Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 916 Proud Youth

The originally lively sailing banquet fell silent for a moment.

"The people in the Cao Mansion are just a group of self-righteous guys." Looking at the two corpses at his feet, Chu Yan shook his head indifferently. Then he turned around and looked in the direction of the Young Master of Chiyang Palace: "Young Master Chiyang, Chu will take your leave."

He didn't want to participate in this banquet. If he hadn't come to the Shenwu Ruins to help Poppy out of trouble, he might have left on his own.

Now that he has done what he should and should not do, he will naturally leave.

"Stop!" But at this moment, a cold voice came. A disciple of Zhan Tianxian Mansion slowly stood up, his eyes were extremely cold: "You killed the people of Zhan Tianxian Mansion, and you still want to escape unscathed?"

Looking at the other party, Chu Yan frowned and his eyes were extremely sarcastic: "Haha, it's really ridiculous. Everyone here just now witnessed how proud the two brothers Cao Yulong and Cao Yutian were. They regarded my life as nothing and wanted to kill me. The result is that he is a waste and I killed him. You can't afford to lose in the battle with Tianxian Mansion?"

The disciple of Zhan Tianxian Mansion narrowed his eyes slightly. He also knew that Chu Yan was not wrong in killing Cao Yutian, but he could not accept that an ordinary person humiliated the dignity of Zhan Tianxian Mansion. He said coldly: "No matter what, you kill If you want to save the people from Zhantianxian Mansion, please keep your life today.”

"Young Master Chiyang, are you not going to pay attention?" Chu Yan ignored the other party and looked at Young Master Chiyang.

"Are you willing to follow me and help me obtain the Nine Nether Qin?" Young Master Chiyang looked at Chu Yan calmly. The people around him looked coldly, especially the disciples of the Zhantian Immortal Mansion, whose expressions turned extremely ugly.

He knew very well that if Chu Yan agreed, Cao Yutian would probably die in vain today, and no one would be able to avenge him.

"Young Master, this son is arrogant and arrogant, so he cannot be used." Thinking of this, the people of Zhantian Immortal Mansion shouted in low voices.

However, Young Master Chiyang ignored it and looked at Chu Yan with a smile, as if waiting for an answer.

Chu Yan stood in the center, frowning as well. The meaning of the young master of Chiyang Palace was obvious. If he followed, he would stand up for him today. If he refused, what would it have to do with him?

However, along the way, Chu Yan also had his own arrogance. Although Chiyang Palace was the power of the Immortal Emperor, it was not his ultimate goal. Moreover, since he wanted to go to the nine heavens to kill gods and demons, how could he be defeated by a small Bound by Young Master Chiyang?

"Sorry!" Chu Yan held his hand, and the people around him trembled.

Is this considered...rejection?

Young Master Chiyang's eyes were slightly wrinkled, with a bit of coldness, but he did not show it. He just smiled: "In this case, your personal grudges have nothing to do with me. Since you dare to kill someone, you should do it right. Preparation for the aftermath.”

Hearing this, the eyes of the people at the banquet froze, and the disciples of the Zhantian Immortal Mansion flashed stern expressions: "Boy, who can save you today!"

"Surround him!" At this moment, the people from the Zhantian Immortal Mansion stepped out immediately, and the people from the Cao Mansion all stepped forward.

"Mr. Chu..." Yu Meiren was worried and looked at Young Master Chiyang. She was about to say something else, but Fengyuan suddenly reached out to stop her and shook his head at her.

"It's useless. Zhantian Immortal Mansion is the top force in the main city of Chiyang. Even our Fengzhou Mansion is much weaker than me. Now that he has rejected Young Master Chiyang, it is useless for anyone to speak today." Fengzhou Mansion. Yuan helplessly said that the previous battle with Chu Yan also shocked him, but unfortunately, he was young and frivolous after all. If he didn't kill Cao Yutian, he might still be able to say a few words, but now that it is a life-and-death feud, it is no longer possible Resolved.


At this moment, Poppy turned to look at Chu Yan.

"Princess, tell the princess that thanks to the kindness of knowing you, Chu will not go back. Princess, don't get involved in what happened today." Chu Yan looked at the poppy and said through the message, the poppy's delicate body trembled slightly, She naturally understood what Chu Yan was going to do next.

After saying this, Chu Yan's aura no longer restrained, turned into a violent storm, and looked around sarcastically: "Cao Mansion, Zhan Tianxian Mansion, and many top forces in Chiyang Palace, all of them are arrogant and self-proclaimed geniuses. , I don’t know how big the world is, but I think it’s invincible, but it’s actually useless. Chu has learned a lesson today. In that case, okay, Chu is here. Anyone who wants Chu’s life can come and take it!”

"Hmph! Arrogant son, I'm here to kill you!"

With an angry shout, a strong man from the Zhantian Immortal Mansion stepped out in the air. The top saint raised his hand and turned into a huge palm print, crushing down on Chu Yan from the air.

"Suppress!" The top saint's actions were extraordinary. The sailing boat and banquet were trembling, and the palm prints were infinitely closer, as if it was a doomsday disaster.

However, I saw Chu Yan standing in the palm prints, with a terrifying golden light all over his body, as if gathering the general trend of the world, forming a golden armor all over his body. Let the palm prints smash down crazily, the sky seemed to be destroyed, Chu Yan But he still stood proudly, with fluttering white clothes and sarcastic eyes.

"The top saint has such power? It's really sad. If I were at your level, I would definitely kill you with just one thought." Chu Yan said with contempt.

The man's face darkened. He did not expect that Chu Yan's defense would be so powerful, as if he were a Titan God of War. He immediately let out a cold shout, clasped his hands together, and countless war immortal runes immediately rose into the sky, turning into a killing sword storm. , stabbing Chu Yan.

"Evil sword, come!" Chu Yan waved his hand, and the evil sword clanked, flew from a distance, fell into his hand, and slashed it away in the air for just a moment. The disciple's face changed in shock, and an infinite streak appeared out of thin air in front of his eyes. The sword light was a thousand meters away. He crossed his arms and blocked the sword light with a thud, but was still knocked far away.

"Trash!" Chu Yan sarcastically looked around and looked at the others: "Zhantian Immortal Mansion, a bunch of self-righteous guys, but that's all. If anyone else kills me, you can come together!"

"Squeak!" The faces of the disciples of Zhantian Immortal Mansion darkened. The sword just struck was so powerful that they all had to become serious.

"Be careful, the magic weapon in his hand is not an ordinary thing, it is probably a top-level magic weapon!" said Wu Yunlong, the chief disciple of Zhantian Immortal Mansion.

"You are extremely arrogant. What's ridiculous is that in the end, you only dare to borrow the immortal weapons to fight? If it weren't for these immortal weapons, you would be nothing in front of us, just an ant." Wu Yunlong said coldly again.

"Haha!" Chu Yan laughed wildly: "Zhan Tianxian Mansion, how can there be an idiot like you here? You are a group of top saints, three or four realms higher than me, surrounding me and trying to kill me. You still want me to fight you with my own strength? Fighting? If you and I were in the same situation, I could kill you with one slap!"

"That's so crazy!" In the distance, Long Frame also sneered. Chu Yan's combat power exceeded his imagination, but so what, he was not at a high level, but he provoked top forces like Zhan Tianxian Mansion. In his opinion, it was simply courting death.

"Zhantian Immortal Mansion, I also have some grudges with you, why don't we come together?" Long Frame took the initiative to fight, causing Chu Yan's eyes to flash with murderous intent in the distance.

Wu Yunlong's eyes turned cold, and Ji nodded: "Okay!"

"Everyone, this guy is arrogant and despises all the forces under my Chiyang Palace. How about we kill him together today?" Long Frame invited some other people to say, and the beautiful poppy above said with a gloomy face: "This shameless guy !”

"How can I put it this way? Cao Mansion is also a county in Yunzhou. Two people died today. This boy really deserves to die." Yunxi, the young master of Yunzhou, said calmly.

"Count me in Dongzhou. In the Shenglong Pavilion, I have never had my turn to be let loose by an outsider." Young Master Dongzhou also spoke slowly.

Seeing this, Chu Yan's sarcasm was particularly strong and he burst into laughter.

"Why are you laughing?" Long Jing scolded him coldly.

"What are you laughing at? I'm laughing at you for being ridiculous. Are you a bunch of self-righteous guys who want to kill me? Okay, then who are you going to let take my life?" Chu Yan stood proudly among the crowd with the evil sword in his hand. Extremely arrogant.

"Hmph, don't fall into this man's trick. He has an immortal weapon in his hand, and I'll join him." Wu Yunlong shouted low, and Dragon Frame also took a step at this time. The terrifying power was extremely strong. In an instant, on the sky Countless lying black dragons emerged.

"Sure enough, he is a shameless person!" Chu Yan laughed wildly, and his eyes showed strong fire at this moment. This time, he did not hide it at all. On the sky, the buzzing power kept flashing, and a life-honoring soul was captured by him. The sacrifices, from the Heaven-Slashing Sword to the Ice Lake, were arranged in an orderly manner. The dazzling brilliance made countless people on the sailboat tremble.


"What a terrifying combination of life souls." Many people gulped, including Young Master Chiyang, who looked at the chief with focused eyes. The first one was a sixth-grade life soul, and the two behind them were eight-grade life souls. Even if they were He, too, was far behind.

Poppy looked at it, her heart trembling, and she couldn't help but think: "Mr. Chu, what kind of person are you in the fairyland?"

"Only you, even if you are several levels higher than me, how can you kill me?" The soul of life was released, Chu Yan smiled wildly, followed by his king's picture, the dragon's roar of Cangshan, the giant and the big devil, the perfect luster, There is also the shadow of the top saint, Pengniao is boiling.

"..." For a moment, many people on the sailing boat were speechless.

"Stop!" Young Master Chiyang stood up slowly at this time and looked at Chu Yan seriously.

Many eyes were looking at him, and Chu Yan was also a little confused.

"I take back what I just said. You don't need to follow me. As long as you help me seize the Nine Nether Qin, I will make the decision for you today. In the future, no one in Chiyang Palace will dare to hurt you at all." Young Master Chiyang said seriously, The disciples of Zhantian Immortal Mansion looked particularly embarrassed.

Judging from the talent shown by Chu Yan, it is too terrifying. If he cannot be killed today and given a chance, he will definitely become a top power person. When the time comes, it will be difficult to kill him.

However, Chu Yan glanced at Young Master Chiyang, which was quite ironic.

"Not interested in!"

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