Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 738: The wretched old man

"The junior doesn't know, the junior doesn't want to know, and is dissatisfied with the senior. The junior has many concerns outside and cannot let go. One thousand years is really too long." Chu Yan shook his head.

"I don't know what's wrong!" The old man in black blew his beard and stared in anger. Who is he? He is the king and invincible in this chaotic time and space.

If someone knew that he was still alive, how many people would dream of risking their lives to enter the chaos of time and space and come here to worship him as their teacher. But now, they want to accept a disciple, but they are rejected?

Moreover, it was only a thousand years. For him, it was really too short. In this chaotic time and space, it was just a matter of time to sleep.

"Since you choose to practice, you should concentrate on it. How much achievement can you achieve if you are entangled in the trivial matters of the world? A thousand years seems to be a long time. However, if this thousand years can give you an unparalleled experience in the immortal realm, Invincible, do you still think it’s not worth it?”

The black-robed old man was just talking, but the chaotic time and space seemed to have stopped. There were countless terrifying swordsmanship around him. That kind of power was so powerful that Chu Yan had never seen before.

A word is a law?

I'm afraid it's nothing more than that, right?

"You stay here for a thousand years, and I will protect you. After a thousand years, looking at the Immortal Realm, you will be the king, unparalleled in the Immortal Realm, and no one can compete with you." The old man in black paused and said with a smile: "From your memory, it seems , you were chased by the descendant of an Immortal Emperor and fell into this chaotic time and space, right? One thousand years, only one thousand years, I can let you torture the Immortal Emperor like a child's play, as for what Chen Emperor, when I become famous, I am afraid that if he is not born yet, after a thousand years, you will kill him, just like slaughtering a dog.”

Chu Yan's heart trembled wildly. The old man in black seemed unruly, unruly, and even a little slovenly, but his words were not surprising.

Even though he has never entered the Immortal Realm, he understands that the Immortal Emperor is definitely a superior being in the Immortal Realm, superior to all living beings and in charge of the sky.

Killing the Immortal Emperor is like butchering a dog? What concept?

"Is that true?" Chu Yan blinked and whispered, but he said what was in his heart.

"You..." The old man in black was obviously very angry. This little bastard dared to doubt himself.

"I'll let you see it." The dark eyes of the old man in black suddenly flickered, and then he became extremely demonic. With just one glance, the sky opened. Suddenly, there was an extremely terrifying dark dragon in the distance. The dragon had wings, opened its teeth and claws, and roared.

"Buzz!" With just a dragon roar, Chu Yan felt that he was falling into endless chaos and would sink into a place of eternal destruction at any time.

"This black dragon is an Immortal Emperor-level demon. It was just that he provoked me back then and was sealed in this chaotic time and space by me. Now I will show you how powerful the power I want to teach you is." The old man in clothes snorted coldly, and then he raised his hand. Suddenly, the chaos of time and space was distorted, turning into an endless space-time sword path. Those swords seemed to come through time and space, and came down to kill.

"Roar——" The Black Dragon Demon King suddenly screamed. He was unable to resist the chaotic sword violence. He was stripped of his dragon scales and died miserably. He fell into the ruins.

"How is it? Amazing, right?" The old man in black stopped his hand, his sword power disappeared, and he looked at Chu Yan proudly.

Watching from the sidelines, to be honest, I was extremely shocked.

The Immortal Emperor-level demon dragon was so powerful. A dragon roar could probably destroy an entire world, but such an existence was actually killed by the old man with a wave of his hand.

"It's okay." Chu Yan took a deep breath and pretended to be calm.

"Want to learn?" The old man in black threatened and lured: "You only need to give up a thousand years, and you can master the method just now, and this is just one of them. I will give you all the mantles for you to inherit."

"I don't want to." However, Chu Yan still refused.

This time, the old man in black was really angry. Suddenly, countless time and space swords loomed, and he said coldly: "You bastard. Tell me why! Could it be that, facing such power and supreme rights in the future, you will Not interested at all? Immortal Domain Wushuang, do you know how many people want this?"

"Senior wants to know the reason, and I also want to know. I dare to ask senior, what is the purpose of my practice?" Chu Yan paused and continued: "Seeking immortality? Seeking honor? Or power? However, if we just blindly pursue these , is the path of spiritual practice a little dirty?”

"Although I have not practiced with my parents since I was a child, they have always taught me to never forget my original intention while practicing. In the eyes of my predecessors, a thousand years may not be a long time, but it only takes a blink of an eye. However, I have only been practicing for more than twenty years. A thousand years, I can’t imagine what a concept is. To me, that’s too long. After a thousand years, the world may have changed.”

"At that time, if I have no branches to rely on and I am alone, I have no worries, no strength and realm, and I can truly rule the world, even if I am the king of heaven and earth, what fun will I have? I am still me. "Huh?" Chu Yan also became serious, everyone has different pursuits.

From the day he started practicing, although he seemed unruly, he was allowed to be humiliated and follow his own will in Tianyong City.

But in his heart, he always had the world in mind, the world of his only son.

What he wants is to protect him until one day he kills the Jiutian royal family and finds Qin Ruomeng.

This is his way of cultivation. If he stays here, maybe he will become very strong. But is cultivation really just about getting stronger?

The old man in black frowned and suddenly shouted coldly: "You idiot, if you have the strength, the world will be yours, what else are you missing? By then, you want a woman, now that you have been recruited, you want friends, countless people Is this not enough? "

"Is that a friend?" Chu Yan asked back, looking at the old man with clean eyes.

"I don't know your senior's identity, but he must be extremely strong. I don't know why your senior sank in this chaotic time and space, or why you accepted me as your disciple. But senior, have you ever thought about it, if I gave up my relatives today and pursued Keep your strength and practice here. If I surpass you in a thousand years, will I give up on you like I do today when I meet someone stronger than my predecessor? "

The old man in black stared at Chu Yan and took a deep breath: "In this case, I promise you that your relatives will live forever for thousands of years. How about you practice with me?"

"No." Chu Yan refused forcefully this time.

"Why is this?"

"Senior, I really can't stay here. I know you have good intentions, but I have been practicing for twenty years and am in the realm of the Heavenly King. I dare not say how superior I am or how talented I am, but I will not belittle myself either. Even if I don't stay here, I will still be sure to stand firm in the Immortal Realm or kill the Immortal Emperor a thousand years later." Chu Yan shook his head and said, "Senior, if you think that because you are powerful, you should be followed by everyone, it would be too small. The world is full of people.”

"You..." The old man in black was so angry that he was speechless, and gritted his teeth and said: "Do you believe that I can find all your relatives now and kill them? You seem to have a little girlfriend. From this chaotic time and space After going to other areas, I can kill her from the air with just one thought, do you believe it?"

After the words fell, Chu Yan's eyes suddenly became sharp, as if he had the will of a sword. Even the golden blood in his body roared, and he let out a shocking roar. He glared at the old man and tried hard to restrain his anger.

The old man was also stunned. He didn't expect that his words would arouse Chu Yan's anger so much. He sneered: "Very angry? But what can you do? This is strength. In the final analysis, this world is the world of martial arts. Powerful, That’s all. The so-called rules and principles are just excuses for the weak.”

"Senior is right. I also believe that if senior has the ability, he will definitely be able to do it. And if senior does this, junior will indeed stay. But after a thousand years, the first person I kill will not be Emperor Chen. , or anyone in the Immortal Realm, it must be you." Chu Yan said indifferently. At this moment, he seems to be a different person. Normally, he can be casual and don't care about other people's eyes. However, he has some stubbornness that cannot be touched. .

Touch and die.

The old man in black stamped his foot angrily: "Okay, I won't accept you anymore, and I won't care about you anymore. Goodbye, don't beg me!"

After saying that, the old man in black suddenly turned around and took a step forward. Time and space were distorted and he disappeared directly.

For a moment, Chu Yan was the only one left in the space. He blinked and left now?

it's over?

To be honest, he was still under great pressure just now. After all, this old man was too strong, the strongest person he had ever seen. His heart trembled when he said some unbridled words.

If the old man really angers him and kills himself, or kills Liu Qingcheng from the air, then he will never forgive himself for the rest of his life.

"Finally let's go, let's go find Qingcheng first." Chu Yan thought in his heart, but just as he was about to move, the corner of his mouth twitched involuntarily. Around him, he saw countless huge eyes staring at him, revealing The greedy look left him speechless for a while.

Within an hour of the old man, those dark demons that messed up time and space appeared and surrounded Chu Yan. If it weren't for the aura left by the old man here, I'm afraid they would have swarmed up and swallowed Chu Yan.

"Being plotted..." Chu Yan was speechless for a while. The aura of any one of these big demons was super strong. Not to mention him, the immortal might not be able to walk out alive, right?

In the darkness, the old man looked at Chu Yan from afar, and said with a proud smile: "Humph, when I wanted to recruit a disciple, so many people flocked to him, but this bastard boy dared to refuse? In this case, I would like to see, without me, How can you leave this chaotic time and space? In the end, you still ask for me."

"Yes, when this bastard begs me, I will pretend not to hear. I will have to make him kneel down and beg for mercy and repent." The old man thought in his heart.

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