Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 729: The Prodigy of the Times

"So domineering!" Many people murmured as they looked at the departing figure.

In the Immortal Burial Cliff, the terrifying strong wind was still beating, and the towering magic mountain had collapsed. Wangfeng was bound and captured by an invisible force.

The whole process happened in an instant, and no one dared to stand up and stop it.

This is Huaqing Fu.

He doesn't need reason when he acts, and he doesn't need to care about other people's opinions. He just makes a decision and does it. If he makes a mistake, how many people in the Xunxian world can do anything to him?

Lin Daoyan stood there all the time, his red robe flying wildly, and a coldness flashed in his eyes.

"Daoyan, let's stop what happened today. Now that he appears and takes the person away with his own hands, no one can stop him." Youzi said with a bitter smile.

"Senior brother can't beat him?" Lin Daoyan looked at Youzi in surprise. After he entered the Immortal Burial Cliff, he looked at Youzi. On that day, Youzi alone understood Taoism and was coveted by hundreds of powerful people. However, he alone could face any Challenges, invincible, fighting to the sky, showing how strong he is.

"I can't beat him. Although I am in the top ten of the list of seeking immortals, there is still a big gap between me and the top three." Youzi admitted, and then said: "Today's matter may be serious. In three days, I will bury the immortals." There was a big fight in Yahui.”

Lin Daoyan was speechless, turned around and walked out of the crowd.


Another place on Immortal Burial Cliff.

When Chu Yan first came here, he didn't know about Wangfeng.

But he found a problem. He met many people on the way, some of whom he knew and some of whom were unfamiliar.

However, the looks they looked at him were extremely strange, and there was even some sympathy in them, making him frown slightly.

"Friend, do you know me?" Chu Yan looked at the person closest to him and asked.

"Defeat Chen Fengsheng, kill Hua Qingyu, and be a disciple of the Dragon Alliance. You are now a famous figure. I'm afraid there are not many people in the Xunxian world who don't know you." The man was not polite and smiled lightly.

Chu Yan frowned, the matter spread much faster than he expected.

"Then why do they look at me like this?" Chu Yan asked curiously.

"What do you think? You killed Hua Qingyu. Do you think Hua Qingfu will let you go? Will Hua Qingxian Dynasty let you go? Do you have a junior brother named Wangfeng?" The man said calmly.

"How do you know?" Chu Yan's eyes narrowed.

"Not long ago, the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty issued a comprehensive wanted order. It is said that your junior brother has been seriously injured by people from the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty. Hua Qingfu personally took action and captured him. He also issued a message that he should be taken away within three days. Divine power, kneel down in front of him and surrender, or you will be killed." After the young man finished speaking, he looked at Chu Yan again and said interestingly: "You are quite interesting. You killed Hua Qingyu and you dared to be buried in the immortal cliff. It's simply ridiculous. court death."

"Are you serious?" Chu Yan's voice suddenly turned cold, like frost.

"Of course, in the world of Xunxian nowadays, there aren't many people who don't know about this." The young man said calmly.

"Boom!" Chu Yan was furious. Although he had guessed that killing Hua Qingyu would definitely anger the Hua Qing Immortal Dynasty, he did not expect that the other party would turn his anger on Wangfeng.

"What a fairyland, what a Huaqing Immortal Dynasty!" Chu Yan said coldly, and then he turned around and left.

The people around him looked at each other and then caught up. Naturally, no one would want to miss this kind of excitement.

Chu Yan did not go directly to the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, but came to the direction of the Holy Dragon Alliance.

There is a mountain stream under the Immortal Burial Cliff. At this time, there is a young man sitting cross-legged. There is a hazy drizzle all around him. He seems to be indulging in the sound of rain. Miraculously, the rainwater cannot wet his clothes. It seems to be spinning around. Deliberately avoid it.

For a moment, the young man frowned, opened his eyes gently, and looked towards Chu Yan: "Coming?"

"Senior brother." Chu Yan nodded.

Lin Ang slowly stood up and said calmly: "I have heard everything, and what you did is not wrong. Our Dragon Alliance cannot be bullied. If the other party sneaks up on you and joins forces, you kill them. It is natural and right. I also know about Wangfeng, so prepare yourself. , let’s set off.”

Chu Yan's eyes flashed and he nodded vigorously: "Okay!"

At this time, a lot of people from the Holy Dragon Alliance had gathered, and King Qin was also at the bottom of the mountain stream. He looked up and saw Chu Yan and Lin Ang walking down the mountain side by side, and took the initiative to greet them.

"Are you sure?" King Qin asked seriously. In today's battle, the opponent is the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, and who, once the Holy Dragon Alliance appears, will represent the will of the Holy Dragon Alliance.

The next battle is inevitable, but everyone can predict that the next battle will definitely be between Lin Ang and Hua Qingfu.

If Lin Ang wins, everything will be easy. The Holy Dragon Alliance can suppress it forcefully and ask the other party to hand over people. On the contrary, if Lin Ang loses, the other party will definitely not give up.

"I have never seen Hua Qingfu take action." Lin Ang said flatly, without giving an accurate answer.

King Qin was also not surprised by this. Huaqing Enchantment reached the top three on the Immortal Seeking List. The most talented person in the generation of Huaqing Immortal Dynasty Monarch was definitely not weak if he could reach this level.

If Lin Ang said he was sure, he would be arrogant.

"Let's go!" King Qin sighed, the matter has come to this, there is no way to hide, so the only choice is to face it.

A large group of people came out of the mountain, headed by Lin Ang, and pressed in the direction of the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty.

As if they had expected it, the people from the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty were already there, headed by Hua Qingyun. In the center was a place of purgatory, with a burning stone pillar of flames that burned red. Wangfeng was tied to it, and his skin was scorched. The clothes were in tatters and covered in blood, which could be said to be horrific.

When the people around him saw this, they all gasped.

"Wangfeng!" At this moment, the people from the Holy Dragon Alliance arrived. Chu Yan looked up and saw the watchman on the flame stone pillar, and his eyes immediately turned red.

Wangfeng raised his head with difficulty, and when he saw Chu Yan, he smiled brightly, like a big boy: "Brother, I'm fine!"

"You are here." Hua Qingyun looked at Chu Yan and stood up, his voice was light and full of disdain.

"Hua Qing Immortal Dynasty, I'm here. According to the agreement, I will release him." Chu Yan said extremely coldly, and the aura in his body could not be suppressed.

"Let him go? You seem to have forgotten something. Hand over your magical power and kneel down to surrender." Hua Qingyun said coldly and arrogantly. The dignity of the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty cannot be violated.

The people around them stared at each other, and they were already tense at the beginning.

A battle today is probably inevitable.

"Boom!" But at this moment, Lin Ang took a step slowly, and there seemed to be holy light blooming in his eyes, directly penetrating through Hua Qingyun, looking towards the depths of the land of nothingness.

"Come out and fight." Lin Ang's voice was calm, but it resounded in everyone's minds like a holy voice.

"Whoosh!" At this moment, there was a sound of wind in the air, and a row of sword shadows flew from the distance. A young man stood above him, wearing a dragon robe, and he was extremely noble.

As soon as he appeared, the atmosphere suddenly condensed, and then he lowered his head and looked at Lin Ang: "Rumors have always said that the Dragon Alliance is a holy place of practice in the middle of the fairyland. Although there are few disciples, they are all monsters. Some people say that the Dragon Alliance just does not fight. If If we fight, we can level the Immortal Realm with only five disciples. However, rumors are just rumors after all. Today I will also learn how strong the disciples of the Dragon Alliance really are."

"I'll help you." Lin Ang stamped his foot, and a holy dragon pattern rose up, lifting him high into the sky.

Looking at the two people jumping into the air, everyone's eyes narrowed. This is the pinnacle of the battle.

In the central part of the fairyland, there are three heroes, Lin Ang, Hua Qingfu, and Chen Huangsheng.

The three of them became famous very early and can be said to represent a generation in the Immortal Realm. However, no one knows who is stronger. According to the positioning of the Immortal Seeking List, Chen Huangsheng is first, Hua Qingfu is second, and Lin Ang is the weakest.

Is it just true? As a disciple of the Dragon Alliance, Lin Ang performed several amazing deeds in the Immortal Realm and became famous among the Immortal Clan of Sword God Mountain in one battle.

Can such a person be weak? Everyone knows that the rankings on the Immortal Seeking List are no longer accurate for them.

The next battle will be the first peak battle at Immortal Burial Cliff.

Thinking of this, countless people's eyes became intense.

This battle is probably the strongest collision in the realm of kings, right?

Looking at Lin Ang taking off, Hua Qingfu still nodded coldly and arrogantly: "It has always been said in the Immortal Realm that you and I, Chen Huangsheng, are the three proudest people of the same generation. The three of them represent an era. However, since they are representatives of an era, Three people are too many, so there is no need for three people. Only one person is enough.”

Countless people's hearts trembled. Hua Qingfu's words meant that among the three of them, even though they were both the geniuses of the era, there was still only one who was worthy of being number one.

Of course, this is not surprising, as they generally have absolute pride.

Same name? It's impossible. What they want to do is to be the only and strongest.

"Let everyone retreat. They can't bear a fight between you and me." Lin Ang said calmly with the terrifying light of the holy dragon burning around him.

Hua Qingfu nodded without denying it and looked down: "Everyone, step back."

Suddenly, all the people below retreated to make way for a battlefield. Among them were many of the top Heavenly Lords. However, they knew that the next battle was not something they could get involved in.

That is the highest level of existence.

When the battlefield was first formed, Hua Qingfu took the lead. With a thought, his surroundings immediately turned into an endless ocean. As for him, he was like a small boat on the endless sea. The seawater turned into tsunamis and whirlpools, like a wild dragon. Give birth.

At the same time, Lin Ang also moved. Compared with Hua Qingfu, he was quieter, but his power seemed invisible, never leaving or leaving. With just a thought, everyone seemed to have the shadow of a saint in their minds. It was born and gradually became huge, making people feel like worshiping.

"Both of them are so strong. They just gathered strength and became so powerful." Countless people were secretly shocked.

Chu Yan looked up at the sky and was equally moved. Is this the Immortal Realm? He had seen countless top-notch heavenly monarchs in Xinghai, and even killed several people with the help of immortal magic weapons.

But compared with the two people in front of them, they are far behind. In the same realm, the two people's combat power is extremely powerful and terrifying.

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