Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 915 Strong Killing [Update]

In the sky, roaring sounds continued, Chu Yan's demonic hand reached out, and the huge handprint absorbed all the brilliance in the air, extremely dazzling, as if the real demonic hand, crushing down mercilessly, the sword of the immortal weapon, transformed into Making thousands of storms, like the center of the world.

In the distance, Poppy was stunned. This scene was so similar to the weapon refining competition that day, but the result was different. Last time, Chu Yan's immortal soldiers did not break the soft armor, and Cao Yulong survived. But this time, driven by the power of Chu Yan's martial arts, the terrifying power, with unlimited killing power, directly penetrated Cao Yulong's soft armor.

"No!" The moment the soft armor shattered, Cao Yulong screamed: "Brother, save me!"

"Stop!" Cao Yutian scolded from the seat with cold eyes. Although Cao Yulong was embarrassed today, he was his brother after all. If he died, the Cao Mansion would only be more embarrassed.

"Is it like the same day again?"

Chu Yan seemed to have not seen Cao Yutian and smiled sarcastically. Then he was arrogant and ruthless power continued to come.

"If you kill him, I guarantee that no one will let you out of here today." Cao Yutian's face was extremely dark. Many people also looked at Chu Yan at this time. It was a small matter to discuss, but if lives were hurt, things would be serious. Big.

Unlike Yushan County, those present today are all from the Immortal Lord forces, including the Young Master of Chiyang Palace.

"It's ridiculous. Cao Yulong is so pretentious and arrogant that he has surpassed me by three realms and regards my life as nothing. Now you just say that you want him to live?" Chu Yan's voice was arrogant. Suddenly, his power, Instead of retreating, he advanced. Behind him, there were endless golden roc shadows strangled out. That was his holy will.

While sitting at the table, Cao Yutian's pupils shrank, and his murderous intent continued to show: "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"If you think you can do it, get out. If you can't, just shut up." Chu Yan glanced at Cao Yutian and smiled sarcastically. From the beginning, Cao Yulong used his realm to oppress him, and every time it was a killing move. Why, wasn't it because he thought, Since I have no background, why don’t I dare to kill him?

But there is nothing in this world that we dare not dare to do.

"Boom!" Hearing Chu Yan's words, Cao Yutian's eyes were extremely cold. He was originally the genius of the Cao Mansion. When he was young, he was accepted by the Zhantian Immortal Mansion, the top force in the Chiyang Palace. Now he is a top saint, far away from the immortal position. , it was only one step away, and now, Chu Yan actually said he wanted to challenge him?

How ridiculous?

"You want to die, let me help you." Cao Yutian took a step forward and stood up. In just a moment, the aura of the top sage filled the entire sailing boat.

"Is this guy crazy?" Everyone couldn't help but frown. Chu Yan's victory over Cao Yulong seemed incredible to them, but now, he has to cross four realms to challenge Cao Yutian. This is simply impossible. matter.

That is already the top sage. The four realms are equivalent to crossing a big realm.

"Master Chu..."

While sitting at the table, Poppy's heart was in a state of excitement, her jade hands holding the corners of her clothes.

Fengyuan frowned and shook his head disapprovingly of Chu Yan: "This son's combat power is indeed good. He has crossed three realms and is still very strong, but he is too proud and does not know how to restrain himself. Cao Yutian is different from Cao Yulong. Cao Yulong is just a member of the Cao Mansion. Heirs are very limited, but Cao Yutian has been taught by the Zhantian Immortal Mansion since he was a child, and his combat power is far beyond that of Cao Yulong. "

"Young Master." At this time, the chief officer also looked at Young Master Chiyang. No matter what, it was Young Master Chiyang who held the banquet today. It would not look good if they were making trouble like this.

"It doesn't matter, I also want to see if a fifth-level saint can cross the four realms to kill people." Young Master Chiyang said with a smile, not caring, and the man didn't say much.

On the central table, Cao Yutian stepped forward and stood there, looking at Chu Yan with cold eyes: "You have such fighting power at such a young age, why are you seeking death?"

"Cao Mansion, are all hypocritical people like you?" Chu Yan is arrogant and crosses four realms. It is indeed difficult, but it is not that he has never done it before. Moreover, he believes that Cao Yutian's combat power is in the Shenglong Pavilion. At best, he can only be considered a middle-class, not an Immortal Emperor, but he has enough self-confidence, is in the same realm, and is invincible.

Shaking his head, Cao Yutian stopped talking. He raised his hand and immediately summoned a thundercloud. Lightning dragons kept running, no more, no less, exactly nine of them, roaring and making tut-tut sounds. The next moment, those The thunder dragons intertwined and fell through each other as if they were going to destroy the world.

With just one blow, the sky seemed to be torn apart. It was so terrifying.

"It's the secret skill of Zhantian Immortal Mansion, Thunder Dragon Transformation. Cao Yutian actually practiced this magical power so horribly that he could have as many as nine dragons."

Under the thunder dragon, Chu Yan raised his hand to respond. The devil's hand deduced wildly, with the intention of covering the sky. The void grasped it, and the earth was shattered inch by inch.

"Boom!" Suddenly, the two forces collided, and the strong wind raged. The residual power alone made many frown, and the two of them were enduring huge power.

Chu Yan is also extremely serious. This is his first real collision with a top sage, and he has crossed four realms, so he does not dare to be careless.

The devil's hand took the shot, and he stepped on it with the sole of his foot. Immediately, there were thousands of sword intentions, and with each step, the terrifying sword formation was suspended, and the silver light intertwined, turning into a sword prison and shooting down.

"Invulnerable!" Cao Yutian stood proudly, waved his hand, and summoned the God of Thunder to punish him, turning it into a terrifying divine halberd of war. It gathered infinite lightning and stabbed downwards, immediately shattering thousands of sword shadows, and an endless field appeared on the sky. Endless thunder net.

"The fighting power is good, but unfortunately, under the absolute power, everything is nothing." After destroying Chu Yan's power with one blow, Cao Yutian smiled confidently.

"In fact, this boy's fighting power is already very good. He has reached the fourth realm and can persist for so long. It's a pity that he is still a little behind." The people around him also sighed.

"Born at the wrong time, judging from his age, he should be younger than Cao Yutian. If they were of the same generation, the outcome of today's battle would be unknown."

"Your death is coming!" Cao Yutian stood in the air, like a generation of war gods, the thunder halberd in his hand roared, slowly pointing in the direction of Chu Yan, the sky and the earth, there were constant thunder and lightning raging, and finally all concentrated on the tip of the spear, pressed down, and with a bang, the power of destruction penetrated.

"It's over!" Seeing this blow, many people in the stands sighed secretly.

Yu Meiren couldn't help but cover her red lips with her jade hands, unable to speak.

Cao Yulong climbed up not far away and saw Chu Yan under the thunder and lightning. He smiled particularly fiercely: "What if you beat me? In the end, you still have to die!"

"You don't have the strength to match me, but you are so arrogant." On the first seat, the young master Chiyang also shook his head indifferently, without any regret.


At this time, the lightning penetrated Chu Yan's body in full view of everyone. The next second, Chu Yan's body disappeared under the strangulation, as if he had never existed in the world.

"Did it turn into ashes directly?"

"Buzz!" But at this time, many people frowned, they only felt that the picture in front of them was distorted.

"What's going on?" Some people were puzzled. The place where the lightning fell and shattered just now was gradually restored, as if nothing had happened.

At this moment, Cao Yutian's eyes turned cold, and he looked up suddenly, but saw a broken light gradually condensed, and finally turned into a figure, which was Chu Yan's appearance.

"How is it possible?" He didn't believe it. Didn't he kill him with one strike just now? Why would he still appear here?

"How can you kill me in my world?" Chu Yan said sarcastically. At this moment, everything seemed to be reversed. He stood above Cao Yutian, holding a fairy sword, and looked at him pitifully: "Cao Yutian, you are arrogant and arrogant. What's funny is that your own strength is so weak, but you still want to save other people's lives. Then you will die today!"

The next moment, Chu Yan's sword slowly raised, gathered the glory of the world, and slowly fell.

"No! You can't kill me! I am from Zhantian Immortal Mansion!" Feeling the ruthless sword light falling, Cao Yutian screamed, raised his hands high, and crossed the thunder halberds, trying to resist.

"Human nature is really pathetic."

Chu Yan laughed sarcastically, but the sword did not stop at all, as if invincible, allowing Cao Yulong's power to cross, only to be constantly destroyed, and finally, the sword slowly fell.

"Bang!" In just a moment, Cao Yulong's body was cut off by the sword. At the moment of death, he was still full of disbelief. How could he, a top saint, lose?

At the banquet, many people also stood up, full of shock. The situation reversed too quickly, so fast that they had no time to react.

"It's your turn!" Chu Yan did not finish killing Cao Yutian. His eyes turned and fell on Cao Yulong very quickly.

"No!" Feeling Chu Yan's gaze, Cao Yulong felt desperate. As for Cao Yutian's death, he no longer cared about it and just wanted to escape.

However, as soon as he moved, the sword shadows on the sky kept interweaving and swallowed Cao Yulong alive. Until the moment the sword shadows dissipated, there was no trace of Cao Yulong in this world.

"This..." At the Fanzhou banquet, everyone was speechless and only looked at the young man on the stage.

In today's battle, it can be said that Chu Yan showed the ultimate combat power. He crossed four realms to kill the enemy and stood in an invincible position. How powerful.

But at this moment, Yu Meiren looked at the young man, but she didn't show any joy. Instead, her dark eyebrows were tightly knitted, and a trace of worry flashed in her autumn eyes.

Because she knew very well that this matter was not over yet. Chu Yan killed Cao Yulong, which was a small matter. Now Cao Yutian was also dead. The Cao Mansion and Zhantian Immortal Mansion would never let him go.

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