Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6113 Arrival

The old man suddenly fell into a headache.

Red robe!

This is a bit difficult to handle.

The young man also sighed: "Elder, what should we do now? The Red Robe of the Purifier... is not someone to be trifled with."

The old man pondered for a moment, seemed to have made some kind of determination, and suddenly said: "Send someone to the Era of Gods and Demons!"

The young man was startled: "Once we do this, we will completely break up with the Purges."

The old man said solemnly: "It's a matter of one day sooner or later! Just like the gods and demons, we have a hatred relationship with the purgers, which cannot be eased."

"The Purge destroyed the Ancient Era. He has never killed us all. He just thinks that we are not a threat and is too lazy to pay attention to us!"

"We have never dared to retaliate against the Purges because of fear."

"But this time...maybe it's an opportunity."

After saying that, the old man said: "Xiao He, tell me, who is more powerful compared to the mysterious woman just now and the Purge?"

"Is this woman?" Xiao He asked almost without thinking.

That woman just now was almost a madman, and she wanted to destroy Tianyuan in a single thought.

The point is...this woman can really do it.

On the other hand, the Clearers, although they destroyed the ancient times, did not rely on their own efforts, but with the help of the catastrophe of the era.

Otherwise, they may not have a chance if they just rely on the Cleaners to fight against Huanggu.

Although the Purges are strong, they are not that scary. What really troubles them is the way the Purges can control the disaster.

Catastrophe is the most terrifying thing about the Purge.

The old man nodded: "Yes, that woman is stronger. In this case, this is a thigh that is delivered to the door. Why shouldn't we hug it?"

Xiao He hesitated and said: "Elder, I don't understand one thing. Since the new emperor of the universe has this relationship, why didn't he use it earlier? Also, don't the purgers know? If they knew, why did they dare to fight with Chu Yan? enemy?"

The old man recalled: "That's the problem."

"If my guess is correct, Chu Yan himself may not even know the identity of this woman. Otherwise, how could he use the identity of our saint?"

"Of course, this is normal. Some big families like to train their offspring and do this deliberately."

"As for why the purgers dared to take action even though they knew there was someone behind Chu Yan, they probably haven't seen the true strength of this woman."

"Everyone has a cognitive limit."

"In the eyes of the Purge, Chu Yan is just a small character in the new era. Even if there are people behind him, how strong can he be?"

Xiao He thought for a moment and nodded slightly: "Then who should we send?"

The old man thought for a moment and looked at the woman in the pink skirt: "This time, I'm afraid it will be a labor saint."

The saint squinted her eyes and snorted coldly: "I won't go, I was almost killed..."

The old man said: "Holy girl, this is an opportunity. If you can really grasp Chu Yan and become his sister, then your future will be bright."

"We in Huangyuan...even the entire Huanggu will follow you to heaven."

The saint said helplessly: "It's not that I don't want to go, the main thing is...it's useless if I go, I can't beat the red robe."

Red robe...

That kind of fighting power is already terrifying.

It is beyond ordinary egoism.

Even if the system is self-centered, it cannot fight.

The old man hesitated and said: "I will secretly send someone to help you, and you should do the right thing. Since this mysterious senior did not return to the gods and demons, but came to us, I guess... Chu Yan There shouldn’t be too much danger there, Chu Yan may have a solution.”

"If you go now, it will be the icing on the cake."

The old man has a good idea too.

If Chu Yan was really about to die, how could this mysterious woman refuse to save him?

I am afraid that I have rushed back to the era of gods and demons, but the other party did not. Instead, because of a pretense, I ran to my side of the abyss.

It can be seen that Chu Yan is not too dangerous yet.

Will the other party not know that the Purge has used red robes?

You must know.

How many things in the world can a strong man of this level hide from the other party?

In this case, the woman did not go back, which meant that Chu Yan should not be in danger.

The saint thought for a moment and nodded: "Okay, I understand."

In the end, the saint chose to compromise.

With a swish, he disappeared in place.

Go to the Era of Gods and Demons.

The Era of Gods and Demons.

Chu Yan still didn't know that a huge force in the world was almost wiped out because of his unintentional remarks.

Now he is in retreat with all his strength.

Stable realm.

Of course, it would be best if there is a chance to advance again.

Once he reaches the second level of Self-Importance and Hongpao really arrives, at least he will not be able to fight back. Therefore, in his body, the mining spirit dolls are spitting crazily.

It's a pity... Chu Yan is like a gold-swallowing beast. The resources he needs in each realm are so huge that it is basically a bottomless pit.

In the end, each of the fat babies was so tired that they were breathing heavily, but Chu Yan still had no intention of breaking through.

As a result, several fat dolls all went on strike.

When Chu Yan saw this, he also smiled bitterly.

I didn't force it.

Some things cannot be forced.

Chu Yan still couldn't break through, so he raised his head and looked toward the sky.

The Divine Ancestor and the Demon Ancestor were sitting on the clouds, still keeping their fingers intertwined.

However, compared to just now, there was an obvious change between the two of them!

Jade pendant!

The jade pendant that Chu Yan threw out melted!

Under the wrapping of the power of the two gods and demons, the jade pendant actually began to merge little by little, and finally turned into a special emerald green power, and then was slowly absorbed by the two ancestors of the gods and demons.

At this moment, the power was distributed very evenly, just half for each person.


That was why the auras of the two people changed together.

Chu Yan watched silently, and suddenly reminded: "Two seniors, don't just focus on absorbing the power of the immortals, it's better to exchange some of the core avenues of the gods and demons! The avenues between you can also complement each other."

The two ancestors of the gods and demons were stunned and had some doubts.

Exchange power?

Will this work?

You know, since ancient times, gods and demons have been mortal enemies. Not to mention complementing each other's power, not to mention not repelling each other is already a blessing in disguise.

But with everything that happened before, the two now trust Chu Yan's words.

After thinking again and again, they decided to give it a try.


Suddenly, the two released part of their power at the same time, and then began to flow into each other's bodies.

As soon as the power appeared, the faces of the two changed immediately, revealing a hint of pain.

The body trembled slightly.


At this moment, the two felt a piercing pain.

The opponent's power entered the body, like ten thousand silver needles, constantly piercing the pores.

Soon, the skin of the two people really began to bleed.

Painful expression on his face.

"What's going on?" Everyone was suddenly nervous.

The people of the God and Demon clans were worried.

The God and Demon clans have survived to this day, and everything depends on the two ancestors.

Once the two are in trouble, the two clans are likely to be directly destroyed.

At this time, someone in the Demon Palace whispered: "Isn't Chu Yan doing it on purpose? Want to take this opportunity to kill the two ancestors?"

The Blood King glanced at the person who spoke and shouted coldly: "How dare Chu Yan do such a mean thing?"

The man lowered his head: "But, but we all know that the ways of gods and demons are incompatible, but he still let the two ancestors exchange power. What else can this be but harm?"

The Blood King was silent for a while, because she couldn't explain it.

Her combat power may not be weak, but her understanding of the great way is far inferior to Chu Yan's.

But soon, Xue Jun shook his head and said, "No! Chu Yan has no reason to do this!"

"We have used him before in the Demon Palace..."

Xue Jun said, "First, I believe him. Second, have you ever thought about one thing?"

Everyone looked at Xue Jun.

Xue Jun said, "Red Robe will arrive soon! Now, Chu Yan is not Red Robe's opponent. The only one we can count on is the two ancestors!"

"Chu Yan really harmed the two ancestors now. What good will it do for him? When Red Robe arrives, he will definitely die."

The Demon Palace was stunned, as if this was the truth.

At this time, the two ancestors were a little tormented.

But suddenly, Chu Yan said: "Don't give up! Keep going!"

The two frowned, and the God Ancestor said in a low voice: "My friend, the two forces in our bodies are repelling each other! If we continue... we may explode and die."

Chu Yan said speechlessly: "Two forces will naturally repel each other, but don't you have a third force now? Use the third force to reconcile!"

"Why did I let you absorb the core avenue of the immortal race first? If there are only two forces, one positive and one negative, one positive and one evil, one yin and one yang, they will naturally repel each other! But once there are three forces, they can form a small circle, which will complement and restrain each other!"

The God and Demon Ancestor was stunned.

"Yes, we now have not only the power of gods and demons, but also the power of the immortal race. How could we forget it?"

The two realized it and immediately began to mobilize the power of the immortal race in their bodies.


Sure enough, as soon as the power of the immortal race came out, the originally violent power in the two people's bodies was suppressed.

That feeling is very strange, just like two people will quarrel together, but after a third person, they will be involved in each other's achievements.

And as the violent power in the two people's bodies was suppressed


Suddenly, the two men's bodies shook, and their auras actually rose.

In the distance, the eyes of the golden robe and the three powerful men from the forces beyond the era all shrank.

"So strong!"

"The two ancestors of God and Demon... have really become stronger."

"Their realm has obviously not changed, but their auras have increased to more than several times of what they just had."

"What's going on?"

At this time, the two ancestors of God and Demon were also ecstatic.

"Is it really done?"

"What's going on?"

At this time, let alone others, the two parties involved were a little confused.

Chu Yan breathed a sigh of relief and said calmly: "It's very simple. The two seniors absorbed the core of the immortal race, which just neutralized the way of gods and demons! In fact, it is equivalent to helping the two seniors change a system of exercises."

"Of course, the two of you are still a long way from perfection, but the system can also be divided into strong and weak! Ten ways can also be considered a system, one hundred ways can also be a system, and one thousand ways can also be!"

"Now, the system of the two seniors has at least tripled compared to before."

The two ancestors of God and Demon were surprised.

Three times!

This was already a great surprise for them.

You know, how many years have they not improved?

Hundreds of millions of years...

Today, they once again experienced the feeling of becoming stronger and gained a great sense of happiness.


However, before the two of them could be happy, the clouds in the battlefield of gods and demons suddenly rolled up.

The world was dark.

Dark clouds covered the city.

Everyone's face changed, and they felt their bodies become heavy.

Chu Yan suddenly looked up and saw a faint shadow appearing outside the clouds.

This made his eyes shrink sharply and become serious.

He knew that the red robe was coming!

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