Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6095 Purple Robe

Seeing the person coming, everyone's pupils shrank.

Qingsen turned around blankly and looked. When he saw the familiar face, he, who had no fear of death just now, burst into tears.

"General Chu!"

Qingsen choked.

"General Chu!" The other young people in the Demon Palace also became excited.

Chu Yan looked at Qingsen and nodded slightly: "Not bad, you didn't embarrass me."

At this time, Zhui Ri narrowed his eyes: "Chu Yan! You really came!"

Yes, the person coming was Chu Yan.

The Demon Lord, the Demon Ancestor, the Star Lord, and the God Ancestor all showed surprise.

"You really came?"

At this moment, everyone was surprised.

Because they knew too well that this place was now a net of heaven and earth.

It can be said that Chu Yan's coming here is no different from sending himself to death.

The Blood Lord was on the execution platform, his eyes suddenly turned red, and he shook his head desperately: "Go, go! Chu Yan, your uncle! Go! Who asked you to come!"

Chu Yan slowly raised his head and looked at the Blood Lord, his eyes also turned red.

Angry, distressed!

Miserable, too miserable.

Chu Yan took a deep breath and chuckled: "How can I not come when the general is humiliated? I am a soldier under your command."

"Get out! Get out!"

Xue Jun roared: "Who needs your rescue! I am from the Demon Palace, and I have been using you!"

Chu Yan suppressed his anger and smiled: "It doesn't matter if you use me or not, I am here anyway."

After that, he ignored Xue Jun and turned to look at Zhui Ri.

Suddenly, all smiles disappeared, and what turned into unprecedented murderous intent.

The next second, Chu Yan said coldly: "Zhui Ri, right? I am here, you can fulfill your promise now and let Xue Jun go."

"Let go?" Zhui Ri sneered: "Chu Yan, you think too much."

At this time, the Demon King frowned slightly: "Zhui Ri, you promised me at the beginning."

Zhui Ri said lightly: "I am talking about after Chu Yan dies. Now he is not dead yet, so I will naturally not let Xue Jun go, otherwise what if he runs back to the Sky Cave again."

The Demon King's face was gloomy.

But he could not refute.

Chu Yan grinned: "You want me to die? Okay, here's your head. I want to see who can kill me today."

At this time, the blue robe sneered: "No need for others, I am enough!"

After saying that, the blue robe drew his sword again.

Qingsen and others were immediately nervous: "General Chu, be careful!"

They all understood that the blue robe was powerful, and that he was even above the supreme.

Although they knew that Chu Yan was also very strong, he could only kill some top-level egos before, and he didn't even reach the supreme level.

Now facing the blue robe's sword, it would definitely be very dangerous.

But the next second, everyone was stunned.

Chu Yan glanced at the blue robe and suddenly punched.


The sword and fist collided.


Then, there was a miserable scream, and then everyone saw clearly that the blue robe's long sword was shattered alive, and then the whole person flew out like a kite.

The point is, when the blue robe fell heavily to the ground, he actually lost his breath?

"How is it possible?"

Everyone was stunned.

Zhuiri was also shocked.

One punch... blew up the blue robe?

Zhuiri stared at Chu Yan: "Boy, you... you are stronger?"

He was sure that Chu Yan did not have such strength before entering the Sky Cave.

Up above, the Demon Lord was also shocked.

Is this... really the little character who entered the God and Demon Era a month ago?

At the beginning, he went to pick up Chu Yan in person. Chu Yan was just a little character in his eyes, the kind that he could easily crush to death with one hand.

But now, Chu Yan has the fighting power to kill the blue robe.

Does that mean that Chu Yan can also kill him?

Suddenly, the Demon Lord remembered what Chu Yan said under the Sky Cave that day...I owed Chu Yan a life.

At that time, the Demon Lord thought that Chu Yan was referring to the mysterious strong man under the Sky Cave.

Now it seems...not at all.

Chu Yan himself is enough to kill himself.

Thinking of this, the Demon Lord couldn't help but feel a little scared.

The small tree has grown up now.

At this time, Chu Yan killed one person as soon as he attacked. Then he showed a fierce look on his face and said fiercely: "Come on, today I want to see how many people you want to die!"

Zhui Ri's face was gloomy.

He never thought that he finally got the command, but he suffered setbacks.

First, Qingsen and a few others were fine. Chu Yan was finally lured out, but he killed the blue robe with one punch.

But no matter what, it's a good thing now!

Chu Yan, came out!

As long as he is outside the sky cave, the cleaners have ten thousand ways to kill him.

Thinking of this, Zhui Ri waved to the countless blue robes beside him: "Let's go together and kill him! The Saint has ordered that if Chu Yan is killed, everyone present will be promoted by one level!"

As soon as these words came out, many cleaners were immediately excited.

Their eyes were about to spit fire.

You know, when the cleaner is promoted by one level, it means that a new set of skills can be obtained.


In an instant, the blue robes rushed out together.

Chu Yan also narrowed his eyes and became serious.

He knew that this trip would be very dangerous, but he still came, so let's fight!

At this time, Qingsen and others quickly stood up: "General Chu, we will help you."

Chu Yan said: "Go and stop those white robes, you are no match for the blue robes."

Qingsen and others nodded and flew out quickly.

Chu Yan himself took a step into the air and met all the blue robes on the opposite side.


Bang bang bang!

In an instant, the battle was about to break out.

At this time, the Demon Ancestor, the God Ancestor and others kept staring at Chu Yan, trying to find a flaw in him.

The Demon Lord suddenly said: "Ancestor, Chu Yan seems to be stronger than Qingsen and others. He may have been deliberately hiding his weakness before, so he is not a giant."

The Demon Ancestor also frowned, a little unsure.

Now, he is not afraid of Chu Yan's strength, because once Chu Yan is strong, he may really be self-centered.

"Could it be... am I thinking too much?" The Demon Ancestor murmured alone.

The God Ancestor also shook his head, a little confused.


At this moment, Chu Yan is really strong, with his hegemony fully open, and directly enters a state of selflessness. With his own strength, he blocked all the blue robes on the opposite side.

And he also has the upper hand.

Zhui Ri looked at him, his eyes almost spitting fire.

Suddenly, he looked at a purple-robed man beside him and said in a low voice: "You go."

The purple-robed man was stunned, but still nodded. In this operation, the blue-robed man had a higher status than him.


In an instant, the purple-robed man disappeared from the spot.

Chu Yan was still suppressing a blue-robed man. Suddenly, his face changed and his body quickly flashed back, but then, the space he was just in exploded directly.

Chu Yan's pupils shrank, and he felt a little scared.

Then, he looked up at the robe worn by the person in front of him and squinted: "Purple robe!"

This is already a robe under the golden robe, and its combat power is twice as strong as that of the blue robe.

The purple-robed man grinned: "Boy, everything is over, I will send you to hell now!"

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