Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 935 Qingyi went to the Holy Mountain

In the Holy Dragon Pavilion, Chu Yan and Qing Yi had been living a life envied by the immortals.

Half a year had passed, and Qing Yi had always been following Chu Yan. Just like before, he seldom spoke and was not good at speaking, but he would always appear behind Chu Yan at the critical moment.

In a relatively remote area of ​​the Holy Dragon Pavilion, there was a mountain range of monster beasts. It was rumored that a top-level sage monster dragon appeared here, doing many evil things, constantly hunting practitioners, and intimidating the surrounding villages. Every year, a young virgin girl had to be presented to him, otherwise he would slaughter the whole village. This custom lasted for many years, and the people in the village were extremely angry and worked hard to practice, hoping that one day they could surpass the monster dragon and become dragon slayers.

However, this place was too remote, and even if some people walked out, they would never come back after they walked out.

Not long ago, Chu Yan and Qing Yi traveled here, and after hearing about this, the two of them set foot on the monster mountain together.

"Roar!" The demon dragon roared at the top of the Monster Mountain Range. His body was very large, like a huge rock, lying dormant in a forest. It could be seen that there were many bloodstains on his body, and he had suffered serious injuries.

On the hillside, Chu Yan flew on a sword, and Qing Yi stood not far from him: "Demon dragon, you have committed heinous crimes, why don't you surrender now?"

"Ridiculous, in the world of cultivation, where is good and evil? This is my way of cultivation, why do you two pass by here and meddle in other people's business?" The demon dragon glared at Chu Yan.

"Your way of cultivation is too vicious, and you harm others, you should be killed." Chu Yan's voice was cold, and when he raised his hand, the evil sword flew out, clanging in the air, cutting off everything and destroying everything. The demon dragon screamed under the shadow of the sword light and roared unwillingly.

The next moment, the evil sword flew into the air, flashing with light, like a sword that cuts the sky, falling vertically, with a puff, piercing the heart of the demon dragon, nailing it directly to the ground. Until the moment of death, the demon dragon was full of disbelief. He was only one step away. After this year, he could become a demon fairy and transform into a real fairy dragon, but unfortunately, the sky would not allow him, and today, he died.

Kill the demon dragon, the evil sword returns.

"Are you tired?" Chu Yan turned around and asked, Qingyi shook his head: "I didn't do anything."

"Uh..." Chu Yan blinked, a little embarrassed, Qingyi paused, and said crisply: "I'm a little tired."

Chu Yan was stunned, and couldn't help but smile bitterly. He looked at Qingyi for a long time. He naturally understood the character of this girl, but now, although it is very stiff, hasn't she changed for herself?

It's embarrassing for this girl.

"Then I carry you?" Chu Yan smiled brightly.

"Okay!" Qingyi's cheeks were slightly flushed, but she still nodded lightly. Chu Yan walked forward and carried Qingyi's weak body on his back, without feeling any weight at all.

"The demon dragon, the demon dragon is dead! Thank you, senior, thank you!" People from the nearby villages hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed to Chu Yan to thank him. This demon dragon has confused them for countless years, and now, they can finally be freed.

"It's just a little effort, don't mention it." Chu Yan said indifferently. He and Qingyi traveled around to do good deeds and punish evil.

"Senior, our village has been controlled by the demon dragon for many years and has no resources. I am undoubtedly grateful. I hope you can take this demon dragon away." The people in the village said sincerely. The corpse of a top-level saint's big demon can be said to be full of treasures. Dragon skin can be used to refine armor, dragon teeth can be used to refine weapons, and dragon pills are precious medicinal materials.

"This demon dragon has been doing evil for many years. It is the law of nature that he died. His body will be left to you as a little repayment." Chu Yan shook his head and flew away.

The people who stayed in the village sighed in their hearts that there were still good people in the world. There were people who wanted to help them kill the demon dragon, but they couldn't afford it.

But now, the demon dragon is dead. They thought that Chu Yan was just a person who practiced by hunting demon beasts, but they didn't expect that he didn't even want the body of the demon dragon.

"Benefactor!" The people in the village remembered it in their hearts.

Chu Yan left with Qingyi and continued to fly in the sky.

The fairyland is huge and endless. With his current realm, he may not be able to cross the Holy Dragon Pavilion in his lifetime. Such unfair things happen everywhere every day. He naturally can't stop them, but since he has seen them, he is willing to do his best to add a ray of light to this world.

Someone once said that the huge practice world is composed of countless quanta, and every living being is a part of it, which affects the whole world to a certain extent.

It's just that the thickness of each quantum in the world is different. For example, the influence of the immortal emperor in this world is extremely great. Their words and deeds will change the fate of many people and the survival of a world.

Small people also affect this world. After they die, there will be people who are sad for them. This is the influence. This is the way of heaven. It seems invisible, but it really exists.

Chu Yan can't change the world by himself, so he will do his best and have no regrets.

On this day, Chu Yan and Qing Yi were flying, but their steps suddenly stopped. Miao Miao also let out a low roar, and the sky gradually darkened and was covered by a black cloud.

Chu Yan stared at the whistling black cloud. Qing Yi was behind him, and her delicate face was also a little cold.

In the blink of an eye, the black cloud was getting closer, and the figure above became clearer and clearer, and the target was very clear. It was not passing by, but coming for him.

"Are you Chu Yan?" The black cloud stopped, and a young man above shot his eyes at Chu Yan, very sharp, and directly said Chu Yan's name.

Chu Yan frowned. The other party came to him and knew him. There was no need to guess his identity. There was only one place in the Holy Dragon Pavilion that wanted to kill him, the Chiyang Palace.

"Is the Chiyang Immortal Emperor okay?" Chu Yan asked calmly. The young man looked calm: "The Immortal Emperor is the master of my palace, so he is naturally fine. But after the last Jiuyou Qin incident, the young master has been thinking about it. Today, he specially sent us to invite you to go."

"How do you know I'm not in Bingchan Sect?" Chu Yan said. He and Qingyi had come all the way without revealing their identities. In addition, because of Emperor Yang, the Chiyang Palace should have some concerns, but now, they directly sent a lot of immortals to find him. There is only one possibility, that is, they know that he has left Bingchan Sect.

"You don't need to know." The young man said coldly, slowly raised his hand: "Just capture him."

"Yes!" Immediately, many immortals stepped out, releasing terrible auras, whistling, and even the color of the sky changed. Chu Yan endured it, and his body trembled. He waved his hand and the evil sword flew over.

"I advise you not to struggle." The young man looked down at the evil sword and smiled faintly.

"Buzz!" The next moment, a forbidden light bloomed and directly enveloped the surroundings. The evil sword trembled obviously, and its luster dimmed a lot.

"It seems that the young master Chiyang was scared by me last time. In order to capture me, he was well prepared." Chu Yan said coldly.

"This sealing light is a divine weapon cast by the immortal. The evil sword in your hand cannot be used." After the young man finished speaking, he said again: "Do it!"

Many immortals continued to press Chu Yan. Chu Yan's face was gloomy, and he put away the evil sword. Then the breath in his body changed, and a terrible demonic aura rushed to the sky.

"Wait!" On the black cloud, there was a young man in brocade clothes. When he felt Chu Yan's power, his eyes flashed and he suddenly spoke.

The immortals around him stopped walking. The young man stepped out. He was only a saint, but he was of high status. He looked at Chu Yan: "Have you practiced magic?"

"I know a little." Chu Yan said vigilantly. He could feel that this young man was different from the other people in Chiyang Palace and did not have such a strong killing intention towards him.

"Interesting, don't struggle, it's useless anyway, just go back with us." The young man nodded and said casually.

"Are you kidding?" Chu Yan looked at the young man: "I am just a saint. There are countless people in Chiyang Palace who want to kill me, even many immortals. Here, I at least have a chance, but if I go to Chiyang Palace, the immortals want to kill me, how can I not die?"

"What if I can keep you alive?" The young man smiled, very arrogant, but full of confidence.

"You?" Chu Yan was somewhat skeptical, and the young man smiled faintly: "I'm from the Holy Mountain."

Chu Yan's eyes changed slightly. He had been in the Holy Dragon Pavilion for so long, so he naturally knew it.

"If you don't want to go, you don't have to go."

Qingyi stood behind Chu Yan, her voice was crisp, but extremely firm. The people on the black cloud were also surprised and looked at Qingyi. They had many immortal positions and immortal soldiers, and it was easy to capture Chu Yan, but at this moment, this woman actually said that if you don't want to go, you don't have to go?

The young man was the same, his eyes fell on Qingyi's chest, where there was a blue flower, which made him put away his previous naughty attitude and be much more serious.

"So you are the daughter of Emperor Qingfeng, I'm sorry." The young man bowed slightly to Qingyi and said politely.

Chu Yan was stunned. He knew Qingyi's identity in the fairyland. Emperor Qingfeng was the princess of a huge fairy dynasty in the north of the fairyland, but if the fairyland was like this, he could understand. This is the Holy Dragon Pavilion. Everything in the fairyland has nothing to do with this place. It shouldn't be that serious, right?

"Princess Qingyi has been to the Holy Mountain." The young man said calmly, and everyone's heart trembled. When they looked at Qingyi again, they couldn't help but feel a little respect.

After saying that, the young man looked at Chu Yan again, and couldn't help but think of the scene that day. Qingyi went to the Holy Mountain alone. All the restrictions of the Holy Mountain were meaningless to her. She had the highest talent. However, when Qingyi was about to reach the top of the Holy Mountain, many immortal emperors of the Holy Mountain appeared and wanted to recruit Qingyi. It can be said that as long as Qingyi nodded that day, she could rise to prominence. But because of a rumor, Qingyi directly refused and turned to walk down the Holy Mountain.

But even so, Qingyi went to the Holy Mountain, and her status was noble. This was the rule of the Holy Dragon Pavilion.

"I will go back with you." Chu Yan looked at the young man and nodded. He didn't care about Chiyang Palace, but this matter was related to the Holy Mountain, so he still had to go there.

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