Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 901 Absolute Power

This Yushan Refining Competition was very exciting.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the strongest immortal stone: the Five-Colored Heaven-Repairing Stone was born. After a fierce battle, it was divided into two and fell into the hands of two people. It can be said that the first item of the refining competition is basically over.

There will be no more immortal stones stronger than the Five-Colored Heaven-Repairing Stone, but everything seems not to be over. At this moment, countless people gathered at the exit of the formation. There are also many people from Lihuo Palace, Piaoxue City, and the Five Clans. They have not left the formation.

Although many of them failed to enter the center of the Immortal Venerable Formation, according to the rules, as long as they do not leave the formation, everything is uncertain. They still have a chance, which is to plunder.

"The people in the center are coming out soon." At this moment, someone at the entrance of the formation stared.

I saw figures constantly rushing out from a distance.

"It's Master Qingyu!" From the direction of Lihuo Palace, the young palace master took a step and came to the side of an old man who returned from the center of the formation: "Master, you have worked hard."

"Young master, you are polite." Master Qingyu is also a famous figure who booked the top ten in advance this time.

"Well, let's go back to the camp first." The young master of Lihuo Palace said seriously, and Master Qingyu nodded. The two of them walked all the way, and on the way, they were vigilant. At the last critical moment, the chances of each party to plunder will be greater, and even some second-rate forces will join forces. Even if you are Lihuo Palace, they will fight.

"Stop!" Sure enough, at this time, a man stepped out, a young man from a first- or second-rate force.

"What do you mean?"

"Master Qingyu, the harvest in the center of the formation should be good, right?" The young man said, and there were still many people standing beside him, which was a coalition of several second-rate forces.

"You want to be enemies with Lihuo Palace?" The young master of Lihuo Palace nodded slightly, and his eyes swept over the other party coldly.

"Sorry, Master Li, this matter is of great importance. I must have a top-grade material in Yunwu Mountain."

The young man said seriously, and the people behind him pressed closer, the violent breath surged, the clouds rolled, and there was a rumbling sound of thunder.

"You dare!" The young master of Lihuo Palace flashed a cold light in his eyes.

"Young Master Li, hand it over, otherwise, we will have no choice but to offend you."

"Try it!"

The young man sighed. To be honest, he didn't want to provoke the top ten forces, but there was no way. He couldn't miss the ranking of the Yushan Refining Competition.

"Do it!" The young man roared, and several figures immediately flew into the air. Several stronger people joined forces to press the young master of Lihuo Palace. Master Qingyu's old eyes were also cold. He raised his hand and the fire pattern formation was completed, but he was a fire pattern master, and he was not as good at fighting as Chu Yan and Cao Yulong. How could he resist the enemies?

"Master, hand it over, we don't want to do it to the extreme." There were green flame patterns under the young man's feet, like poisonous snakes, swallowing Master Qingyu's power.

Being surrounded by everyone, Master Qingyu's face was extremely ugly. He looked at the young master of Lihuo, but the other party was not in a good situation. Although the young master of Lihuo was strong, he was still defeated by more than a dozen people of the same level. Obviously, he had not reached the level of a real monster.

"Young Master Li, we don't want to hurt you." Another young man from a second-rate force said in a deep voice, forcing Young Master Lihuo into a desperate situation, but he didn't dare to do it too much. After all, he still had to stay in Yushan County. It was a requirement of the competition to take only one refining material, but if someone was hurt, it would not be so simple.

If Lihuo Palace was going to explode, they had to think about it.

"Hmph, I'll remember what happened today." Young Master Li roared and looked at Master Qingyu: "Master, give it to them!"

"Compromise!" In the stands, many people's hearts trembled, and some people from second-rate forces felt guilty. This was a gamble.

At this moment, there was another sound of breaking air in the distance. It was a young man in white. He leaped into the air and headed out of the formation.

"Stop!" At this time, someone immediately shouted, turning into power, crackling and blocking Chu Yan's way.

"What's the matter?" Chu Yan looked down at everyone and frowned.

"Since you have entered the center of the formation, you must have obtained a lot of precious refining materials, right?" someone said. The next moment, Master Qingyu glanced at Chu Yan and whispered to Young Master Lihuo: "The Five-Colored Heaven-Burn Stone was born, and this boy has half of it."

"Heaven-Burn Stone?" Young Master Lihuo's eyes changed slightly. The strongest immortal stone in the Immortal Lord's formation? This is interesting.

"Stop him!" Young Master Lihuo was already unhappy about being intercepted before. Now that Chu Yan walked out with the Heaven-Burn Stone, how could he be willing to accept it.

"Heaven-Burn Stone?" Obviously, not only Master Qingyu knew the news, but also Piaoxue City and the major forces blocking the gate of the formation soon heard about it and became serious.

Half of the strongest immortal stone, what does it mean? Everyone knows it very well. That means that the ranking of the refining competition has basically been determined.

Seeing the people below who were ready to move, Chu Yan frowned. At this time, Cao Yulong also arrived here. He stood behind Chu Yan. He also had half of the Heaven-Burn Stone in his arms, and he was not worried at all.

"I've said it before, even if you take half of it from me, do you think you can take it away?" Cao Yulong smiled.

"Don't forget, you also have half of it." Chu Yan whispered.

"Yes." Cao Yulong smiled calmly: "But so what? I'm not you, I'm from Cao's house, do you think they dare to rob me?"

At this moment, many figures entered the air and enveloped Chu Yan in all directions. For a moment, the remaining nearly 100 people treated Chu Yan as their prey.

"Sir, you can't hold the Bu Tian Stone, so hand it over." Lihuo Young Master said in a deep voice.

"Is that what you mean?" Chu Yan did not respond and glanced at Piaoxue City and the other forces beside him.

"Yes." Many forces nodded with serious eyes. The Sky Mending Stone is so important. Once you get it, even if it's only half a piece, it will be equivalent to locking in the second place in the weapon refining competition.

Outside, people in the stands looked amused.

Princess Yushan also frowned and smiled bitterly: "This little guy seems to be in trouble."

"Brother Chu!" Lu Yun also pinched the corner of his clothes nervously. Even before, Chu Yan showed extremely strong strength to resist Cao Yulong, but it is different now. There are too many people targeting him, a full hundred people.

In the direction of Taixu Sect, an elder narrowed his eyes slightly and said to the person next to him: "After today's battle, even if the Sky Mending Stone was robbed, our Taixu Sect did not get any rankings. Remember, we are not allowed to blame him. The battle has nothing to do with him, it’s because my Taixu Sect’s assistance is not adequate, so I must make good friends with him.”

"Yes." Taixu Ting nodded lightly. She now hoped that Chu Yan would hand over the Sky Mending Stone and Taixu Sect would give up. But based on her understanding of Chu Yan, she knew that this was impossible.

This guy is so proud.

In the formation, Chu Yan couldn't help but rub his head when he saw the crowd that was still approaching and oppressing him: "You all want it, that would be a bit troublesome."

"What's the trouble?" Young Master Li Huo asked with a smile.

"I only have half a Sky-Mending Stone, but there are so many of you. If I hand it over, who should I give it to?" Chu Yan said, and Young Master Li Huo said lightly: "You don't have to worry about it anymore, you just need to hand it over." , No one in this formation is making things difficult for you. As for who owns the Sky Mending Stone, we will fight for it."

"He also has half a piece, how about I help you and grab everything from him?" Chu Yan hesitated and glanced at Cao Yulong. Hearing this, Cao Yulong's eyes turned cold. He could guarantee that the others would not dare, but Chu Yan, He is not so confident.

If someone makes this move, the result will be unpredictable.

"No, as long as you have half of it." However, as people from various forces, they naturally know what it means to snatch Cao Yulong's Sky Mending Stone. At that price, they don't dare to gamble. After all, the existence of the Immortal Lord forces , much worse than the top forces and second-rate forces.

Once they do it, it may lead to disaster. Even if they win the competition, Princess Yushan may not be able to save them.

"What nonsense are you talking to him about? Just take action. I will wait for a hundred people and kill him with one move each. Then we will divide the Sky Mending Stone." At this time, a member of the Han family said in a ferocious voice. This person was the one who was humiliated before. That one said coldly.

"If you persist, we will only be offended. Once we take action, the sword has no eyes and hurts you, it will be bad." Young Master Li Huo asked again.

"I advise you not to do this." Chu Yan said calmly, "I'm afraid that you will be hurt."

"Arrogant!" A disciple of the Han family smiled even more sarcastically. If he and the other hundred people were not afraid of the Cao Mansion, even Cao Yulong wouldn't be able to resist, right?

But at this moment, Chu Yan dared to say that, for fear of hurting them?

How ridiculous.


With an angry stamp, people from all sides stepped forward, led by the top forces, and blocked Chu Yan without any blind spots. Even in the sky and on the ground, everyone was guarding it.

On the side, Cao Yulong crossed his arms and looked at him jokingly. Chu Yan dared to refuse. Then he wanted to see how he could survive under the siege of hundreds of people.

"Why bother!" Feeling the oppression of hundreds of people, Chu Yan shook his head with a sigh. He didn't want this to happen, but in the end, the outcome still didn't change.

"Buzz!" The next moment, Chu Yan raised his head, and his eyes bloomed with endless demonic light. After that, extremely gorgeous fire patterns bloomed from his body, as if they were endless and never-ending. In this world, it is so terrible, the existence of that power can even make people despair.

It was as if there were only fire patterns in the world and nothing else. Chu Yan was standing in the center of the fire patterns. The huge ink disk was spinning, and the brilliant brilliance was dazzling.

Affected by that power, the expressions of nearly a hundred people changed. They only felt that the world had changed, becoming a world with only fire patterns, and in this world, Chu Yan was like a god.

"No!" Endless people, they only feel as if the world is extinguished. In this world, they can only scream, and then, there is only eternal sinking.

"This..." Countless people in the stands stood up at this time, full of shock.

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