Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 80 The Four Gangs of Tongtian City


With almost no time to react, the old man from the Qinglong Gang was beaten to death by a giant palm.

This sudden scene shocked everyone. Qingyan's eyes widened. The second elder was a real king. He killed a king with one palm... Then, could he be an emperor? Or His Holiness?

Looking at the old man's body, Chu Yan didn't have any pity. The Qinglong Gang had brought all this on themselves. He had given the second elder a chance just now, but the other party didn't cherish it, so he stopped talking nonsense and turned his eyes. Looking towards Qingyan.

"Next, it's your turn." Chu Yan said coldly, and Qingyan knelt on the ground. He was completely panicked. He never expected that there would be such a strong person behind Chu Yan. He said hurriedly: "Don't kill me, please, please let me live. I can give you whatever you want."

"I don't dare to ask for your things. I just want to give back my own things." Chu Yan sneered. He took action and wiped Qingyan's throat with his sword. Qingyan's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe that he would do it. He died like this, but he was still so young and should have had a bright future.

Qingyan was dead, and Mu Ye and others were still in fear. It was really scary when the second elder took action just now, but the person behind Chu Yan was stronger. This made Mu Ye look at Chu Yan meaningfully, and his intention to follow became even more clear. .

"Search their bodies and take away everything that can be used." Chu Yan explained, and then looked at Fengyuan Guo.

"This Fengyuan Fruit has a very good magical effect on cultivation. If you take it directly, it can increase the practitioner's vitality. If an alchemist can refine Fengyuan Pill, it will be a treasure that monks in the Juechen Realm dream of." Ye said.

Chu Yan nodded. As an alchemist, he naturally knew the Fengyuan Fruit. He calculated the number and found a total of seventeen. There were seven of them in total. Each person could get two, and then three more.

"There are three left, how do you think it's appropriate to divide them?" Chu Yan gave each person two, and then took the remaining three in his hand.

"Xiao Lang also helped a lot this time. He should also get two. The remaining one should be given to Brother Chu." Qian Dong said.

"Well, if it weren't for the bloodline deterrence of the little wolf, we wouldn't be able to kill the mammoth so easily." No one had any objections.

"In this case, let's divide it like this. I will take one more. I just found twenty-five pieces of spiritual jade from Qing Yan. Each of you has three pieces and I will keep one piece. This is fair." Chu Yan said.

"Brother Chu, you don't have to do it. You deserve the most credit." Qian Dong said.

Chu Yan smiled and shook his head. He didn't care about credit or anything else. He came out this time to lead everyone to find resources. Now it was a good start. Although he didn't reach Tongtian City, he gained a lot this time.

In the final analysis, it was all because of Qing Yan's greed. If he didn't want to monopolize it all, but shared it fairly with Chu Yan, everyone would have gained a lot this time.

After putting away all the Qingyan fruits, the group was ready to set off, but at this moment, Chu Yan frowned slightly, followed him and turned his eyes towards a dense forest: "Who!"

"Get out!" Mu Ye also yelled, and with a twitch of her wrist, a strong wind blew out.

"Don't do it, don't do it, you have something to say, haha." But the next moment, the strong wind was shattered by a sword light, followed by a young man walking out of the dense forest. The young man was smiling, although he raised his hands, but There was no trace of fear in his eyes.

"Fourth level of Juechen Realm!" Ye Xun said in a deep voice.

"They're from the White Tiger Gang." Mu Ye took a look at what the young man was wearing. It was a white gown with the pattern of the White Tiger going down the mountain.

Chu Yan nodded, and there was not much fear on his face. The reason was the same. Anyway, Yao Lao had already taken action once. If this person wanted to take action, he would not mind letting Yao Lao kill another person.

"I didn't expect Qingyan to die like this. It was really stupid to die." After the young man walked out, he glanced at Qingyan.

"Do you want to avenge him?" Chu Yan asked in a deep voice.

"Of course not. I have nothing to do with him. It would be better if he died. If I don't pee on his grave, I can't do him justice." The young man waved his hands hurriedly, looking unruly. Even after seeing the second elder's body, he He wasn't too nervous, and seemed to have some background.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes because he suddenly discovered that there was a shadow floating behind the young man. Although it was very weak, it was real. Its power was far stronger than the second elder of the Qinglong Gang.

But Chu Yan is not afraid either. Chu Yan has confidence in Yao Lao's strength.

"Then you're here to grab the Fengyuan Fruit?" Chu Yan asked again.

"Of course not. Fengyuan Fruit is certainly a good thing, but what interests me more...is you." The young man pointed at Chu Yan, who expressed confusion.

"If I guess correctly, you can be protected by a strong person above the Venerable level, you should be Chu Yan, who was admitted to the sect this time by the Haotian Sect, right? After the Wilderness?" The young man revealed Chu Yan's identity in one word identity.

Chu Yan was not surprised. His joining the Haotian Sect was not a secret in the world, so he looked at the young man with interest.

"What do you want to say?"

"Hey, it's nothing actually. I just want to make friends with you." The young man paused: "Let me introduce myself first. I am Shao Baiyu, the second young master of the Baihu Gang. I don't have any hobbies, I just like to drink. Drink, make some friends, I happened to see you and wanted to make friends with you.”

"Of course, as a sign of sincerity, I can take you to Tongtian City, and then you can live in my house. You don't have to be afraid of anything. If the Qinglong Gang dares to seek revenge from you, everything will be taken care of by me." Shao Baiyu said with a grin, which made Chu Yan and others frown, just to make friends? Enemy with the Qinglong Gang?

Naturally, no one would believe this. After all, no one was a fool, so many people looked at Chu Yan. The reason why Shao Baiyu did this was probably because of Chu Yan's identity.

"What do you think?" Ye Xun glanced sideways at Chu Yan.

After Chu Yan thought about it, he really didn't know much about Tongtian City, and he didn't know whether the White Tiger Gang was good or bad. However, through communication, he somewhat liked Shao Baiyu. He liked his boldness and the protection of the demon old man. , he was not worried about his safety, so he simply nodded.

"Okay, if that's the case, I'll excuse you." Chu Yan agreed with a smile. Shao Baiyu was overjoyed. He rushed forward and put his arms around Chu Yan's shoulders. Then he saw that the eyes around him were a little strange, and he smiled awkwardly: " Uh, haha, I’m excited, but don’t worry, I only like women, not men.”

Chu Yan smiled and said nothing, and the next journey would be much easier for them. In fact, the dense forest they were in was not far outside Tongtian City, but there was a psychedelic array outside the city. People who didn't know it couldn't help it. It was just breaking the formation that caused him to keep spinning in circles.

Of course, everyone didn't know that just after they left the dense forest, several figures came rushing towards them. When they saw the bodies of the second elder and Qingyan, a middle-aged man was furious.

"Bastard! Who is it! Who is it! Check it out for me! I will cut this murderer into pieces!" The person who came was none other than the leader of the Qinglong Gang, Qing Yuntian. He never imagined that his second son would die like this.

"Leader Yuntian, if you want to take revenge, I can show you a clear path." And a moment later, a graceful woman walked out lightly.

"Zhu Luan?" Qingyuntian's eyes turned cold. This woman was the eldest lady of the Zhuque Gang: "Do you know who killed my son?"

"Master Yuntian, you can go to the White Tiger Gang for a visit, maybe you will gain something." Zhu Luan smiled charmingly, Qingyuntian's face sank, his eyes were full of murderous intent, and then he snorted coldly, without saying a word, directly Move away.

Looking at Qingyuntian's back, an old man walked out beside Zhu Luan. The old man's strength was actually above that of a king. He said lightly: "Miss, why don't you tell Qingyuntian directly that it was a disciple of the Haotian Sect who killed him?" Qingyan?”

"Is there any point in doing that? These four gangs have been guarding Tongtian City for thousands of years. It's time to break them. Haha, this little guy coming this time is an opportunity."

"Miss, do you want to trigger a war between the Qinglong Gang and the White Tiger Gang?"

"No, I just want to use his hand to destroy the Qinglong Gang." After Zhu Luan finished speaking, he turned around slightly and smiled mysteriously at the forest: "The Xuanwu Gang is really like your name, shrinking. "

In the dense forest, there was another cold snort, and several figures flashed out. I'm afraid Chu Yan and others never expected that from just now, people from the four gangs would all be here.

Shao Baiyu did not deceive Chu Yan. After coming to the Baihu Gang, the Baihu Gang treated him well and directly opened the greatest privileges to Chu Yan and his party.

Shao Baiyu learned that Chu Yan and his group came here for training resources, so he directly applied to the gang for 1,000 pieces of first-level spiritual jade, and the right to enter and leave the Baihu Gang's martial arts hall at will to provide Chu Yan and others with training. This was also It made Chu Yan and others feel much more relaxed.

But Chu Yan also knows that there is no free lunch in this world. The White Tiger Gang entertains them so much not because of the Haotian Sect, but because of the wilderness. The current White Tiger Gang wants to use his name to act as a deterrent within the White Tiger Gang. role.

During this period, Qing Yuntian also visited the White Tiger Gang several times. Unfortunately, the two gangs went to war directly. Shao Baiyu even claimed that Chu Yan was his dead brother, and he would kill anyone who dared to touch him.

For a time, the separation pattern of the four gangs in Tongtian City was finally broken. But strangely, when the four gangs started fighting, there was a place where there was no movement, but it was extremely safe, without anyone. Dare you come here to cause trouble.

That is a mysterious force called 'God's Punishment' in the center of Tongtian City. This force seems to be taboo in Tongtian City. No one dares to touch it, not even the four major gangs.

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