Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 64 Do you believe you will die?

The Haotian Sect Monster Forest is a dense forest within the Haotian Sect. The outside world is sealed by the Elder Barrier. There are many monsters in it, which are specially used for hunting and training by the disciples.

At this time, in the demon forest, the fat man was running wildly, with several figures chasing after him quickly. Fortunately, Fatty is very fast. When he was in the Mortal Realm, he was faster than Chu Yan and Ye Xun in the Moving Chen Realm. Now that he has reached the Moving Chen Realm, he has reached an extreme speed. He is like a gust of wind in the dense forest. That's why he never got caught.

"Fuck! How can this fat man run so fast!" Behind the fat man, a group of people chased him crazily.

"If you have the guts to chase Fatty, if you don't, you will be my grandson!" Fatty yelled as he ran, thinking in his heart: "After such a long time, Qian Dong and Zhao Yu should have run out of the demon forest."

The fat man breathed a sigh of relief and continued running wildly, but at this moment, he suddenly frowned and saw a very strong demonic aura coming from in front of him. The demonic aura was very strong and even scarier than the previous demonic tiger. .

"Roar!" With a roar, an armored rhinoceros rushed out. The rhinoceros was covered in iron armor and very powerful. When he saw the rhinoceros, the fat man's narrow eyes narrowed: "It's actually a ninth-level monster in the Juechen Realm?"

The fat man was startled and hurriedly prepared to take a detour, but he suddenly discovered that there were two figures in front of the rhinoceros, a man and a woman, and they were running away in embarrassment being chased by the rhinoceros.

"Boom!" The rhinoceros rushed out, his vitality protecting his rhinoceros horns, and he lowered his head and trampled wildly, and a dense forest was razed to the ground in an instant.

"Ah!" The man howled, and the rhino's horn was like a spear, piercing the man's calf directly, causing the man to fall to the ground in pain. Seeing this scene, the woman's face turned pale: "Brother!"

"Xiaoyan, run quickly and leave me alone!" Dai Yuepeng shouted in pain.

"No, how can I leave you?" Dai Xiaoyan turned around, her eyes red, and she stood firmly in front of the rhinoceros.

It's a pity that the rhinoceros is at the ninth level of moving dust, and monsters are generally stronger than humans. Dai Xiaoyan is only at the eighth level of moving dust, so she can't stop the rhino at all.

"Bang!" Dai Xiaoyan held a hidden sword, waved her jade hand, and fired out several sword auras in succession. However, these sword auras did not even break the rhino's defense, but instead angered the rhinoceros.

"Roar!" Rhino put down Dai Yuepeng and looked at Dai Xiaoyan with cold eyes, the beast's eyes filled with traces of anger.

Dai Xiaoyan was shocked, but there was nothing she could do. The vitality around the rhinoceros surged, and it stepped forward violently. A ravine suddenly opened in the ground, and Dai Xiaoyan could be crushed in the next second. But at this moment, the fat man Suddenly appeared, he grabbed Dai Xiaoyan's waist, threw himself forward, and then blocked the rhino's attack.

"Are you okay?" Dodging the rhinoceros' attack, the fat man hurriedly rolled on the ground, and then looked at Dai Xiaoyan next to him. Dai Xiaoyan was a disciple of the Haotian Sect one level older than them. She was very beautiful, and most importantly Yes, she has the innocence of the little girl next door, and the fat man looks a little obsessed with her.

"I, I'm fine. Thank you just now." Dai Xiaoyan said gratefully. If it weren't for the fat man, she would definitely be dead.

"It's okay, it's just a piece of cake. Holy shit, are you still here?" Fatty's eyes narrowed to a slit. Seeing that Fatty dodged the attack, the armored rhinoceros was furious. He turned around, stamped his iron feet on the ground a few times, and followed closely. The ground trembled for a while, and he rushed towards the fat man.

"Run!" The fat man shouted immediately, grabbed Dai Xiaoyan's hand, and was about to run away into the distance, but at this moment, Dai Xiaoyan suddenly stopped: "No, my brother is still there, I want to save my brother! "

The fat man also saw the seriously injured Dai Yuepeng at this time and frowned. His current situation was not good. If it was just an armored rhinoceros, he would have the confidence to lead the two of them to escape, but there was a group of people chasing him behind.

"Forget it, Fatty, I am Yi Bo Yuntian. Since I saw you, I will help you!" The Fatty turned around and ran in the direction of Dai Yuepeng. Along the way, he deliberately chose some denser places to walk, thinking He used an ancient tree to block the rhinoceros, but the fat man was naive. The armored rhinoceros was a bloodline monster with a body like iron armor, and it just went on a rampage without caring.

"Fuck! So cruel?" The fat man's face darkened, and he hurriedly quickened his pace.

"My dad really didn't lie to me. In this world, no matter how powerful your kung fu is, it's not as powerful as the kung fu on your feet. Running fast is more important than anything else." The fat man thought, and quickly rushed to Dai Yuepeng's side: "Brother, you Are you okay?"

Dai Yuepeng's leg was injured. He grabbed the fat man's hand in pain and said, "Brother, I can't run away. Please take my sister away!"

"Brother, if you don't leave, I won't leave either!" Dai Xiaoyan shook her head desperately.

"Okay, don't be pretentious, let's go together!" Looking at this pair of brothers and sisters, the fat man was speechless for a while. He suddenly arched his waist and wrapped Dai Yuepeng on his body, then turned around and ran away towards the dense forest. .

"Whoosh!" But at this moment, a sword hit him and pierced the fat man's chest.

"Ah!" The fat man shouted in pain. He staggered, knelt on the ground, and stared at the man holding the sword: "Asshole!"

"Damn Fatty, I finally caught you." The man holding the sword snorted coldly, then pulled out a sharp sword with his other hand, stabbed it at the Fatty's calf, and directly nailed one of the Fatty's legs to the ground. : "Can't you run? I'll see how you can run next."

"Qinghong?" Dai Yuepeng and Dai Xiaoyan were both surprised. Dai Xiaoyan recognized this person at a glance. It was Qinghong, the first person who entered the Haotian Sect in the same year as him and her. He was also the only disciple who got the fifth-level Haotian Order in the first year of entering the Haotian Sect. It was rumored that he was related to some elders of the Haotian Sect and was a relative.

The sword-eater glanced at Dai Xiaoyan, and a strong evil flashed in his eyes: "It turned out to be Sister Xiaoyan. I didn't expect you to be here too. This is none of your business. Next, you step back a little and wait for me to deal with this fat man, and then I will take you away."

Dai Xiaoyan frowned, but just as she was about to speak, Dai Yuepeng on the side grabbed him and shook his head at her.

"Don't mind your own business. Qinghong is not an ordinary person. It will not be good for us to offend him."

"But brother, he just saved us!"

"He didn't save us at all. We were saved by Brother Qinghong. What does it have to do with him, a freshman?" Dai Yuepeng suddenly interrupted Dai Xiaoyan. Dai Xiaoyan's eyes widened. She didn't expect that her brother would say that.

Hearing Dai Yuepeng's words, Qinghong looked at Dai Yuepeng with satisfaction: "You are very good. When you come back to Haotian Sect, come to me. I will help you arrange your future."

Dai Yuepeng was overjoyed and clasped his fist towards Qinghong: "Thank you, Brother Qinghong."

The fat man suddenly felt very ironic. He kindly saved the lives of the brother and sister, but now he has become a springboard for others. However, the fat man did not speak. He knew that this was the way of martial arts. He did not agree, but he did not deny it.

"Brother Hong, there is a blood demon beast behind us, the armored rhinoceros, which should have a demon core." At this time, the rest of Qinghong's disciples followed and stopped beside Qinghong.

"Blood demon beasts are rare. You guys go and kill the demon beast. Remember to keep the demon core and the horn of the armored rhinoceros, which is also a top-grade treasure." Qinghong instructed.

"Yes!" A disciple rushed towards the armored rhinoceros, and Qinghong looked at the fat man: "Hand over the demon core, and I will spare your life."

"What demon core, I don't know! Ah!" Before the fat man finished speaking, Qinghong took out a sword and nailed it on the fat man's other leg, and let out a scream.

"Chasing you has made me embarrassed for a long time, so now I have no patience at all." Qinghong said coldly.

"Son of a bitch, this is Haotian Sect. You dare not kill me. At most, you can cripple me. It's okay. I'm not afraid of your fat uncle! But I don't have the demon core!" The fat man stared at Qinghong. He grinned, his mouth full of blood, very miserable.

"It seems that you are still too young. Who told you that Haotian Sect can't kill people?" Qinghong shook his head with a sneer, and stabbed the sword in his hand again, piercing into the fat man's hands fiercely.

Ah! The fat man's howling continued. Soon, Qinghong stabbed seven or eight blood holes on the fat man's body. His eyes were red and he stared at Qinghong, but he still didn't beg for mercy.

Dai Xiaoyan couldn't bear to watch it, but Dai Yuepeng stopped her and didn't let her go forward.

"You are really looking for death." Qinghong sighed, and the long sword in his hand was no longer nonsense, ready to fall, but at this time, a flame sword light slashed out and fiercely blocked Qinghong's sword.

"Who! Dare to stop me?" Qinghong's face changed, and his eyes were furious.

Seeing the fire, the fat man got excited. He knew that he had not insisted in vain. He finally waited for the person he was waiting for.

"Fatty!" Chu Yan came here and saw the fat man in a mess. His eyes suddenly turned red.

"Hey, Brother Chu, Fatty is fine. He didn't get the demon core either." The fat man grinned.

"Are you stupid? It's just a demon core. Just give it to him. Don't you want your life?" Chu Yan roared.

But facing Chu Yan's blame, the fat man grinned and took out a fiery red demon core from his arms: "This demon core is different. It has attribute power, and it is fire attribute. I give it to you. It can help you improve your cultivation."

Chu Yan's heart trembled. This demon core is a fire attribute demon core. It is really rare. There is only one demon core with a fire attribute among hundreds of demon cores. But he didn't expect that the fat man insisted all the time just to give him a demon core.

"Just wait, I'll avenge you."

"Okay, kill this son of a bitch!" The fat man smiled, and then vomited blood again.

Chu Yan stood up and looked at Qing Hong with cold eyes. Qing Hong also frowned at this time, and then when he took a look at Chu Yan's strength, he showed a playful smile: "This year's freshman is really arrogant. A sixth-level Dongchen Realm also wants to fight with me?"

Chu Yan did not respond, he stared at Qing Hong, word by word: "You will die here today, do you believe it?"

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