Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 727: Humiliation at the sight of the enemy

The voice appeared directly in Chu Yan's ears, which made him slightly stunned. He smiled calmly and said, "Senior, are you the gravekeeper of this immortal tomb?"

No one responded.

Chu Yan didn't care and continued to talk to himself: "I always thought that this void land was just a test. I tried everything but failed. Now it seems that it is also an opportunity. I have been here for a year, my strength has improved, my luck has become stronger, and I have even realized my own Taoism. Why should I leave in a hurry?"

"In the Burial Cliff, there is immortal luck and more opportunities."

"Burial Cliff?" Chu Yan suddenly shook his head in self-mockery: "Everyone who enters the void land is determined to find the Burial Cliff, and all their thoughts are used to find how to find the entrance. However, haven't I been in the Burial Cliff for a long time?"

The immortal was stunned, and then laughed. Chu Yan looked at the sky calmly, as if there was a big eye looking at him, and he also laughed.

"You are very smart." The immortal smiled, and suddenly there was a crackling sound in the void, and the originally empty world began to collapse.

In the end, everything in front of Chu Yan disappeared, and he returned to the starting point, the place where the immortals were buried.

It was just that the thick fog that had originally shrouded this place had all dispersed, and a broad road leading to the cliff of buried immortals appeared.

"Did you guess it right?" Looking at the road in front of him, Chu Yan smiled bitterly. It turned out that the immortals had been buried under his feet for a long time, so why should he look for it?

If you want to leave, you have to understand your own way, or a unique method. Now it seems that his guess is correct.

In fact, everything is just an illusion. What binds them is not the so-called empty world, but their own hearts. When the knot is gone, all the falsehoods will be gone without attack.

This is the most difficult test of the cliff of buried immortals. There are no rules or answers for this test. You can only face your heart.

Chu Yan smiled calmly, did not stay at all, and walked towards the road ahead.

After a year, he comprehended his own Taoism. Next, he should go to see the real Burial Cliff. Many people should have been there, right?

The Burial Cliff is not the same as he imagined. There are countless immortal coffins here, and each of them seems to have the fortune of an immortal.

"Is this the place where immortal fortune is born?" Chu Yan looked at the countless immortal coffins and was quite shocked. This is more terrifying than the immortal tomb forest in the outside world. It seems to be a place where immortals are buried.

Chu Yan took a step forward, jumped into the mountains, and went deep into the Burial Cliff.

But the Burial Cliff is not peaceful now. Although the number of people who pass the most difficult test is very small, there are still other test roads.

Those roads are not difficult, so there are nearly a thousand people in the Burial Cliff now. There are often collisions between the forces of major forces, especially the conflict between the Holy Dragon League and the Sword God Mountain.

Chu Yan's guess is not wrong. Wang Feng, Ye Xun, and Liu Qingcheng have successfully entered the Burial Cliff and each realized their own unique Tao.

On this day, in a certain area of ​​the Burial Cliff, a large number of powerful figures gathered here. They were wearing the same uniform, and there were two exquisite words in the middle: Huaqing, which were the disciples of the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty.

"Have you found the person?" At this time, the leader spoke.

"We found a person, the one called Wangfeng."

"Go find him. My brother ordered that all those who are related to Chu Yan should be captured." The person who spoke was Hua Qingyun.

This person is also a prince of the Huaqing Dynasty. He is stronger than Hua Qingyu. He ranks in the top 20 on the Xunxian List and has a very high talent.

The important thing is that he is Hua Qingfu's younger brother. They have the same father and mother. They are both the offspring of Empress Huaqing. Hua Qingyu is the son of a concubine.

"Your Highness Yun, this boy is also a disciple of the Dragon Alliance. Before, Su Changge of Jianshen Mountain suppressed him with his realm, but Lin Ang directly killed him on the sword and killed Su Changge. If we directly attack him, I'm afraid the Dragon Alliance will not let it go." A disciple of the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty frowned slightly.

"Sword God Mountain? They are not worthy of comparing with my Hua Qingxian Dynasty! Lead the way!" Hua Qingyun said coldly, revealing a strong aura.

The people around him stared at him, then nodded, and left in a mighty manner, heading in the direction of the Burial Cliff.

In the Burial Cliff, there is a mysterious ancient peak, on which there is a huge demon shadow.

This demon shadow has six wings, which is the remains of an extraordinary demon fairy.

At this time, there is a young man sitting on the ancient peak, feeling that there is endless demon energy constantly sweeping in between heaven and earth and pouring into his body.

For a moment, the young man seemed to merge with the demon shadow, giving people a very strong feeling.

At this time, a group of mighty figures descended and came to the bottom of the ancient peak. The leader was Hua Qingyun. He looked up at Wangfeng on the Demon Mountain, his eyes were cold and contemptuous, and directly turned into a terrible aura to cover him.

"Wake up!" Hua Qingyun roared, and rushed out like a dragon's roar, directly hitting Wangfeng.

Wang Feng suddenly woke up, his face was pale, there was a sweetness in his throat, blood spit out, and he glared at Hua Qingyun.

"Hua Qing Immortal Dynasty? What do you mean? I didn't offend you, did I?" Wang Feng was always straightforward and asked unhappily.

"You and Chu Yan joined the Dragon Alliance together, what is your relationship?" Hua Qingyun asked coldly.

"That's my senior brother!" Wang Feng said without hiding anything. He has always been proud of Chu Yan, so even if he knew that the other party might be unfavorable to him, he would not hide anything.

"That's right, let's do it!" Hua Qingyun nodded, and suddenly, the disciples of the Hua Qing Immortal Dynasty around him rushed out, with such strong momentum that they enveloped the surrounding area.

"Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, what do you mean?" The people from the Holy Dragon Alliance were attracted and frowned slightly when they saw this.

"Hua Qing Immortal Dynasty is doing business, if you don't want to die, get out!" Hua Qingyun said coldly, turning into a sea of ​​nothingness from his body, immediately covering the world and turning it into a unique barrier.

Feeling the oppression of that power, Wangfeng's face suddenly turned gloomy to the extreme. However, facing the ruthless pressure, he stopped talking nonsense and transformed into a demon body.

For a moment, he seemed to overlap with the demonic shadow on the magic mountain. The six-winged demonic wings bloomed with endless brilliance in his body, and his whole body seemed to be covered with a terrifying demonic armor.

"Suppress!" Immediately, countless top-notch heavenly kings stepped out in the direction of Huaqing Immortal. They all practiced combined attack tactics. Light curtains bloomed in the void, and thousands of thunders directly suppressed Wangfeng Dong.

"Your Highness Yun, what should we do with him?" asked someone from the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty.

"Before, Chu Yan acted recklessly and killed His Highness Hua Qingyu. This place is related to Chu Yan, so he should be punished." Someone next to him immediately said with red eyes, it was the person who was with Hua Qingyu in the land of nothingness.

However, at this moment, Hua Qingyun suddenly raised his hand to stop him: "Don't worry, there are many secrets in Chu Yan's body, the immortal weapon and evil sword, as well as many divine objects and magical powers later on. Since this person is Chu Yan's junior brother, You should know something, ask first.”

"Yes!" The disciple of the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty nodded and looked up at Wangfeng. The suppressive combined attack technique flickered again. Wangfeng suddenly felt the incomparable pain and let out a scream.

"His Royal Highness Yun asked you, do you know Chu Yan's magical powers and divine objects?" the disciple of the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty asked coldly.

"Bah!" Wangfeng raised his head to look at Hua Qingyu, suddenly vomited, and said with a ferocious smile: "Hua Qingxian Dynasty is so shameless. Your Highness Yu was killed by my senior brother? If I remember correctly, you Yu His Highness was a top-level Heavenly Lord before, and there were more than thirty people on the Immortal Seeking List. He was killed by my senior brother across two levels. He was not ashamed, but he still had the nerve to take revenge? "

"Don't say that my senior brother is extremely talented. I don't know anything about him. Even if I knew, I would never tell you."

"It seems that you still don't know what suffering is." Hua Qingyun raised his hand slightly, and immediately the ruthless emptiness of the sea water condensed into a gun shadow and shot out.

"Ah!" Wangfeng screamed again, but he still looked at Hua Qingyun with a sneer: "You son of a bitch, if you dare, kill me. When my senior brother finds out, he will definitely avenge me. When the time comes, , the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty will be destroyed!"

"Ah!" Suddenly, countless terrifying forces came and suppressed him. Wangfeng's body was immediately pressed down, and he knelt on the ground with a thud.

At this time, his eyes were red, his body was covered in blood, and his clothes were ragged. It could be said that he was extremely miserable, but the more he looked like this, the angrier he became.

He swore in his heart that as long as he didn't die, he would seek revenge on Hua Qingyun.

"The Huaqing Immortal Dynasty is a bit bullying." At this moment, a calm voice suddenly sounded. Hua Qingyun frowned slightly and looked for the voice, only to see a young man standing there in the distance.

He was wearing a red robe and looked a little unfamiliar, but he recognized Hua Qingyun, a young man next to him.

"People from the academy? Why, you also want to interfere in the affairs of my Huaqing Immortal Dynasty?" Hua Qingyun looked at the red-robed young man and frowned slightly. This person's name is Fang Yu.

"He actually showed up!" The others looked up at this man and were slightly surprised.

There are two men in the academy, one of them is Shuzi, and the other one is this person, nicknamed: Youzi.

This person is different from what the scholar upholds. He travels around the world and has more of a scholar's spirit.

"Don't look at me. This matter has nothing to do with me. But if my junior brother is friends with this person, it's my business." Youzi said calmly.

"Your junior brother." Hua Qingyun frowned and looked at the red-robed young man: "I've never seen you before, who are you?"

"The man from Xinghai, Lin Daoyan!" The man in red robe, Lin Daoyan, has now joined the Holy Academy and has been recognized by the wanderers.

"What do you want?" Hua Qingyun concentrated slightly. He didn't care what the others said, but he still had to be a little wary of the wanderer here.

"Junior brother, what do you think?" Youzi looked at Lin Daoyan with a smile.

"Wangfeng, would you be afraid of a one-on-one argument?" Lin Daoyan said calmly.

When Wangfeng saw Lin Daoyan, he also laughed. When he was in the mortal world, he had a bad impression of Lin Daoyan, but after entering the sea of ​​​​stars, he changed his mind a lot. He laughed wildly and said: "It's ridiculous. The Huaqing Immortal Dynasty is just a bunch of rats. Even if I’m injured, but I’m still not afraid.”

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