Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 65 Ruthless Betrayal

Hearing Chu Yan's words, Qinghong frowned, and then he smiled frivolously: "Interesting."

Chu Yan didn't talk nonsense. Xiaolang ran forward at this moment. He took a look at Fatty's injuries, and his eyes also flashed with strong murderous intent.

"Xiao Lang, look at Fatty." Chu Yan confessed. The Wind Yin Sword was already in his hand. His eyes turned cold, wind grew under his feet, and he approached Qinghong directly.

Facing Chu Yan's sword, Qinghong was very disdainful. With his energy, his palms turned into claws, and the air was shattered with a single grasp of the void.

Qinghong is at the ninth level of the moving dust realm. If it was half a month ago, Chu Yan would definitely be inferior. But it is different now. Chu Yan is at the sixth level of the moving dust realm, plus the Tianxing Juechen Code, the Tianxing Secret Technique, and the Sun-Destroying Sword Dao. As long as it is not Juechen realm, then he has the power to fight.

"Bang!" Chu Yan's sword energy swept across, and a flaming sword was struck. Qinghong also moved at this time. He had a pair of green steel gloves in his hands. He punched Chu Yan, and immediately the flaming sword was thrown. To smash.

Chu Yan was not surprised that the sword energy was destroyed by Qinghong. After all, he was only moving the sixth level of dust. It was impossible to kill Qinghong instantly. He had to fight his wits. He dodged Qinghong's three punches in a row, and his body He walked around behind Qinghong and stabbed Qinghong in the back.

"Keng!" Qinghong blocked it with her fist, and then turned it into a punch, hitting Chu Yan's chest.

"Boom!" Chu Yan blocked it again, and the two fell into a stalemate for a while, with no one able to win directly.

"Roar!" But at this moment, there was a roar in the forest, and a strong energy energy filled the air, violently knocking Chu Yan and Qinghong back.

Both of them stabilized their lower bodies, and saw a series of embarrassed figures flying out from the dense forest not far away. They all looked like teenagers, but when they landed, they were already dead.

"What's going on?" Qinghong frowned. These people were all his men, and they were chasing Fatty with him just now.

"No, it's the armored rhinoceros. He burned his blood and broke through to the Juechen realm." Dai Yuepeng said in surprise from the side, and saw that in the dense forest, the armored rhinoceros had at least increased several times in size, like a hill. Roaring, he trampled on the corpses of the disciples and ran over.

Qinghong's eyes turned cold. He was unmoved when faced with the death of a group of disciples, but when he saw an armored rhinoceros approaching, he was a little scared. He would never be able to deal with the Juechen Realm monster.

"Asshole!" Qinghong couldn't help but curse. If he continued to stay here, he would definitely die, so he winked at Dai Yuepeng and the other two: "Let's go, get out of here!"

"What about them?" Dai Xiaoyan glanced at the fat man. The fat man was seriously injured. Both legs were broken. He couldn't walk at all. If he stayed here, he would definitely die.

"Don't worry about them, let's go!" Dai Yuepeng suddenly shouted.

"Brother!" But at this moment, Dai Xiaoyan shook her head: "He saved us. He was so dangerous just now. He didn't abandon me or you. He still wanted to take us away. Now we leave him here and there. Who are we?”

Hearing Dai Xiaoyan's words, Dai Yuepeng frowned, and Qinghong's face became even more livid. He glanced at Dai Xiaoyan coldly: "Now I give you two choices. One, come with me, and be my woman in the future. Tianzong, I will give you endless glory. Secondly, you stay here and die with them. It’s your choice.”

At this time, Chu Yan and Fatty kept looking at the three of them. They also wanted to know how Dai Xiaoyan chose.

"Xiaoyan, you have to think clearly. Brother Qinghong is a famous figure in the Haotian Sect and the son of Elder Qing Pheasant of the Law Enforcement Hall. But they are just two new students, and they are still about to die. Because two dead people, suppress Is it worth spending your whole life and your bright future?" Dai Yuepeng shouted again.

Dai Xiaoyan hesitated. She glanced at the fat man in pain, finally lowered her head and said lightly: "I'm sorry...although you saved me, but I don't want to die yet. I still have a great youth. If I want to blame...it's your fault." He doesn’t have as good a background as Brother Qinghong.”

Hearing Dai Xiaoyan's words, the fat man suddenly grinned, and he smiled sarcastically: "It's okay, I'll save you, you're just blind, and then you become a bitch."

But at this moment, Chu Yan looked at Dai Xiaoyan and suddenly said lightly: "I hope you will not regret today's choice in the future."

Dai Xiaoyan frowned and became unhappy, probably to cover up the little guilt in her heart, so she immediately roared at Chu Yan: "What does it have to do with you? You are just a useless freshman! Besides, why should I regret it? Brother Qinghong is the son of the law enforcement elder, and he is very talented. He will soon become a genius of Haotian Sect, and I will be the woman beside him, walking with him to the commanding heights. You two are just people who want to die! "

"Whatever you say now, but I will only tell you that one day in the future, he will be someone you can't look up to." Chu Yan smiled and pointed at the fat man.

Dai Xiaoyan felt even more unhappy, no longer as innocent as before: "You fart! I will never regret it. You two are not qualified. You will die soon!"

Dai Xiaoyan was almost twisted when she suddenly took out a rhino cub from her arms and threw it towards the two of them.

"Ouch!" The rhino cub let out a childish cry. Seeing the cub, Fatty suddenly understood. No wonder the armored rhinoceros would keep chasing them, and in the end even burnt his blood. It turned out to be this reason!

"Let's go." Seeing what Dai Xiaoyan did, Qinghong sneered.

"Okay!" After saying that, the Dai brothers and sisters followed Qinghong.

Looking at the backs of the two, Chu Yan rolled his eyes at the fat man: "Fatty, to be honest, your vision is really bad. Is this kind of woman worth giving up your chance to escape for her?"

"Brother Chu, I know I was wrong. I have implicated you. It seems that we will all die here today." The fat man said self-blamingly. Although he was heartbroken by Dai Xiaoyan's betrayal, he didn't care. But what made him blame himself the most now was that Chu Yan was harmed because of him.

"Okay, we won't die." Chu Yan patted the fat man's shoulder and prepared to summon the demon elder, but at this moment, the little wolf let out a long howl on the side.

"Ao!" The wolf howl echoed in the demon forest, and then, waves of wolf howls sounded from all directions of the demon forest, as if the rest of the wolf pack in the demon forest was responding to the little wolf. After a while, Chu Yan and the fat man were shocked. They saw countless demon wolves in all directions of the demon forest, as many as hundreds of them, surrounding this place.

"Fuck, Brother Chu, the little wolf is also trying to trick us. One rhino is enough to make us suffer. Why did they bring so many demon wolves?" The fat man was confused.

"Don't make a fuss. Can't you see that these demon wolves are here to help us?" Chu Yan rolled his eyes at the fat man, and then looked at the little wolf meaningfully.

Wolves are social creatures. Every wolf pack has a leader, and all wolves will obey this wolf. However, Chu Yan did not expect that the little wolf could actually call on the wolf pack. There are three kinds of wolf packs here, the Red Blood Demon Wolf, the Silver Moon Demon Wolf, and the Haotian Demon Wolf. They are all bloodline demon beasts, but the little wolf can suppress them with the power of bloodline. It seems that the background of this little guy is really not simple.

"Roar!" Surrounded by the wolf pack, the rhino roared, but did not dare to approach Chu Yan and the fat man.

A good tiger cannot fight a pack of wolves, let alone a rhino, but the rhino did not leave, and stared at Chu Yan fiercely.

"Ah!" At this time, the little wolf roared again in dissatisfaction, making a gesture as if he was going to eat the rhino. The little wolf roared, and the rhino trembled suddenly and almost knelt down, but he held back. He stared at the little wolf, as if he wanted to die with the little wolf.

Chu Yan was shocked. Among the monsters, blood is absolutely suppressed. The little wolf is obviously higher than the rhino, but he did not obey, but overcame the blood, which is rare.

"Little wolf, enough! Let it go." Chu Yan reached out to stop the little wolf at this time, looking at the rhino with a trace of sympathy. In this life, the thing that can move Chu Yan the most is maternal love, which is also what he lacks and yearns for the most.

"Go away. Little guy, learn to be smart in the future and don't let others catch you again." Chu Yan rubbed the little rhino and handed it to the big rhino. The big rhino looked at Chu Yan suspiciously, as if he couldn't believe it. In the eyes of monsters, humans are always the most dangerous because they are cunning, but Chu Yan is not. This made the rhino nod to Chu Yan with gratitude and leave the monster forest with the little rhino on his back.

"Ah!" The little wolf roared at Chu Yan unhappily, as if blaming Chu Yan for letting go of the delicious food that was in his mouth.

"Be good, wait a while, I will take you into the monster forest, whoever you want to eat, I will catch for you, okay." Chu Yan smiled bitterly.

"Ah!" The little wolf shouted excitedly, as if telling Chu Yan that it was almost the same.

The crisis was resolved, and the little wolf let the wolf pack disperse. Then the little wolf came to the fat man alone, rubbed the fat man, dragged the fat man to his body, and then let out another unhappy roar.

"Fatty, you really should lose weight. Little Wolf is not happy." Chu Yan rolled his eyes at Fu Tao.

"Hehe, if Fatty loses weight, can I still be called Fatty? My goal is to be fat to death." Fu Tao looked indifferent, but there was a strong hatred in his eyes. Through this incident, he felt more deeply that his strength was insufficient, so he made up his mind to work hard to become stronger and not drag Chu Yan and Ye Xun down.

At this time, on the other side, Qinghong and his group ran all the way, but before they left the demon forest, a black-clothed boy suddenly intercepted them. The boy lowered his head and could not see his face clearly. He held a black dragon spear in his hand and approached them step by step.

"Who are you?" Seeing the boy, Qinghong and the other two were stunned.

"Just now someone said that you must die today. I am here to fulfill his promise." The boy slowly raised his head, and then the killing intent surged. The boy was Ye Xun.

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