Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 730 Hua Muzhe

In addition to the Holy Dragon Alliance and the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, there were also many people watching today. It can be said that this was a great gathering of the top forces in the central part of the Immortal Domain.

At this moment, Hua Qingyun took a step forward, looked around at the people around him, cleared his throat, and suddenly said: "The Burial of Immortals Cliff has been open for a year, and today, all the rare people are here. In the past, my Huaqing Immortal Dynasty ruled the Immortal Domain, which was the orthodoxy. Now, many years have passed, and the Immortal Domain has fallen apart, but there has never been the birth of the strongest force. It is really a pity for us."

The people around frowned slightly when they heard his words, and someone said: "What does His Highness Yun mean?"

"Xunxian Realm is a realm opened by the Immortal Domain. Give us a chance. We are all top forces from the central part of the Immortal Domain. Why not use this place to have a battle, a battle in the realm of the monarch, and see how strong the people in the central part of the Immortal Domain have been in these ten thousand years." Hua Qingyun said.

The eyes of the people around him condensed. A battle in the realm of the monarch?

This is interesting.

Of course, some people also saw the ambition of the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty.

Although the Xianyu Realm cannot represent the Xianyu Realm, if Huaqing Xian Dynasty wins here, it will affect the pattern of the Xianyu Realm to some extent.

After all, the key to whether a force is truly powerful or not lies in its descendants. If Huaqing Xian Dynasty can surpass all the heroes today, then think about it, when their generation grows up in the future, Huaqing Xian Dynasty will be able to rule the world.

"Interesting, in this case, I, Jianshen Mountain, am willing to accompany you!" Now Jianshen Mountain and Huaqing Xian Dynasty have a close relationship. Jian Beifeng has arrived early and watched the excitement on the side. Now that Hua Qingyun proposed a debate, he would naturally agree.

Moreover, this is also a good opportunity to suppress the Holy Dragon Alliance.

"Are we competing for the strongest among our generation? Interesting, my Yaochi Xian Palace is also willing to participate." The fairy of Yaochi Xian Palace smiled lightly.

"The academy is a holy place, preaching and teaching, fighting and killing, so we will not participate." The people of the Holy Academy shook their heads. Indeed, the Holy Academy never participated in the battle of the Xianyu Realm, and naturally they were not interested in such a debate.

"Is the Holy Academy scared?" Hua Qingyun seemed unwilling to let any force go, and smiled calmly.

The disciples of the Holy Academy frowned slightly, but Youzi said calmly at this time: "Top Heavenly Monarch, who is willing to go out and fight."

"I'll do it." A scholar-like person walked out from the direction of the academy, holding a heavenly book.

"Okay." Hua Qingyun nodded lightly, then turned and looked in the direction of Tianhua Fairy Palace and the Holy Dragon Alliance: "What about you two?"

King Qin frowned slightly, looked at a top Heavenly Monarch beside him and said: "Zitan, you go and fight."

"Okay!" The disciple named Zitan strode out, holding a sword in his hand, with a holy dragon pattern engraved on it, hovering on his arm, like a real dragon. He is the leader of the Sword Alliance of this generation, and his combat power is extremely strong.

At this time, someone also walked out of Tianhua Fairy Palace. He was a very handsome boy, but his eyes were sharp and people dared not underestimate him.

Hua Qingyun looked at the people on the stage and smiled sneerly. Everything was in his plan. Then he shouted, "Hua Muzhe."

"Bang!" A man stepped out. Hua Muzhe, a member of the royal family of Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, a top-level Heavenly Monarch, ranked only lower than Hua Qingyun on the Immortal Seeking List, and now he went to fight.

"Aren't you going to fight?" Hua Qingyun looked up and looked at where Chu Yan was, sarcastically.

"Huaqing Immortal Dynasty is not worthy." Chu Yan said coldly, his eyes always glowing with blood.

"Rumors are indeed just rumors, but that's right. Today's battle is all top-level Heavenly Monarchs. It's normal that you don't dare to go on the field because your realm is low." Hua Qingyun said calmly. In one sentence, it seemed like he had found an excuse for Chu Yan. However, is it really so?

I saw many people around looking at Chu Yan with strange eyes.

Because of the realm, he didn't dare to fight? You know, being in the realm of Heavenly Monarchs, it belongs to a big realm. A true Tianjiao can sweep across and accept everyone. This is a true Tianjiao.

However, Chu Yan didn't seem to have such awareness.

"How to fight?" A beautiful fairy walked out from the direction of Yaochi Fairy Palace. She was a top-level Heavenly Monarch named Zhou Zixuan.

"Since it is said to be a battle between the strongest of the same generation, it is naturally a melee. The last person left on the stage wins. How about it?" Hua Qingyun said calmly, and the other major forces nodded without objection: "Okay!"

"Begin!" Hua Qingyun ordered, and immediately, it seemed as if a unique battle platform was born in the center.

Everyone's eyes froze, and countless people froze.

Zhou Zixuan took action first. She turned into thousands of phantoms and scattered around. It was difficult to distinguish the real from the fake, making it difficult to start.

In the debate, a disciple of Jianshen Mountain rushed out directly and crushed the disciples of the Academy, but almost in an instant, the disciple's eyes flashed, and the opponent showed a look of pain, as if he was trapped in a sea of ​​books and was bound.

But at this moment, Hua Muzhe made a move. There were countless lights on the sky, making crackling sounds, forming countless vines that entangled and slapped the chest of the academy disciple with a thud, directly knocking him out and smashing him outside the battle stage.

"Join hands!" Under the battle stage, countless people stared at each other. The battle had just begun, and Huaqing Immortal Dynasty and Jianshen Mountain joined forces.

Is this a statement of attitude?

In the later stages, Huaqing Immortal Dynasty and Jianshen Mountain did not hide it. The two of them joined forces and turned to kill in the direction of Tianhua Immortal Palace. The disciples of Tianhua Immortal Palace were not weak at all. They were also in the top 50 of the Xunxian List. However, facing the attack of the two, under the ruthless vines and sword light, his face was extremely embarrassed.

Huamuzhe's vines crackled and covered everything, splitting the clouds directly and attacking the disciples of Tianhua Palace and Yaochi Palace at the same time.

"Huamuzhe actually practiced the secret method of Huaqing Palace?" Everyone frowned at the terrible attack.

"Huamuzhe seems to have been prepared for today's battle." At this time, the people from the other major forces also understood.

"I admit defeat." Huamuzhe continued his offensive, and in a blink of an eye, all of Zhou Zixuan's phantom clones disappeared, and her face was pale.

"What about you?" Huamuzhe looked at the disciples of Tianhua Palace coldly. The disciple let out a low roar, extremely unhappy, but facing the attack of two people, he could only snort coldly and retreat.

Seeing this scene, countless people were shocked. Although Huaqing Palace and Jianshen Mountain joined forces, Tianhua Palace and Yaochi Fairy did the same just now, but they were still defeated.

It can be seen that Huamuzhe and the disciples of Jianshen Mountain are very powerful.

"You are the only one left!" Hua Muzhe turned around and looked at Zi Tan, the only member of the Holy Dragon Alliance on the stage, with a sarcastic smile. It can be said that he deliberately kept Zi Tan until now.

In the Holy Dragon Alliance, Zi Tan is also very strong and is the leader of the Sword Alliance of this generation. However, when Hua Muzhe was chasing him, his face became gloomy.

Hua Muzhe's attack was extremely terrifying. Those vines seemed endless. No matter how he cut them, more would grow immediately.

Soon, Zi Tan was forced into a dead end.

"Get out!" Hua Muzhe roared, and with a grip of the void, endless vines immediately flew out, turning into a terrible light, directly shattering the world. Almost at the same time, Zi Tan spurted out a mouthful of blood, and a bloody hole was pierced in his chest by the vines, and he flew directly out of the stage.

"Zitan!" King Qin took a step forward, and the Holy Dragon Light in his body burst out, shattering the vines that chased him. Then he hugged Zitan and looked at Hua Qingyun coldly: "Peers debate and kill each other, is this the temperament of Huaqing Immortal Dynasty?"

"Sorry, I just missed it, but I didn't expect that the leader of the Holy Dragon League, the Sword League, would be so vulnerable." Hua Muzhe fell back on the battlefield and smiled sarcastically.

The people of the Holy Dragon League were angry and looked at Hua Muzhe viciously, but they had no choice.

Even the leader of the Sword League was defeated, what should they do? Send someone to die?

Could it be that King Qin was asked to fight? King Qin was the leader of this generation of the Holy Dragon League. Even if he won, it would be dishonorable.

"I admit defeat." All the top forces were defeated, and only Hua Muzhe and the disciple of Jianshen Mountain were left on the stage. The disciple of Jianshen Mountain put away his sword and turned away.

This debate ended here.

However, everything seemed like thunder, and the situation was completely one-sided.

Hua Muzhe's strength, coupled with the alliance with Jianshenshan, made the other major overlords unable to compete.

"It seems that there is a result. My Huaqing Immortal Dynasty has disintegrated for ten thousand years. The heroes have divided and crowned themselves kings. However, it seems that their strength has not improved much. It is really a pity for my dynasty." Hua Qingyun looked regretful, which made many people feel ashamed.

"Continue to watch the battle." Hua Qingyun said, and raised his head.

I saw that the sky above changed color, and the battle between Lin Ang and Hua Qingfu continued.

The two of them fought against each other, both occupying half of the sky, but both of them stood on the cloud, without moving, allowing the terrible vitality to collide and tear, and emit waves of terrible explosions.

"It seems that it's over below. It's meaningless for us to continue to test it. Let's decide the winner." Hua Qingfu said calmly.

"Okay." Lin Ang nodded calmly. The duel between masters was just a moment. His mind moved, and there was a terrible holy light shadow behind him, as if it was imprinted in his mind. It was extremely terrifying and blasted out with a rolling breath and power of destruction.

Feeling the momentum, Hua Qingfu also became serious. The surrounding seas turned into huge monsters, and the mountains and ridges were like a tsunami collapse.

Chu Yan was watching quietly below, and turned to look at King Qin: "Is the martial arts of the Holy Dragon League practiced by Senior Brother? The power that can affect the power of others does not seem to be pure vitality."

"Soul power." King Qin smiled and nodded: "Although there are some unconvinced, in the Holy Dragon League, in this generation, there is no one who can compete with Lin Ang. It turned out that when Lin Ang first joined the Dragon League, there were still people who were unconvinced and provoked, but they were all beaten down. Hua Qingfu's strength is not bad, and you should be able to see a wonderful battle."

"This battle is Junzhi's strongest battle."

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