Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 726: The Heavenly Monument and Heavenly Light Appear

Xunxian Realm has been open for four years.

A year ago, because of the opening of the Burial Cliff, all the purple-luck geniuses stepped into it. It will be the final place of Xunxian Realm, and whether the immortal luck can be born depends on this.

So now Xunxian Realm is a little thin, and they can't know about the things in the Burial Cliff.

The incident caused by the Heaven's Choice has gradually faded, and fewer and fewer people pay attention to it.

One day, in the land of the Holy Phoenix Immortal Kingdom, on a street leading to the exit of Xunxian Realm, there was a figure walking with heavy steps.

This person was wearing a bamboo hat, exuding a foul smell and a suppressed breath, which made people who approached him frown slightly.

"Stop!" At the exit of Xunxian Realm, a guard of the Holy Phoenix Immortal Kingdom suddenly shouted and stopped the man with the spear in his hand.

"Who is coming? To leave Xunxian Realm, you must show your true face." The guard said coldly.

However, at this time, the man raised his head slightly, and a cold light shot out from his eyes. Then he moved and turned into a terrible flame.

The guard frowned slightly when he felt the power of this man, and immediately tried to block it, but then his face changed in shock. He saw that a purple luck burst out from this man's body, the top level of Tianjun, and punched the guard's chest directly, causing the guard to spit out blood.

"Purple luck, how is this possible?" The guard was shocked. He couldn't figure it out. Now that the purple luck people have joined the Burial Cliff, why would someone suddenly appear here.

After repelling the guards, the man walked faster and kept walking towards the exit of Xunxianjie.

"Stop!" The other guards also noticed the abnormality here and flew over immediately. More than a dozen Tianjuns, each holding a magic weapon, blocked the young man in front of them.

This man raised his head suddenly, and all kinds of light burst out from his body, causing all the guards to focus their eyes and immediately release their vitality to turn into a shield.

"Get started!" Countless guards rioted, and all kinds of methods were used. However, this person's combat power was also very strong, especially under the blessing of purple luck, he directly swept everyone, causing many guards to retreat frantically.

At this time, a strong wind blew, and this person's hat was suddenly blown away, revealing a cold face.

"It's you!" After seeing the appearance of this person, countless guards stared and became serious.

This person caused a huge sensation when the Xianjie was first opened. He also joined the Holy Dragon Mountain and was praised as the chosen one. It was Tianbei Tianmang.

However, since the end of the Shenglong Mountain Immortal Feast, this person seemed to have disappeared and never appeared again. Later, the Holy Emperor Taxue ordered to send people to block all exits from the Xianjie, in order to block this person. Now, he appeared here.

After enduring for nearly three years, the breath in Tianbei Tianmang's body became sharper. Now, he exudes a terrible chill.

The matter of being chosen by heaven was a great blow to him, but he knew that in order to survive, he could only escape, and then he lived in Xunxian Realm for three years.

During these three years, all the exits of Xunxian Realm were guarded by people, and he didn't even have the opportunity to leave. The major forces wanted him, so he became extremely depressed. Now he has lost the sharpness of the past, but looks the coldest and fiercest.

In his opinion, all this is because of Chu Yan. He is destined by heaven and should be the destined person.

It is because of Chu Yan's appearance that he has fallen to the point where everyone is shouting and beating him, so he must avenge this hatred.

He knew that he couldn't kill Chu Yan in Xunxian Realm, so he had to leave here and make Chu Yan live a life worse than death.

"Get out!" Tianbei Tianmang roared, and the power of the sixteen Tianbei merged, turning into countless mountains and smashing down, shocking everyone back.

"Boom!" The ground trembled violently, the mountains in the distance collapsed, and the guards of the Holy Phoenix Immortal Country looked pale.

Tianbei Tianmang was mistaken for being chosen by heaven, which shows that his talent is not bad. In addition, he also possessed purple luck after three years of dormancy. The guards in front of him could not stop him at all.

He raised his hand and struck, and with a thud, all the guards were repelled. Then he looked at the exit of Xunxianjie in the distance and flew out quickly.

"Stop him!" The group of guards roared, but it was too late. Tianbei Tianmang's figure turned into a light and shadow, and rushed out of Xunxianjie and disappeared without a trace.

"What's going on?" At this time, a flaming phoenix flew in the distance. Saint Emperor Taxue stood on it and frowned slightly at the mess below.

"Your Highness, Tianbei Tianmang appeared." A guard climbed up and said.

"Where is he?" Saint Emperor Taxue asked immediately with a fixed gaze.

"He ran away. He seemed to be well prepared. He directly injured us and rushed out of Xunxianjie." The guard bowed his head and said.

Saint Emperor Taxue already knew the relationship between Chu Yan and Tianbei Tianmang. Now that Tianbei Tianmang had left Xunxian Realm first, this matter was very serious. Thinking of this, he frowned deeply.

"Send my order to inform the Immortal Kingdom and ask them to send people to the Star Sea immediately." Saint Emperor Taxue made a prompt decision, then he took a deep breath and looked in the direction of the Burial Immortal Cliff.

"Brother, are you going to take risks?" Saint Phoenix Yufei seemed to know what Saint Emperor Taxue was going to do, and whispered.

"Chu Yan is very important to my Immortal Kingdom." Saint Emperor Taxue sighed. Now he also has purple luck, but he did not enter the Burial Immortal Cliff, because he knew that compared with the real Tianjiao, he was still far behind, but now that Tianbei Tianmang had left Xunxian Realm, the situation was serious, and he had to go there in person to inform Chu Yan.

"Be careful." Saint Phoenix Yufei frowned, but finally nodded lightly and did not stop.

"I know!" Saint Emperor Texue nodded and turned to head towards the Burial Cliff.

The Burial Cliff has been open for a year now.

More and more people are passing through the Land of Nothingness.

Chu Yan didn't know about the Heavenly Stele and Heavenly Light.

He has always been enlightened in the Palm Mountain. Now the yin and yang above him are perfect, and the five elements are not missing. From time to time, holy light is sprinkled on the sky, as if washing him, allowing him to reach a perfect state.

At this time, he suddenly opened his eyes, and a very rich color appeared in his eyes. Then he turned around and bowed slightly to the Palm Mountain: "Thank you, senior."

Outside the Palm Mountain, there were always people watching, and they were surprised to see Chu Yan's actions: "Is this guy crazy? He is actually talking to this Palm Mountain?"

"He doesn't seem to have fully enlightened yet, otherwise, he should have left." A Tianjiao guessed.

However, Chu Yan ignored them, and then took a step and walked directly outside the Palm Mountain. With every step he took, there was a constant flow of light.

"He's out." The people around frowned, and then someone suddenly stepped forward, blocked Chu Yan's way and asked: "You succeeded in enlightenment? Why didn't you leave this void world?"

Chu Yan looked back at the man, did not respond, and continued to leave.

"Arrogant!" The man's face was slightly condensed, with a bit of arrogance: "Do you really think that you have won a few games and are unparalleled in the world? You are still far behind the real top people in Xunxianjie. They have already realized the truth and left this void, but you have been unable to get out. The so-called Dragon Alliance disciple seems to be just a joke."

Chu Yan turned to look at this person and said calmly: "You also didn't realize the truth and leave, I think you are also a second-rate character."

Hearing Chu Yan's words, the people around were also stunned, and then showed a playful smile.

"This guy, I'm afraid he doesn't know who the person in front of him is?" Someone whispered.

The young man was also stunned and laughed: "Don't you know me?"

"Why should I know you?" In the Burial Cliff, everyone relied on their abilities and fought constantly. Since the other party blocked his way, Chu Yan would not give him much face.

"Interesting. My name is Xie Kuang." The young man said calmly, saying his name directly, but the weight was enough.

Chu Yan frowned and looked at the Immortal Seeking List. The 20th place had the same name as this person, Xie Kuang.

"My way is the way of killing and killing, and I realize the way by killing people. However, I disdain to kill lowly people, so naturally I have not left this void, but if I want, I can do it at any time." Xie Kuang said coldly, and then he glanced at Chu Yan: "Your Taoism is not bad, just suitable for me to realize the way, stay."

Chu Yan frowned. The other party was really arrogant. He wanted to kill himself to realize the way just because he didn't agree with him?

"Destroy!" Xie Kuang's power was extremely strong. He slapped a palm in the void, and it seemed that there was an evil dragon tumbling in the sky, directly suppressing Chu Yan.

But almost at the same time, Chu Yan's arm condensed, and the devil's arm surged, violently colliding with Xie Kuang. Just this one blast made the opponent's body tremble, and the evil dragon was directly broken.

"Blocked?" Everyone condensed, Xie Kuang, in terms of ranking, is already a real top-level genius, but Chu Yan still blocked it, how terrible is this?

"If you get closer, kill." Chu Yan glanced at Xie Kuang unceremoniously, and then turned to leave.

Xie Kuang was shocked back, his face was extremely embarrassed, but he stared at Chu Yan's back, and growled: "Even if you have good combat power, if you kill Hua Qingyu, that person will not let you go. If you dare to enter the Burial Cliff, you will die without a burial place!"

Chu Yan glanced at the other party, ignored it, and left directly.

In the land of nothingness, he walked a long way, visited many ruins, and cliffs.

He originally wanted to find Ye Xun, Wang Feng, Liu Qingcheng and others, but there was no news, so he gradually became indifferent.

"It seems that everyone has found their own Taoism and left." Chu Yan thought to himself, and then he found another relic, sat cross-legged on it, and comprehended the world.

Soon after, another light fell on him, and his Taoism became stronger.

This was the third time Chu Yan strengthened. His Taoism reached an extreme. In addition, his luck also rose to the top purple existence.

"Since you have realized the Taoism, why do you still stay here?" At this time, it seemed that an immortal spoke in the void, and a voice came out.

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