the center of the King of Chiyang's Palace: "In this case, please teach me!"

At first, everyone thought that Chu Yan would find some excuses, but this sudden request for teaching directly stunned everyone.

The King of Chiyang was also stunned, and then his smile became more sarcastic.

The most ridiculous thing is that Chu Yan is only a seventh-level saint.

"I heard that not long ago, in the Shenwu Ruins, you were a level 6 saint, invincible, and killed many top saints. Today, it seems that this has given you great confidence, but do you think I will be the same as them?"

Chiyang King sneered. What kind of status is he? He can step onto the Holy Mountain and enjoy the supreme and noble status. Naturally, his talent is extremely strong, not comparable to the top saints of Chiyang Palace. He even dared to say that he was invincible in Chiyang Palace, below the immortal position, but at this moment, Chu Yan wanted to challenge him?

"Fight or not?" Chu Yan said unbearably. Chiyang King snorted coldly: "I have the status to fight with you. If you want to challenge me, then prove yourself first."

Everyone sighed at the arrogance of Chiyang King. Chu Yan wanted to fight to exchange for a chance, but Chiyang King did not give it to him.

Hearing this, Chu Yan smiled even brighter, but he was not angry. This is Chiyang Palace. Although Qingyi is here and the Holy Mountain has ordered to protect him, he is not impulsive enough to shout in front of the Immortal Emperor.

Didn't King Chiyang want to prove it himself? Then prove it to him.

"You came down from the Holy Mountain, you must have brought a lot of followers with you, right?" Chu Yan asked. King Chiyang could not deny it, he continued: "Let them come out."

People from all forces looked at Chu Yan, this guy, is he serious?

"Young Master Wang, I'll give him a try first." At this time, Long Yang stepped out in the air and landed in front of Chu Yan.

Seeing this, many people were surprised, and the people in Zhantian Immortal Mansion nodded secretly. It seems that the guess was right. There must be some old hatred between Long Yang and Chu Yan, so he came here to reveal the news.

Seeing Long Yang jump out, King Chiyang was calm, and didn't say anything, just watching there.

"In the two previous battles, you avoided fighting on the grounds of low realm. Now, in front of everyone, I challenge you again. You should not refuse to fight, right?" Long Yang looked at Chu Yan and said frivolously. In Bingchan Sect, he challenged Chu Yan twice and was rejected. At that time, he always thought that Chu Yan was afraid of fighting, but today, Chu Yan had no chance.

"I didn't want to hurt you in front of the princess, so why did I jump out?" Chu Yan glanced at Long Yang coldly, and the breath in his body began to burn. Behind him, there were balls of fire, which were very dazzling.

Long Yang snorted coldly and moved. With a step, a terrible strangling mark formed between his hands. With a bang, he kept crushing Chu Yan.

The mark was very strong, and there was a talisman on it, as if it could break the mountains and rivers. It came with the power of destruction. In an instant, the bricks and tiles under Chu Yan's feet were shattered, as if they had lost gravity and kept rising, which made everyone condense.

"It's Emperor Yang's unique skill, the Immortal Art of Killing!" Many Immortal Venerables with sharp eyes recognized it.

Under the terrible power, Chu Yan still stood there. From beginning to end, he had his hands behind his back and didn't even look at the mark, which shocked many people. Is this guy crazy?

Facing the unique skill, he didn't even try to block it?


The next moment, the palm print came down and hit Chu Yan's chest hard. Everyone thought that Chu Yan would be seriously injured if not killed by this palm, but when everything was gone, countless people were shocked. Long Yang's palm print slammed down, but Chu Yan stood there motionless.

Long Yang showed a look of fear. At this moment, he felt that Chu Yan was like an unshakable mountain.

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