Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 749 Princess of a Different Surname [3rd update]

At this point, Yin Wudao still wants to survive?

too naive.

Chu Yan stopped talking nonsense and walked out. The shadow of the sword was endless. Yin Wudao felt that his eyes were darkened and turned black. That power was beyond his ability to bear and control. Under that power, he could only perish.

"No!" Yin Wudao never thought that he would fall here when he came here for a banquet. He was in his prime and still had talent. After walking out of the Yin family, he would at least become a sage in the future. Great things are waiting for him. future.

"Unbridled!" There was thunder rolling in the sky, and suddenly there were purple thunder blasts, hitting the ground. Because they fell from the sky, there was a gap in Chu Yan's sword screen.

"Someone else is coming!" Everyone's eyes were fixed. If not for this blow, Yin Wudao would have been dead. Who is this person? Can he save Yin Wudao?

Chu Yan raised his head indifferently, looked at the shadow of Jiutian, his eyes flashed with a strange light: "Get out!"

"Boom!" The ground trembled wildly, and a man stepped out. He was cleanly dressed and looked at Chu Yan with a frown: "Who are you, and why do you want to kill my disciple of the Immortal Sect."

"He's from the Purple Maple Immortal Sect!" People from the City Lord's Mansion exclaimed: "Elder brother of the Purple Maple Immortal Sect, smile forever."

"You, a disciple of the Immortal Sect, are looking for death. I will help you." Chu Yan showed no mercy and sneered coldly. Then he blasted out with one hand, and the supreme swordsmanship condensed again.

Xiao Changsheng frowned fiercely, and then he stopped talking nonsense and looked at Prince Shang Yang: "Prince Shang Yang, today is your 100th birthday. Our Immortal Sect sent people to come to the banquet, but now someone wants to kill my Immortal Sect's children. What does this mean? ?”

"He started the war. His skills are inferior to others. Who's to blame? What does it have to do with me." Prince Shang Yang snorted coldly, but everyone trembled and was shocked.

Is this the prince's attitude?

The corner of Xiao Changsheng's mouth twitched and he looked at Chu Yan: "Since you have such strength, why don't you sit down and talk?"

"Get lost!" Chu Yan stepped out, and the light of the world bloomed, swallowing Yin Wudao. At this time, Yin Wudao had sunk into Chu Yan's world and was unable to extricate himself.

"Boom!" Xiao Changsheng's eyes narrowed and he was equally angry. There was a murderous intention in his eyes, and the power of the top heavenly king exploded.

"Do you want me to destroy your immortal sect?" Chu Yan raised his head fiercely and glanced at Xiao Changsheng. However, with just one glance, Xiao Changsheng's heart trembled. He actually felt fear in Chu Yan's eyes.

"If he doesn't die, there will be no more Zifeng Immortal Sect in the Immortal World tomorrow. I will slaughter your city." Chu Yan said directly, without any nonsense. He held his hand and thousands of sword curtains bloomed immediately. Under that power, he smiled forever. His heart trembled and he was shocked. That power was beyond his control.

"So strong!"

"You dare!" Xiao Changsheng said coldly, but it was too late to take action.

"Prince, I didn't want to make a big deal about what happened today, but they humiliated me and threatened the Xu family with me. Yin Wudao was extremely shameless. In this case, I will kill him today. If the Zifeng Immortal Sect takes revenge, this will Qiu, I, Chu Yan, admit it. If your Shangqiu Immortal Kingdom is threatened in the slightest in the Immortal Realm, I will destroy the Zifeng Immortal Sect in the future. "Chu Yan didn't waste any words and slashed out with his sword to kill.

"Boom!" Yin Wudao died.

Sink into the world and die invisible, as if this person had never existed.

Suddenly, the city lord's mansion became dead silent.

Everything today, the prince's 100th birthday, chose Yucheng, so all the geniuses came to congratulate him, how glorious it is?

The Yu family, the Yin family, and the Yin Wudao were so arrogant and arrogant. They humiliated Chu Yan and asked two girls from the Xu family to be maids. Why? Just because they had extremely high status.

However, this happy event has ended up like this. Everyone can't help but laugh. The person they humiliated is like an invincible being, killing everything.

Just as Chu Yan said, no one knows who he is or how he exists.

Now, many people are curious.

Xiao Changsheng was suspended in the air, the corner of his mouth twitching, he came, Yin Wudao was still dead, there was anger in his eyes, but more of it was fear.

"Prince Shang Yang, who is this person..." Yu Xieyu lowered his voice. He was not a fool. At this point, how could he not tell that Shang Yang and Chu Yan knew each other.

"His name is Chu Yan. He comes from the middle of the Immortal Realm and came through the chaos of time and space." Shang Yang smiled bitterly. In the past two days, he connected to the outside Immortal Realm and asked his imperial brother to investigate. Because of this, he knew Chu Yan's identity. I was even more shocked when I found out my identity.

How could this person be so simple as a disciple of the Dragon Alliance?

"This time, the Immortal Seeking World opened in the sea of ​​stars in the lower realm. Rumor has it that there is a big shot in the central part of the Immortal Realm who values ​​​​him and is destined to be the chosen one. That person is him. He is also a direct disciple of the Tianhua Immortal Emperor of the Tianhua Immortal Palace in the central part of the Immortal Realm. Lover, a disciple of the legendary Dragon Alliance in the middle of the fairyland. He came from the sea of ​​​​stars and entered the immortal world, but he fought against the heavens, defeated the arrogant people, defeated the top powers, killed the descendants of the immortal dynasty, and became famous in the middle of the fairyland. "

Everyone listened, and their hearts trembled slightly. Is this person from the sea of ​​​​stars? But there are countless brilliant achievements.

"Changsheng, he is right. In the Immortal Realm, he alone is enough to destroy your sect. Looking at the Immortal Realm, his senior brother is someone that even the top forces in the central part of our Immortal Realm must be afraid of." Shang Yang smiled bitterly. By now, he knew that if Chu Yan's identity was not revealed, the Zifeng Immortal Sect would definitely not give up.

Fortunately, he made it clear directly. At least in this way, the Zifeng Immortal Sect would not be destroyed and would also remember his kindness.

The corner of Xiao Changsheng's mouth twitched in the air, and then he felt a little lucky that he had not offended Chu Yan to death just now.

"You must be Xu Xiaoya." At this time, Shang Yang suddenly turned around and looked at the Xu clan with a smile in his eyes: "On my 100th birthday today, I announce that from today on, Xu Xiaoya will be a princess with a different surname in my immortal dynasty. She is my sister, Shang Yang. Anyone who dares to touch her in the future will be an enemy of me and the Shangqiu Immortal Kingdom."

Countless people couldn't help but be shocked.

A princess with a different surname.

It turned out that this rumor was true, but Prince Shang Yang had already had an idea. What was ridiculous was that they actually selected women from their respective clans to come here for the banquet.

Some people also realized that the Xu family was about to rise. Just because Xu Xiaoya received a Restoration Pill that day, a hundred years later, the Xu family would become a powerful family in the eastern part of the Immortal Domain.

"Prince, this, this is too serious, I can't bear it." Xu Xiaoya was a little nervous. She saved Chu Yan without thinking of any reward, just out of love.

"Xiaoya, agree, you will still be you from now on, it's just a layer of identity, it doesn't matter." Chu Yan said, he understood that what Shang Yang did today was to sell him a favor, but he also accepted it, at least in this way, Xiaoya will He doesn't have to worry about Ya's safety.

In exchange for the kindness of the Restoring Pill, a wish came true.

Shang Yang smiled bitterly: "That's right, it's just a level of status. If you want to leave the world of seeking immortals, you can come to the fairyland. I will arrange for you to enter the fairyland academy and practice with the prince and princess. If you don't want to, you can continue to stay in the fairyland. If you need anything, just ask and I will help you.”

After a pause, Shang Yang continued: "Three days ago, Chu Yan went to the Immortal Kingdom, directly entered our Immortal Kingdom, defeated the ten commanders of our Immortal Kingdom, defeated Yu Ming, and came to me. If you don't agree, your Brother Chu will probably I’m going to my fairyland to demolish the fairy gate again.”

"Boom!" Everyone trembled again. Chu Yan actually killed Shangqiu Immortal Kingdom three days ago?

The two people didn't know each other for a long time, but because Xu Xiaoya and Chu Yan went to the Immortal Kingdom alone and killed them directly?

Is it a threat?

Xu Xiaoya was equally surprised. She remembered that Chu Yan left and returned two days ago. She was also curious about where Chu Yan went since he was injured. It turned out that he went to Shangqiu Immortal Kingdom.

"Now, let the Immortal Banquet continue." Shang Yang spoke up during a farce. As a prince, he also had a somewhat unique temperament. Even in chaotic situations, he could still be suppressed.

It's just that this banquet is destined to be centered on Chu Yan. Everyone from all sides is talking and curious about what kind of existence this is.

As for Xu Yang, Yu Xieyu and others, it was ridiculous. Shang Yang gave an order that from today on, Yucheng would be renamed Xucheng, Xu Ying would be the city lord, and the Yu family would be exiled and not allowed to enter the fairyland.

It makes people feel sad that the world is in trouble.

Xu Xiaoya won everything for the Xu family because of her kindness.

"Xiaoya, Miss Xu." The banquet ended quickly. Chu Yan suddenly stood up and shouted. The two women were slightly frightened. Today, they are having difficulty integrating Chu Yan with the gentle young man in the Xu family.

"I'm leaving." Chu Yan smiled flatly, and Xu Xiaoya was a little disappointed: "Brother Chu, won't you stay some time?"

"I came through the chaos of time and space. I have something to do. I have been delayed here for some time. It's time to say goodbye." Chu Yan shook his head and paused: "Xiaoya, I will pass on your magical powers and practice well. You have a special physique. , this technique has been improved and can improve your physique. If there is an opportunity in the future, I will go to the east of the Immortal Domain and pass by the Xu family as a guest. Please don't drive me away."

"Whenever Brother Chu comes, the Xu family will welcome him." Xu Xiaoya smiled sweetly.

"Prince Shang Yang, let's go!" Chu Yan looked at Shang Yang again. Shang Yang also understood that he could not stay in the fairyland, so he nodded and said: "We will meet again in the fairyland someday. Brother Chu, please don't pretend not to know me. "

"When we meet in the fairyland, we are friends."

"Farewell!" After saying this, Chu Yan nodded slightly, Qingcheng was still waiting for him, it was time to separate.

Immediately, he stepped around and turned around. His white shirt was fluttering and he was extremely chic. He took one step out, and countless sword shadows immediately rose into the sky before disappearing into the City Lord's Mansion.

"Gone!" Many people's hearts trembled. Has that handsome young man, the most unparalleled person in the world, left?

However, many people know that his story will not end here. I am afraid that in the near future, the Eastern Immortal Seeking World will be filled with his legend.

"Thank you." At this moment, Xiao Changsheng came and landed next to Shang Yang. If it weren't for Shang Yang's attitude today, he might have taken action. At that time, the Zifeng Immortal Sect would have been out of control.

Shang Yang raised his head and looked at the disappearing figure: "If we are destined to meet again in the Immortal Realm, he will probably have become a giant figure by then."

"The world of Xunxian is destined to be born for people like this. They are extraordinary from birth, but I don't know what kind of story they will have."

"We have to keep working hard."

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