Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 902 Weapon War

For just this moment, there was deathly silence and silence in Yushan County.

The impact of the scene just now was so strong that even some powerful people in the Immortal Realm couldn't help but stand up, feeling their hearts beating loudly.


The next second, a voice sounded, and then it seemed like it would never end. Nearly a hundred people surrounded Chu Yan's people, and saw them falling one after another. In the ruthless fire pattern formation, they were teetering on the edge of defeat.

Instant kill, instant kill for all.

Nearly a hundred people were encircling and suppressing them. Just at that moment, everyone believed that Chu Yan would be defeated, but the current ending was unbelievable.

At the Hanging Banquet, Cao Mansion's Immortal Lord's eyes changed for the first time. He looked at Chu Yan seriously.

"Haha, what a funny little guy." Princess Yushan laughed loudly. This battle was too domineering. She turned to look at Taixu Sect: "Taixu Sect, we found a very good person this year. "

In the direction of Taixu Sect, the hearts of many elders were trembling. They had not yet fully recovered, and then they smiled bitterly. Even they just thought that Chu Yan was not bad, but they did not dare to have such high expectations.

"For the sake of half a Sky-Mending Stone, nearly a hundred people were surrounded and suppressed by various forces. However, in the face of a true genius, numbers are of no use." Some people couldn't help but sigh. Previously, Young Master Lihuo was surrounded and suppressed, and then defeated. It's because, although he is very strong, he has not yet reached the level of the so-called monster, but Chu Yan is different. Chu Yan is a real monster who was born out of nowhere.

No matter how many people there are, what is the use of absolute power?

Within the formation, Chu Yan was still standing there, but at this moment, there was no one between him and the exit. He glanced at Cao Yulong, smiled sarcastically, said nothing, and walked towards the outside of the formation. .

"Huh!" Cao Yulong snorted coldly, and then walked out without saying anything.

At this point, the first event of the Yushan Weapon Refining Competition is completely over.

During this period, the ones who gained the most were naturally Chu Yan and Cao Yulong, who each held half of the five-color sky-repairing stone. This also established the ranking of the two. In the following weapon refining, as long as there are no mistakes, they will be the first. with the second.

In addition, all the major forces who were seriously injured by Chu Yan also retreated from the formation.

"The first item is over." Someone said with emotion. The first item didn't last long, but the impact was full.

"Let people prepare the weapon-forging platform for the second item." Princess Yushan said, and her men leaped out. In a short period of time, countless immortals intertwined in the void like shadows, and there was a figure in the center. Magnificent weapon refining platforms rose from the ground.

Immortals can create magic with just one thought. For them, it is almost effortless to build a refining platform.

When the casting platforms were towering, Princess Yushan stood up with a smile: "Everyone, the first item is over. It is very exciting, but it is far from over. The second item, weapon refining and weapon battle, is the ranking. Wherever you are, give full play to your strengths, and Yushan County will witness it for you!"

"I will try my best!" people from all sides roared. Even though Chu Yan and Cao Yulong were there, the top two might not have a chance, but third to tenth were also crucial.

"Let's begin!" Princess Yushan nodded, and with a sound, everyone jumped to the casting platform.

The second event of the Yushan Weapon Refining Competition, the Weapon Battle, is not just about refining weapons.

In this item, there are also constraints on martial arts cultivation. In addition, after completing the weapon refining, you can choose to launch an attack. Use the magic weapon to duel, and the person who wins in the end is regarded as the champion.

Therefore, in this category, in addition to competing on the quality of the refining equipment, there is also a test on the speed of the refining equipment. The person who completes the equipment refining first will have a strong dominance.

Leaping onto the casting platform, Cao Yulong glanced at Chu Yan and narrowed his eyes slightly: "I will let you know that if you reject me, you will not be able to survive."

Chu Yan glanced at him, ignored him, turned around and threw himself into the forging. On the casting table, many blacksmithing tools and a huge furnace were prepared.

From the beginning, the sky and the earth were filled with monstrous flames, and everyone put the materials they collected into the furnace.

In the stands, everyone from all sides was serious again. Even if many people's performance in the first item was unsatisfactory, in the final analysis, this was a weapon refining competition, and whether the magic weapon finally refined was strong or not was the key.

At the hanging banquet, Cao Mansion's Immortal Master sat there solemnly and said with a smile: "Brother Yu, can we discuss marriage?"

"It's still early, if nephew Long Xian really wins the first place, I will not stop the marriage, but will do it smoothly." Princess Yushan stroked her beard and chuckled, but what she said was true to her heart, Although he knew that the people in the Cao Mansion were ambitious and the so-called marriage had a purpose, he couldn't help it.

After this weapon refining competition, it is related to that place, Yushan County, which needs a top weapon refiner, even if it means poppy poppies.

Thinking of this, he looked at Chu Yan again, with some expectation. If Chu Yan could win, in his opinion, he would be far better than Cao Yulong. After all, Cao Yulong was from the Cao Mansion.

"Are you very confident in him?" Immortal Lord Cao Mansion noticed that look and smiled sarcastically: "You hope he can win and go to that place for you Yu Shan?"

"Brother Cao is joking. I naturally hope that Longxian Nephew can win, so that you and I can be regarded as in-laws." Princess Yushan said calmly.

"Really?" Immortal Lord Cao Mansion sneered and did not respond.

On the side, Yu Meiren quietly looked at the audience, her beautiful eyes calm. She knew very well that her fate would be directly linked to the result of this weapon refining competition. She also accepted her fate. It was not that Princess Yushan was unkind, but there was nothing she could do.

Born in this volatile world, there were some things she could not contend with. Although Yushan County was strong in the eyes of many forces, it was only an immortal force in the final analysis, and she was just an ordinary woman.

But if possible, she still hoped that there would be a glimmer of hope.

The Cao family had wolfish ambitions. If Cao Yulong won, she would marry him. When she went to that place, once Cao Yulong became brilliant, it would not have much to do with her Yushan County. Yushan County would sooner or later become an appendage of the Cao family.

On the casting table, many people began to refine weapons. Chu Yan remained calm all the time. Every step was extremely stable and not disturbed by the outside world, as if there was no one else in the world except him.

For the first magic weapon, he did not choose to use the five-color sky-repairing stone. The sky-repairing stone contains immortal power, and he dare not say that he has complete control of it now.

Moreover, the second item, called weapon battle, is not about who has made a higher-level magic weapon.

So at the beginning, he chose some attribute crystals and some materials that are strong and tough enough, burned them in the furnace, and forged them through thousands of hammers and tempers, and successively created several handy weapons.

The first one is a star hammer with a black body, covered with star fire patterns on the top. Every time it attacks, it will fall with starlight.

The second one is a magic gun. The fire patterns on the top are all magic patterns, and even some magic power of the magic hand is added to it.

The third one is a demon wing, a feather-wing magic weapon, which belongs to a special magic weapon and does not belong to the category of ordinary magic weapons, but once it is cast, it will be extremely strong. On this demon wing, it is mainly based on Peng wings, in addition to which, some foundations of phoenix and blue dragon wings are added.

The fourth piece was a protective soft armor.

After the four magic weapons were cast, Chu Yan slowly took out the five-colored sky-repairing stone and became serious.

This would also be the last magic weapon he was going to cast, a sword.

At this time, someone else had also completed the casting of the magic weapon. A master invited by the Han family cast a saber that was more than ten meters long, with exquisite patterns on it. He turned his eyes and locked onto a member of the Mei clan who was refining a weapon next to him. His eyes condensed, and the saber fell. The Mei clan member was extremely panicked, but his magic weapon was not yet completed, and he could not stop this attack at all.

"Bang!" With a loud bang, the first person to be eliminated appeared. The Mei clan member was knocked down outside the field, and his face was extremely ugly.

At this time, people continued to finish refining weapons, and then there was a big fight. The collision between the young master of Lihuo Palace and Piaoxue City was particularly intense. The two parties had completely different ways of casting weapons, and they had two completely different properties.

"Get out!" At this moment, a young man from the Wang family finished refining the weapon, and his eyes fell on an old man next to him.

The old man's mouth twitched, and he growled: "Wang family, are you really going to be so ruthless? I come from the Three Thousand Sword Sect."

"Three Thousand Sword Sect? I haven't heard of it." The young man from the Wang family said coldly. The Three Thousand Sword Sect is only a second-rate force. There is a huge gap in front of the real ten major forces.

"Squeak!" The old man clenched his fists tightly, his heart full of resentment. He thought that Master Tiandao had always been respected in the Three Thousand Sword Sect. Not long ago, he heard in the Three Thousand Sword City that there was a good girl who could be used by him, so he agreed to participate in this weapon refining competition with the Three Thousand Sword Sect. Who would have thought that Ling Tian, ​​that waste, was incompetent and the girl ran away, and he had to suffer such humiliation in this Yushan weapon refining competition.

"Get lost!" The young man from the Wang family was too lazy to talk nonsense. He raised his hand and sent out a palm. Master Tiandao spat out a mouthful of blood and was blown away directly from the casting table. The moment he fell to the ground, he was full of despair.

In the distance, many elders of the Three Thousand Sword Sect were also heartbroken, but everything seemed to be as it should be. They had no chance to participate in the Yushan Refining Competition.

At this time, the hearts of the Lu family were also hanging. Master Gu was still refining the weapon. Finally, Master Gu's weapon was completed, which made them feel relieved.

"Finally, the result is good." Lu Ang thought. Although Master Gu lost to Chu Yan in the first item, in his opinion, it was a problem of combat power. Master Gu was better at refining weapons. This time, it was a refining competition after all. Whoever refines the stronger weapon will win.

After completing the refining, Master Gu turned his eyes and looked at Chu Yan fiercely. He still remembered the humiliation in the Immortal Venerable Array.

At this time, people finished refining their weapons one after another. In the end, almost everyone except Cao Yulong and Chu Yan had finished. After all, what they were polishing was a fairy stone.

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