Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 739: The Woman in the Flame Dress

Time flies, and the fifth year of the Xunxian Realm is open.

It has been a year and a half since Chu Yan and Chen Huangsheng's strongest battle. In the Burial Cliff, the conflict between the top forces has become more and more intense. No one can be immune to it. It is full of assassinations, conspiracies, and deaths.

Of course, in addition to these dark things, there are also good things. For example, as the luck of everyone increases, some hidden opportunities in the Xunxian Realm gradually surface.

It has been said that in the Xunxian Realm, with different luck, the perception will be different. Like now, many people have reached the top purple luck, and what they see is also like a new world. Even some people with extremely high luck and good talents can communicate with the souls of the immortals in the immortal tomb.

Especially the little wolf, in a monster tomb in the Burial Cliff, he actually encountered an extraordinary wolf monster fairy tomb. The wolf monster is the king in the monster tomb. He likes the little wolf very much and regards him as a junior.

The most interesting thing is that this demon fairy often turns into a soul and drinks with Little Wolf, but the other demon fairy souls beside him are depressed. It’s okay that they can’t drink wine, but they have to serve Little Wolf.

But after a while, Little Wolf always loses his mind and sneaks into the chaotic time and space, and there is a strong sense of sadness around him.

"I don’t know how he is. Is he okay?" Ye Xun came over and saw Little Wolf. Little Wolf’s demon eyes actually flashed with tears, and he hurriedly wiped them with his little paws.

"Crying?" Ye Xun asked.

"This baby won’t cry. Sha Yan said that men bleed but not cry!" Little Wolf said childishly, but his voice was very lost.

"It's been a year and a half, and there's no news." Ye Xun clenched his fists, his anger became stronger, and he blamed himself: "At the beginning, I should have insisted and went with him."

"If something happens to Silly Rock, one day, I will become a demon fairy and tear the Chen clan apart." The little wolf roared, but then hung his head again: "I promised Miaomiao and Sister Qingyi to protect him. I didn't do it. What should I do when I see Sister Qingyi in the fairyland in the future?"

"The war is about to begin." Ye Xun narrowed his eyes, and his fighting spirit became stronger.

The little wolf also jumped up and turned into a huge wolf demon. Now his bloodline is stronger. With a howl, he made all the demons surrender and turned into a bloody war wolf.

The Burial of Immortal Cliff Valley, chaotic time and space.

As time passed, the battle that year was gradually forgotten, and the evil sword was still stuck upside down in the rock.

In the past year and a half, people often came here to draw the sword. The power displayed by the evil sword was extremely amazing, so many people wanted it.

However, the evil sword wailed and corroded people. No one could pull it out. Instead, many people died because of it. In the end, many Tianjiao had to give up and continued to sink here.


Chu Yan is now more miserable. He is like being exiled, drifting in the chaotic time and space.

If it were just that, it would be fine. What makes Chu Yan hate is that there are always a group of saint-level and immortal-level holy beasts and monsters around him, looking at him with a beautiful look.

"Old bastard!" Chu Yan tried several times to switch to his true self and wanted to travel through time and space at the second speed of his true self, but he failed and sat here in a decadent manner.

"Come out if you have the guts, you can kill me!" Chu Yan roared to the sky, but no one paid attention to him.

In the darkness, there was an old man laughing, very happy, as if he hadn't laughed like this for hundreds of thousands of years.

"Reject me? Humph, you'll suffer a little. You guys, go and play with him. Remember, don't kill him. I've been in this chaotic time and space for hundreds of thousands of years. I finally met a plastic seedling. If you die, I'll kill you all and roast you." The old man winked at the few "little demons" next to him, and the little demons looked aggrieved.

After all, they are all descendants and offspring of the Dark Holy Beast. How can they accompany a young boy of the Heavenly Monarch to practice?

However, they didn't dare to complain at all. They could only obey orders and rush to the Road of Time and Space to kill Chu Yan.

Chu Yan was not surprised at all when he saw several big demons coming to kill him. He seemed to have gotten used to it.

In the past year and a half, I don't know how many big demons came to provoke him. The most hateful thing is that they defeated him but didn't kill him. They just humiliated him severely and left without eating him.

This also made him understand that it must be the old man who was causing trouble. Since that was the case, he couldn't leave anyway, so he might as well take this opportunity to temper his body.

It must be said that he made great progress in his practice by colliding with these big monsters, especially some dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, and divine apes, which allowed him to learn countless magical powers and strength.

His body was constantly tempered and consumed a lot.

In the Xianxian Realm, he comprehended the way of heaven and mastered the five elements of yin and yang. With the tempering of these monsters, he even trained a holy beast body, the claws of the blue dragon, the shield of the black tortoise, and his whole body was as strong as iron. When he saw the monsters coming, he jumped up and punched hard.

Those monsters deliberately lowered their realms, just like Chu Yan, but after several collisions, they were surprised that Chu Yan grew very fast.

When they first fought, Chu Yan couldn't block their attack. Now, a year and a half later, in the same realm, they can no longer suppress Chu Yan. They can only barely compete with him after their realm is raised by one level.

"What do you think of him?" In the void, the old man looked at a fire phoenix beside him. The fire phoenix let out a long cry and turned into a human form. It was very beautiful, with delicate features, wearing a flaming phoenix robe, and a rather cold and beautiful look. Even the top beauty in the fairyland, Lin Xueqiao, would probably not be more than this, right?

The woman looked at Chu Yan, her autumn eyes were calm: "He has great talent and perseverance. If he is given a chance and goes to the fairyland, he should be able to learn something."

"Of course. Apart from you, I have valued this person for hundreds of thousands of years. Of course he will not be weak." The old man laughed, and then sighed: "Counting the time, it has been a thousand years since you entered the chaotic time and space. When do you decide to leave?"

"When the time is up, let's go." The woman remained calm, but a fierce look flashed in her eyes, as if there was a fire burning the sky.

"If we meet him in the Immortal Realm in the future, you and he will be from the same sect. Help me take care of him." The old man said with a wretched smile.

"If we encounter him, I will try my best not to kill him." The woman snorted coldly, and she was furious when she thought of what she had experienced in the past thousand years.

The old man shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said with a smile: "Is it easy for me? I humbly confessed and cultivated you, but in the end, everyone hates me like this. Oh, how sad."

"One day, I will kill you." The flame woman said coldly.

"Then we have to wait until you have a chance. Although you have become the Immortal Emperor, I want to kill you and just blow my breath." The old man laughed loudly. If anyone next to him hears it, he will be shocked. The woman in front of him is afraid of her cultivation. It has only been a thousand years, but there is actually the realm of the Immortal Emperor, the top existence in the Immortal Realm.

What concept?

At this time, the battle of Chu Yan in the distance had ended. The result was that they were brutally beaten.

"You are too shameless, aren't you? In the same realm, I have already won everything. It's okay to become the top Tianjun. In the end, you just become a saint and torture me. Is this fun for you? Does it give you a sense of accomplishment?" Chu Yan lay on the ground, Panting heavily, he looked at the big monsters in front of him with a speechless expression.

"Ouch!" Several big demons tilted their heads and looked at Chu Yan proudly, with expressions that looked like they would torture you and be happy.

"You are cruel enough." Chu Yan's teeth were itching, but then he got up, rolled his eyes, and with a conspiratorial expression, lowered his voice and said: "Brothers, come here, let's talk."

Several big demons looked at each other and blinked. A big green dragon demon took the lead and looked at Chu Yan curiously.

"Look what this is." Seeing no one around, Chu Yan quietly took out a piece of barbecue. The aroma was so fragrant that several monsters became excited. In this chaotic time and space, all they ate was rotten meat, but it had not been so fragrant for a long time. something.

"Want to eat?" Chu Yan said with a smile, and several big demons immediately nodded meekly, showing off the pride of sages and big demons.

"Then the old man must have abused you all the time, right? Come on, eat, I have a lot more." Chu Yan gave each of the big demons a piece of meat. The big demons were so excited that they ate in a hurry.

After eating, several big demons looked at Chu Yan pitifully.

"Still want it?" Chu Yan asked. Several big demons nodded immediately. Chu Yan's lips raised proudly: "Okay, but you have to let me out first."

However, after hearing Chu Yan's words, several big demons immediately became vigilant and took a step back, all terrified.

"..." Chu Yan was speechless for a while. This change of attitude was too fast. What on earth did the old man do to these big monsters to scare them like this?

"Is it difficult?" Chu Yan asked in a low voice.

"Woooo!" Several big demons nodded vigorously.

"No room?"

"Woooo!" Several big demons nodded again.

"Alas! My barbecue is pitiful." Chu Yan shook his head and sighed: "Forget it, then next time we fight, please be more merciful, right?"

This time, several big demons thought about it and nodded, this request was still acceptable.

"Come on! Let's eat some meat together." Chu Yan took out more stock and started eating with many big monsters.

When the old man in the distance saw this scene, he blew his beard and stared: "These bastards eat meat, how dare you not take me with you!"

The flame woman next to him rolled her eyes at the old man, turned around and left, disappearing into the chaos of time and space.

The old man smiled and didn't care, and then said with a lewd smile: "I don't know how long I haven't heard from Fairyland. I really miss it a little. It is fate that these two little guys met me here. We will be able to meet each other in the future." I can’t control how successful you are.”

After saying that, the old man lowered his head and looked at the string of red water chestnuts around his waist. He actually showed a bit of gentleness: "Old lady, let's go and meet this boy again. If you are still here, you should like this boy very much." As for me, I like this girl better.”

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