Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 81 Entering the Absolute Realm

Regarding the dispute between the four gangs in Tongtian City, Chu Yan didn't interfere, and he didn't care either. He kept meditating.

This is what the White Tiger Gang is happy to see. As long as Chu Yan does not leave the White Tiger Gang, then the White Tiger Gang can continue to use this gimmick in the future. The leader of the White Tiger Gang also said that the White Tiger Gang would unconditionally agree to all the resources that Chu Yan needed. Mu Ye and others also enjoyed the most advanced training resources of the White Tiger Gang.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye. During this half month, because the White Tiger Gang provided training resources, Chu Yan and his team have been practicing wholeheartedly. After half a month, Chu Yan's strength has reached the ninth level of the moving dust realm. , it can be said to be the pinnacle state, and it is only an opportunity away from the Juechen state.

In addition, Chu Yan's Sun-Destroying Sword Technique finally broke through the first style and reached the second style, the Sky Style.

"The Sun-Destroying Kendo was created by the Sun-Destroying King back then. The whole set of techniques is greatly expanded and completed. After practice, it has the power of destroying the sun. Now I have practiced the second sky style. I can swing a sword to break the sun. Yue Xingchen, I just don’t know if I can fight against someone at the Juechen Realm alone now." Chu Yan thought in his heart.

After mastering the second level of the Sun-Destroying Sword Way, Chu Yan and Ye Xun went to the White Tiger Gang's Martial Arts Pavilion together. Since the White Tiger Pavilion allowed them to choose martial arts, it would not be a waste if they didn't come.

In the Haotian Sect, they never had the honor points to exchange martial arts, so they fell behind a lot in martial arts. Now in the White Tiger Gang, they can make up for this.

"Although the martial arts skills of the White Tiger Gang are not as good as those of the Haotian Sect, there are also some very good martial arts that ordinary disciples of the Haotian Sect can't practice." Mu Ye has been in the Haotian Sect's martial arts pavilion these days and picked out a few books. Not bad martial arts.

There is a three-seal spell. After practicing it, you can put three curse seals on the enemy. These three curse seals can not only seal the opponent's life, body, and cultivation, but also bless Muye's attack and bloodline. The power has a similar meaning. For enemies blessed with a curse seal, the power of the vitality will be doubled, which is very domineering.

"Chu Yan, what do you think about the White Tiger Gang this time?" In the Martial Arts Pavilion, Ye Xun said: "They feed us with delicious food and drink, but in the outside world, it has always been said that you represent the wilderness. It seems that I want to use your wild tiger skin as a banner to unify Tongtian City."

Chu Yan has always known about this, but he did not pursue it. After all, he is short-handed: "Let them do whatever they want. The affairs of Tongtian City have nothing to do with us. Let's cultivate as soon as possible. The resources here are no worse than those of Haotian Sect. When everyone has After we have accomplished what we have accomplished, we will return to Haotian Sect.”

"I'm worried that you are being taken advantage of and affecting the wilderness."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, Manhuang has nothing to do with me. I'd like to see him cause some trouble for the old man." Chu Yan patted Ye Xun on the shoulder and told Ye Xun to rest assured. Tongtian City, the White Tiger Gang? Perhaps to others it is a considerable strength, with the presence of a king or even an emperor within it, but unfortunately for Barbarian Wilderness, it is still unbearable.

Ye Xun didn't say much at this moment. Mu Ye said at this moment: "Now it seems that the four gangs have joined the war. The situation in Tongtian City is very tense, but it is strange that no one from the force called Heaven's Punishment has taken action. The four gangs seem to have joined the war. I am very afraid of the existence of this divine punishment.”

"That's right, when I was chatting with Shao Baiyu yesterday, Shao Baiyu said a few words. It seems that this Heavenly Punishment is a force that has appeared in Tongtian City in the past ten years, but it became a blockbuster and directly occupied a piece of Tongtian City and set it as a private The four gangs also respect Tianshu. It is said that the leader of Tianshu is a young man named Qiu Yu. After all, he is the number one person in Tongtian City, and everyone is afraid of him. "

"That Qiu Yu is about the same grade as us, but his background is also very powerful." Qian Dong said.

Everyone was talking, but Chu Yanke seemed not to hear it and continued to choose martial arts in the martial arts pavilion.

"Hey Chu Yan, did you hear what we said?"

"Qiu Yu? I heard it, but does it have something to do with us?" Chu Yan grinned and continued to choose martial arts, leaving everyone speechless for a while. Fortunately, he stopped gossiping and continued to choose martial arts.

"Chu Yan, what martial arts are you going to choose?"

"Choose a skill. I major in the dexterity route. Speed ​​is the key. I have been missing a skill." Chu Yan responded. As a swordsman, speed is the key. He has never found a suitable skill before. , so I haven’t practiced yet, but I saw a book on Shenfa that I liked in the White Tiger Gang. It’s called: Three Thousand Galaxy Fall. It’s a local middle-level Shenfa. It’s a good book on Shenfa for those under the king. .

Another half month followed. During this half month, Chu Yan hardly went out and spent almost all his time studying the body skills. In addition to the body skills, he continued to practice.

These three thousand galaxies are divided into three stages: entry, attainment, and supernatural power.

Getting started is very simple, as long as you practice hard and practice your steps diligently, you can be considered a beginner.

As for Dacheng, it is a bit more difficult. In addition to comprehending some of the power of Yuanli, you also need to master the movement marks of Three Thousand Galaxy Drops and put them on the soles of your feet. This way you can perform various transformations and fly on grass and trees. All of these can be done by moving on the surface of the water.

The magical power level is even more powerful. Even if you don't have to reach the king level, you can still control the air for a short time, and the mark can be blessed all over the body, and with the help of the wind, you can shrink to a foot.

However, to reach the supernatural power level, the resources required are too huge, and the realm requirements are also very harsh. It is basically impossible in the Juechen realm, so the key for Chu Yan now is to improve his realm. Only in this way can many things come naturally.

Except for Chu Yan, the rest of the freshmen also practiced hard. In the hearts of these freshmen, it seems that they are holding back a strong force, that is, the force of the freshmen camp and Changsheng Hall. They are all trying to make themselves stronger and then take revenge.

Finally, a month later, a star rose into the sky in the White Tiger Gang, and Fan Ye became the first disciple among the freshmen to break through to the Juechen realm. Then three days later, Ye Xun also entered the Juechen realm, which made Fan Ye ashamed.

When joining Haotian Sect, Fan Ye was five realms higher than Ye Xun, but now he was caught up. After reaching Juechen, the two competed again. In the end, Ye Xun won a big victory. The black dragon in his hand was like a god's help, forcing Fan Ye to not even release the three hammers and hit, and was directly defeated.

Qiandong also reached the ninth level of Dongchen, and Zou Yi reached the eighth level of Dongchen. The fat man had a weak talent, only the seventh level of the Dust-moving Realm, but with the help of Chu Yan's Star-breaking Pill, his life body reached five stars, which made him much faster.

Chu Yan, on the other hand, had not broken through for a long time and had been stuck in the shackles of the Dust-moving Realm. He seemed to be deliberately not breaking through. Late at night, his Yuan Shen was stored in his Dantian. If someone saw this scene at this time, they would be shocked, because the Yuan Qi in his Dantian... had overflowed and reached a full state, and the stars in the sky were also cracked, but Chu Yan had been suppressing it, not letting him break and break through.

"It's almost there, my mother said that I can only break through the Dust-moving Realm if my life body reaches eight stars. Before entering the King, my life body must reach the realm of nine stars. I still have to endure, otherwise... how can I win!" Chu Yan thought in his heart, and went straight to the second floor of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower, continued to sit cross-legged, and absorbed Yuan Qi, but as soon as the Yuan Qi entered his body, he dispersed directly, leaving only its essence to cast the eighth star of the life body.

In the palace of Dantian, seven stars are connected, and there is a faint light flickering, that is the eighth star.

If someone sees it, they will be shocked, because... Chu Yan is actually creating a life body alone? He uses the essence of the vitality of heaven and earth, as if there is an exquisite iron hammer in his hand, constantly creating the eighth life body.

Life body is a gift, although it can be changed after birth, it is extremely difficult. Even if it is changed, it is also a chance, but now Chu Yan is using all his strength to create it step by step.

The crackling sound keeps ringing in Chu Yan's body. After another seven days, with a bang, Chu Yan's Dantian suddenly brightens, and the eight stars move in tandem. At that moment, Chu Yan's suppression finally reaches the limit. All the power in his body leaks out like a river flood, and suddenly breaks through the bottleneck.

"Success?" Chu Yan opened his eyes in surprise.

Absolute Realm, eight stars of life body.


In the White Tiger Gang, the new students and others looked at the beam of light rising into the air, but they also frowned slightly, and then Ye Xun smiled: "I knew he would not fall behind."

"This momentum is so scary." Mu Ye couldn't help laughing dryly. He had a hunch that with the power that Chu Yan had exploded, he might not have a chance of winning if he fought him. Now it has only been two and a half months since Chu Yan joined the sect, and the three months that the young man said at the beginning... It seems that they have not been used.

"Are they all here?" At this time, Chu Yan walked out of the room. His whole aura had changed. His vitality was invisible, which was the symbol of Juechen.

Looking at Chu Yan, several newcomers grinned. Chu Yan's eyes fell on Mu Ye, tilted his head, and stretched out his hand to greet him: "Come on, fight?"

Hearing Chu Yan's words, Fan Ye smiled and looked at Mu Ye with sympathy. At the beginning, he was a human sandbag for Chu Yan and Ye Xun for half a month, and now it was finally someone else's turn.

Mu Ye smiled bitterly, but he didn't refuse. He also wanted to try and see how far Chu Yan had reached. He immediately had a battle axe in his hand and shot it towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan was not in a hurry to deal with Mu Ye's attack. To be more precise, he stood still without moving. At the moment when Mu Ye approached, his figure was ethereal and he moved one step horizontally. With a move of Feng Yin in his hand, the battle axe missed and the sword light pointed directly at Mu Ye's throat: "You, lost."

One move? Jue Chen level 1 defeated Jue Chen level 3?

The newcomers all widened their eyes.

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