Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6114 Battle of Red Robe

Feeling Chu Yan's vitality flowing into her body, Liu Qingcheng knew that she had misunderstood Chu Yan, and her face couldn't help but turn rosy.

"I'm sorry... I just, I just thought you were going to treat me..."

"What do you think I'm going to do to you?" Chu Yan smiled slyly.

Liu Qingcheng blushed and lowered her head shyly, "I thought you were going to do that to me..."

Chu Yan smiled and said, "Miss, you have such a rich imagination. Do you think I am Qin Feng? You are my fiancée, and she will be mine sooner or later. If I want to bully you, I can wait until after the wedding." After all, I am very pure, why should I choose a place with a better environment for my first time? "

Chu Yan said, suddenly paused, and said with an evil smile, "Hey, wife, you don't have any special hobbies, do you?"

Liu Qingcheng's jade face suddenly became gloomy to the extreme. If she hadn't been poisoned now, she would even doubt that she could slap Chu Yan into a crack in the wall, making it impossible for anyone to buckle him out.

But Liu Qingcheng still endured it, and Chu Yan grinned and said, "That's good, but seriously, you know this time, you have to listen to your husband in the future, otherwise, you will easily suffer."

Liu Qingcheng was silent for a while. This incident really left her with lingering fears. If Chu Feng hadn't followed her in time, then she would have fallen into Qin Fang's trap. When she thought of this, hatred arose in her heart.

"What a tricky aphrodisiac!"

At this time, Chu Yan had exhausted half of his vitality, but Liu Qingcheng's body was still on fire. The medicinal properties had no intention of fading away, but were getting stronger, which made his face even more embarrassing.

"This poison is devouring my vitality to increase my own strength?" Chu Yan discovered some clues, and as he spoke, he took off Liu Qingcheng's white clothes, and his beautiful jade-like back was immediately exposed in front of Chu Yan.


Liu Qingcheng screamed and immediately looked at Chu Yan with angry eyes. When she saw Chu Yan's haggard face, she softened a little.

"Don't think too much. I said I won't touch you before the wedding. I definitely won't. This poison is a bit tricky. I can't find the acupuncture points accurately through my clothes. Don't worry, in this bloody scene, I I won't do that to you."

After hearing Chu Yan's words, Liu Qingcheng lowered her head shyly and did not refute. He hesitated alone for a while and murmured.

"Today...thank you."

Although she was very reluctant to admit it, she knew that if it weren't for Chu Yan today, it would definitely cause a disaster.

When the time comes, the Liu family may also be destroyed because of her impulse, and she will become the eternal sinner of the Liu family.

Chu Yan was stunned for a moment and then laughed out loud. Haha, it seems that my hero's rescue of the beauty today is still very effective. It seems that the more fools like Qin Feng, the better in the future. In this case, I will be able to save the beauty as soon as possible. Climb into this little girl's bed at once?

"I didn't hear clearly what you said." However, with this thought in his mind, Chu Yan decided to tease Liu Qingcheng, but unexpectedly, he was greeted with a basin of cold water.

"Forget it if you didn't hear me." Liu Qingcheng's voice turned cold.

Of course, Chu Yan didn't know that Liu Qingcheng was acting like this not because of his teasing, but because of Liu Qingcheng's own troubles.

She is a proud daughter of a generation, and she cannot forgive herself for the stupid behavior she did today and the big mistake she almost made.

Chu Yan was also sensible, so he stopped arguing with Liu Qingcheng, and instead tried his best to detoxify Liu Qingcheng.

Another half stick of incense passed. The poison was more overbearing than Chu Yan imagined. It consumed almost all the energy, but it still showed no sign of weakening. This made Chu Yan frown slightly. Although he had experienced ten years of waste, his cultivation level Not as good as Liu Qingcheng, but his own vitality is extremely strong, even comparable to the ordinary moving dust realm. But now that he has consumed all his vitality, he still cannot undo the poison, which makes his face paler.

Soon, Chu Yan's forehead was sweating, and the clothes on his upper body were wet, which made him squint his eyes.

"It seems that I underestimated this poison. Should I use something from the bottom of the box?"

Chu Yan murmured alone, but now his life was at stake. Chu Yan discovered that these spring poisons were eating away at Liu Qingcheng's vitality bit by bit, just like a parasite. If it could not be solved in time, it would probably It caused serious sequelae to Liu Qingcheng.

In fact, there is another simplest way to solve this kind of poison, which is for men and women to have sex. With the power of yin and yang, this kind of poison can be solved immediately, but other than that, it is very difficult to remove.

"Huh...!" Chu Yan sighed, and he suddenly took back his energy.

"What's wrong?" Liu Qingcheng frowned anxiously. She knew that her poison had not been eliminated, but why did Chu Yan stop?

"Don't look back, and don't ask anything. There may be a little pain next, so you have to endure it."

Chu Yan said lightly, and then without giving Liu Qingcheng a chance to agree, a few more silver needles suddenly appeared in his hand.

Each silver needle was three inches long and could be hidden in Chu Yan's fingers. With a flick of his wrist, one by one flew out silently.


Liu Qingcheng couldn't help but moan. She felt a burning pain coming from her back. Each of those silver needles pierced her beautiful back.

But the pain was fleeting and was replaced by a warmth, as if a gentle big hand was combing her meridians.

At this time, looking at Liu Qingcheng's beautiful back from behind, there were several small red blood spots. After a while, these small blood spots gradually turned dark black, and then a little bit of toxins flowed out of Liu Qingcheng's body. During the whole process, Chu Yan seemed to be serious, trying to keep himself breathing evenly.

"It's finally over."

When all the toxins were forced out of Liu Qingcheng's body, Chu Yan breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, his wrists were shaking slightly, and the vitality in his body was like a dry river.

Suddenly, Chu Yan's eyes were shaky, because the whole person consumed a lot, he leaned on Liu Qingcheng's beautiful back.

"What are you doing?" Liu Qingcheng was startled.

"Don't move, I'll lean on you for a while, and don't go out. There are Qin Feng's people outside. Now you have just solved the toxins, and your vitality is not even at the third level. After I recover, we will go out together." Chu Yan said weakly.

Liu Qingcheng stopped struggling when she saw that Chu Yan was not overdoing it, but she still felt a little awkward in her heart. She had never been held by a man's hand since she was a child, but now Chu Yan leaned on her like this, which made her face a little red.

But she also knew that Chu Yan was so weak because of her. In fact, Chu Yan could have used the simplest method to remove the spring poison. Afterwards, he could have completely put the blame on Qin Feng, but he didn't, which made Liu Qingcheng feel a little bit better about Chu Yan.

Looking at Chu Yan's haggard appearance, Liu Qingcheng's beautiful eyes were full of questions, and she kept asking herself in her heart.

"What kind of person are you?"

Liu Qingcheng didn't know much about Chu Yan. She just knew that he was the person Liu Tianfeng asked her to marry. He said he was a dragon among men, but since he appeared, he was more like a gangster, full of evil and dandy, so she hated him very much.

But now she looked at this boy who was snoring on her beautiful back from time to time, and her heart was filled with a little curiosity.

"It seems that I misjudged you, and everyone in Tianyong City misjudged you. What are you hiding?" Liu Qingcheng thought in her heart. She remembered that an elder once told her that the stronger a person is, the more fragile his heart is. The more he pretends to be fine, the more he may have experienced ups and downs, and Chu Yan is just like that.

Chu Yan didn't know what Liu Qingcheng was thinking, but... had he really experienced ups and downs? Chu Yan knew that he had.

On Liu Qingcheng's back, Chu Yan was not asleep, but just in a subconscious rest. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door outside the restaurant, which made Chu Yan open his eyes, his eyes like a beast that had woken up.

"Shh!" Chu Yan made a gesture to Liu Qingcheng to keep quiet. "Who!"

"I'm the waiter of this store."

"Come in!"

The waiter pushed the door open. At first, his face was full of lust. He thought that when he opened the door, he would see a scene of spring, but unexpectedly, what caught his eye was Qin Feng's body.


The waiter screamed, and the tray in his hand fell to the ground. "You actually killed Young Master Qin! You are dead! You are dead!"

The waiter said, turning around and running, but Chu Yan reacted very quickly. He slapped his palm, and the sword blade he had thrown away before was shaken up. He kicked out and kicked the sword blade directly out.


The sword blade directly penetrated the chest of the waiter and took his life.

When she saw this scene, Liu Qingcheng frowned slightly, and she looked at Chu Yan with a hint of blame, "Chu Yan! Why did you kill him!"

"If we don't kill him, we might be the next to die."

Chu Yan sighed, and was too lazy to talk nonsense with Liu Qingcheng. He got up and walked to the waiter to wipe his body, and found a jade bottle and threw it to Liu Qingcheng, "Take a look for yourself."

"Spring poison?" Liu Qingcheng took the jade bottle and her face looked slightly ugly.

"It was him who poisoned your wine before, and he always looked at you with lustful eyes. My wife is so beautiful, and anyone can get his hands on her? Humph, I'm being polite when I kill him." Chu Yan snorted, and then looked at Liu Qingcheng, "I'm recovered, let's go."

Hearing Chu Yan's praise, Liu Qingcheng still felt very happy. At this time, the poison had been resolved. Although it could not be used yet, it was still no problem to walk freely. She hurriedly followed Chu Yan.

The two people left the restaurant. Just as Qin Feng said, everyone within a kilometer was expelled by the Qin family, and all around were guards of the Qin family.

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