Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 750 Eastern Situation

Chu Yan flew in the air, and the evil sword was left in the middle of Xunxian Realm, but it didn't matter. He firmly believed that the evil sword would wait for his return in the middle of Xunxian Realm.

When the sword fell, thousands of swords would fall, and when the sword rose, thousands of swords would greet it.

How could such an arrogant guy be controlled by an ordinary person?

Looking around, this place is endless and endless, which makes people sigh. It is just a mezzanine of a fairyland, one of the five Xunxian Realms, and there is such a vast land.

In the sky of the nine heavens, Chu Yan looked down and couldn't help showing a touch of tenderness.

Qingcheng is in this Xunxian Realm.

This separation, in a blink of an eye, it has been many years, how can I not miss her.

The two of them have been separated for ten years, and finally met each other. Now he doesn't want to think about everything, and puts cultivation aside. What he has to do is to find Qingcheng and take Qingcheng back to the middle of Xunxian Realm.

Although he also knew that in the eastern part of the fairyland, there must be many top forces and top Tianjiao, just like Hua Qingfu and Chen Huangsheng in the central part of the fairyland, and even gave birth to golden luck.

However, so what?

Today, he is the eighth level of the monarch, only one step away from the top Tianjun. In addition, the blood of the holy beast in the disordered time and space has transformed his physique, and his combat power has exceeded his own limit. This makes him full of confidence. Even if the Tianjiao in the central part of Xunxianjie is very strong, he is still sure that he will not be weaker than them.

Whoever blocks this road will die.

This is his determination.

Soon, Chu Yan landed in a chamber of commerce, which is called: Yuqiong Chamber of Commerce.

This Yuqiong Chamber of Commerce is also a well-known large chamber of commerce in the eastern part of the fairyland. It is a force founded by a casual cultivator immortal emperor named Yuqiong. There are countless casinos, brothels, restaurants, and Shuiyue Land under his name.

Of course, the most famous ones are Yuqiong Auction, Yuqiong Divine Weapon Hall, and Yuqiong Divine Grass Hall.

After all, in this martial arts world, even in the fairyland, the most precious things are still cultivation resources, elixirs for curing diseases, and life-saving magic weapons.

"Sir, I am the receptionist No. 17 of Yuqiong Chamber of Commerce: Bingbing. Is there anything I can help you with?" Soon, a beautiful woman greeted him with a smile and was very polite.

"I need a map of Xunxian Realm, and the distribution and level of forces here." Chu Yan said truthfully, and Bingbing nodded slightly: "Sir, wait a moment."

Bingbing turned and left for a moment, and when she came back, she held a bamboo slip in her hand and handed it to Chu Yan: "The map and the distribution of forces are all here."

"Thank you." Chu Yan took the bamboo slip and took out a map from it. It must be said that Xunxian Realm is extremely vast, but this map is extremely detailed, which shows the status of Yuqiong Auction House in the eastern part of the fairyland.

In addition to the terrain, it also contains many opportunities, miracles, secret houses, and the distribution of major forces. Cities, immortal kingdoms, immortal sects, and even the status of these forces in the immortal domain are specially marked, especially some forces above the immortal lord and the immortal emperor, which are marked with red vitality.

It can be said that with this map, you can survive in the eastern part of Xunxian Realm, knowing who to provoke and who not to.

Of course, this map is also very expensive, and the transaction is priced at the unit price of the monarch-level spiritual jade.

However, for Chu Yan, he has accumulated a lot of wealth over the years. Not to say that he is rich enough to rival a country, but he who masters the endless fire pattern does not need to care about cultivation and spending.

"I want this map." Chu Yan took the map and took out a cloth bag and handed it to Bingbing.

"Is the young master an outsider?" Bingbing accepted it with a smile. Perhaps because of Chu Yan's handsome appearance and special temperament, she couldn't help asking one more question.

Chu Yan asked with a smile: "Do I look like an outsider?"

"Not really, it's just that the Xianxian World has been opened for more than five years, and the structure has just taken shape. Since two years ago, no one has come to my Yuqiong Chamber of Commerce to buy maps, but you need it, and you don't know much about the Xianxian World." Bingbing said politely.

"Well, I just entered the Xunxian Realm." Chu Yan said casually, then glanced at Bingbing, who had the strength of a Heavenly King, and asked curiously: "The girl also has the strength of a Heavenly King. Xunxian Realm is a place of opportunity. Why don't you go to find opportunities, but stay in this Chamber of Commerce and be willing to be a maid?"

Bingbing smiled slightly: "What's wrong with being a Heavenly King? There are many proud people in the country. Xunxian Realm is destined to be opened up for some people. For someone like me, it is also very limited to find opportunities. Besides, being a maid in Yuqiong Xianlou is also a kind of practice? Here, as long as I work, I can get luck and cultivation resources. If I make great contributions, I will also get magic weapons and magic pills as rewards. Isn't it better?"

Chu Yan suddenly realized that even in the world of martial arts, not everyone would choose to take risks. Instead, some people choose comfort, like Bingbing in front of him.

Being a maid here, isn't it a kind of practice?

Everyone has their own ambitions, Chu Yan didn't say much.

"Bingbing, do you know any way to become famous quickly in this Xianjie? It would be best if it could attract everyone's attention." Chu Yan asked after hesitating.

Each Xianjie is different, and there is still a gap between the eastern and central parts.

"Fast fame? Young Master, although the Xianjie has been opened for five years and the structure is initially formed, there is still some time before the end. The road of cultivation cannot be achieved overnight. Haste makes waste. Although the Xianjie is a place of opportunity, there are countless crises. I hope you will not be impulsive and have evil thoughts." Bingbing frowned and advised kindly. In her opinion, Chu Yan wanted to become famous, perhaps unwillingly, for fame and fortune.

However, in this world, I don't know how many people have died because of this, and how many people have risen to prominence?

How difficult it is.

Bingbing saw that Chu Yan was young and handsome, and had good talent, so she couldn't bear it.

However, Chu Yan didn't care, and Bing Bing didn't know that fame was not important to him, at least in the Xunxian world, he looked down upon it.

All he wants is to attract Qingcheng's attention. The world of searching for immortals is too vast. If he searches for it, it will be like looking for a needle in a haystack. The best way is to quickly become famous and let Qingcheng know that he is here.

"Do you want to become famous quickly?" At this time, a voice suddenly came from the side. Chu Yan looked for fame. It was a young man who looked like a scholar.

"Do you have any suggestions?" Chu Yan looked at the other party.

"In the world of seeking immortals, the easiest way to become famous is naturally to go to the Immortal Seeking List. Killing directly is more direct than anything else." The scholar paused and continued to smile: "Of course, among the hundred names on the Immortal Seeking List, all are evildoers. Good people, so besides that, there are other ways, such as Dou Xiantai!"

"Douxian Terrace?" Chu Yan looked curiously.

"That's right, Douxian Terrace is the most eye-catching place in the Immortal Seeking World. There are constant battles here. Countless geniuses fight here. There are life and death battles, gambling battles, etc., but the most exciting thing is the Battle of Immortals." The scholar paused. , said with a smile: "There is a battle platform in the center of Douxian Platform, with immortal power above it. There are seven or forty-nine seats in total. Each platform will have its own puppet general from the Xunxian Realm. If we can get through the forty-nine immortal platforms, we can Make a wish to the Immortal Realm once, and it will be granted as long as it is not excessive."

Chu Yan suddenly realized that there was such a thing, but when he was in the middle, he discovered that the world of Xunxian was not void, but a spiritual existence.

For example, the person who talked to him in the void world of Immortal Burial Cliff should be the master of Xunxian Realm.

It's not surprising that you can make a wish after passing the Douxian Platform and it will be granted.

"May I ask where this Douxian Terrace is?"

"There are marks on the map." The scholar said with a smile.

"Thank you." Chu Yan nodded, then nodded to Bing Bing, then turned around and jumped into the air, ready to leave.

Looking at Chu Yan's back, Bingbing frowned and then shook her head. Douxian Terrace was indeed a place of fame, but it was never a place where bones were buried.

How many geniuses challenged me and turned into bones and bones.

Want to become famous overnight? too difficult.

Chu Yan didn't know what Bingbing was thinking. After leaving Yuqiong Chamber of Commerce, he took out the map. Just as the scholar said, it had the mark of Douxian Terrace, and it was extremely obvious and was specially marked with red vitality.

Then he looked at the map again, and Chu Yan vaguely understood that Douxian Terrace was actually the Immortal Burial Cliff in the middle.

There are just different ways of existence, but they are all opportunities given to everyone by the Xunxian World.

Immortal Burial Cliff, there will be a chance, the genius will find it on his own.

Dou Xiantai is a bit more domineering. If you fight it, you can directly demand it.

In addition, Chu Yan took another look at the distribution of forces in the eastern part of Xunxian Realm, and also had a general understanding of the eastern part of Xunxian Realm.

There are five forces with the strongest foundation in the eastern part of the Immortal Territory. They are located in the southeast, northwest, middle, and southeast of the eastern part of the Immortal Territory. Each of them controls the same party. They are the true top forces, first-class existences above the Immortal Kingdom.

They are: Xuantian Sect, Towering Taoist Temple, Jin Clan Immortal Dynasty, Supreme Military Palace, and Ouyang Ancient Clan.

Among them, Towering Taoist Temple, Jin Clan Immortal Dynasty, and Ouyang Ancient Clan are stronger and are the three oldest forces in the east.

There used to be countless Taoist priests in the Towering Taoist Temple. They had extremely high cultivation and numerous Taoist teachings, but they rarely interfered in worldly affairs and preferred to seek Taoism quietly.

The Jin Immortal Dynasty is the same as the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty. The eastern part of the Immortal Domain was once owned by the Jin Immortal Dynasty. They were the overlords of one side and ruled the world, requiring thousands of people to come and worship.

Of course, the earliest force in the east was not the Jin Clan Immortal Dynasty, but the Ouyang Ancient Clan.

According to legend, the Ancient Ouyang Clan has existed for so long that it is impossible to trace back. It seems that the Ancient Ouyang Clan has existed since the east of the Immortal Domain.

Some people also say that the Jin Clan Immortal Dynasty was not called the Jin Clan Immortal Dynasty, but was called the Ouyang Ancient Kingdom. After the Jin Clan rioted and overthrew the Ouyang lineage, the Jin Clan Immortal Dynasty came into existence, but it still did not hold on. Eventually it fell apart, fell into decline, and became divided among the heroes.

These are mostly legends and have no basis.

It's just that the Ouyang Ancient Clan is extremely peaceful in the east. It is said that they have not appeared in the eyes of the world for many years. I don't know if they are accumulating their fortunes, or if they really want to retire.

However, no one will ignore this existence, and everyone who mentions the word Ouyang in the East will be extremely serious and cautious.

After all, the Ouyang Ancient Clan has extremely terrifying heritage.

In addition to these three major forces, the Supreme Weapon Hall has a short history. It was established less than ten thousand years ago, but it has risen very quickly. It is good at cultivating divine weapons, swords and sticks. It puts forward the theory of fighting the world with force, leveling the world with force, and destroying the world with force. The wind of the world.

Contrary to the Supreme Weapon Palace, the Xuantian Sect values ​​​​the magic power and is good at elements and long-range attacks. Therefore, the two forces are extremely hostile. Once the disciples meet, they will compete with each other. In the world of seeking immortals, this is the most active one. There were even several large-scale battles between the two sides.

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