Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6094 Rescue




At this moment, Xingjun had only these three thoughts in his eyes.

Chu Yan... is not Wei Wu?

If this is true, it is simply unimaginable...

But suddenly, Xingjun shook his head: "No! This is impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Shenzu turned and looked at Xingjun: "What's going on?"

Xingjun said in a deep voice: "Chu Yan can't be a giant. I have seen him enter the state of ecstasy before! Isn't ecstasy only available to Wei Wu?"

Shenzu snorted: "Ecstasy is not exclusive to Wei Wu. It is just an extreme state. Some geniuses can also open it when they are weak!"

After that, Shenzu continued: "Haven't you seen some people enter ecstasy when they are at the ninth level of Wei Wu and the eighth level of Wei Wu?"

Xingjun was stunned and nodded: "I have seen it."

"What else do you say?"

Shenzu said coldly: "Chu Yan is more talented than everyone else, so it is not impossible for him to enter ecstasy in the giant!"

Xingjun was stunned.

Giant enters ecstasy?

Is this... possible?

If it is true, how evil is Chu Yan?

The God Ancestor sighed: "Now... you'd better hope that Chu Yan will come this time. When he comes, the Clearer will solve this trouble. Otherwise, my God Court... is in danger."

The Star Lord was speechless for a long time.




The battlefield.

After the young people of the Demon Palace realized that they were powerful, the situation changed instantly.

Qingsen and others were ecstatic and said excitedly: "Brothers, go! Save the blood general!"


Swish, swish, swish!

In an instant, the young people of the Demon Palace rushed out one by one. Each of them was powerful and suppressed the white-robed party of the Clearer for a while.

The Clearer side fell into a disadvantage instead.

On the execution platform.

Zui Ri's face was uncertain!

An accident happened!

He originally thought that as long as Chu Yan didn't come, the Clearer would be enough to sweep, but now, Chu Yan hasn't come yet, and the Clearer has lost its momentum.

"Hmph, you're looking for death!" But soon, Zhui Ri snorted coldly: "Do you really think that I, the Eliminator, am easy to bully?"

After saying that, he turned around and ordered a blue-robed man behind him: "You go!"

The blue-robed man frowned slightly. In terms of position and level, he was still above Zhui Ri. After all, Zhui Ri was just a white-robed man. How dare he talk to him like this?

But there was no way. This time, the red-robed man's oral order temporarily gave Zhui Ri great power.

It can be said that in this operation, the Eliminator no longer looked at the color of the robe on his body. Zhui Ri was the highest-level commander.

The blue-robed man nodded slightly, and then whooshed away from the spot.

On the other side, Qingsen rolled up his sleeves and was still suppressing the white-robed man. Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the execution platform, suddenly, the space around him was distorted, and then a figure stepped out of it.

Qingsen's face changed slightly, and he subconsciously threw a punch.

Now, he is also full of confidence.


The next second, the two fists collided, and a shocking sound spread in all directions.

But then, a figure flew out, causing all the young people in the Demon Palace to change their faces.

Because the person who flew out this time was not the Eliminator, but Qingsen.


"What's going on?"

The young people in the Demon Palace looked up, and then they saw the blue robe who attacked.

"Blue robe!" The young people in the Demon Palace gritted their teeth.

Above, the Demon Ancestor sighed: "It's over."

The Demon Lord frowned slightly: "Ancestor, is the blue robe so strong?"

The Demon Lord has been watching, and the power of the blue robe's punch is directly doubled that of the white robe.

The Demon Ancestor said calmly: "Among the purgers, there are clear classes. The color of the robe they wear represents their strength. Each color of their robes represents a different cultivation method!"

The Demon Lord asked in confusion: "What realm does this blue robe belong to? Is it an ancient saint?"

The Demon Ancestor shook his head: "It's far from it."

"What realm is that?"

The Demon Ancestor shook his head: "I don't know, but I know one thing, there is a set of cultivation methods among the purgers that are different from ordinary ones! Rumor has it that there are six parts of this method, and each color of robe can get one."

"Six parts?" The Demon Lord was startled: "That means that the purgers have a total of six kinds of robes? Oh, that's not right, white robes, blue robes, purple robes, gold robes, plus red robes, isn't this only level five?"

The Demon Ancestor said lightly: "So I have always guessed that there may be another kind of robe above the red robe, but we just haven't seen it."

The people of the Demon Palace, or the two races of gods and demons, have actually seen red robes.

Don't forget that at the end of the God and Demon Era, the two races had a fierce conflict with the purgers.

The Demon Lord said in a low voice: "Ancestor, with your current strength, can you deal with the red robe?"

The Demon Ancestor shook his head: "I don't know, but I'm afraid it's difficult. The red robe... is very powerful."

The Demon Lord didn't say much.

Then, he looked down and sighed.

Now that the blue robe has taken action, Qingsen and his team can't win. Even if they have reached the supreme level, they are still too weak in front of the blue robe.

The Demon Lord calculated that even he might not be able to win against the blue robe just now.

You know, he is the most powerful king in the Demon Palace. Even the Shura God may not be as good as him.


At this time, the blue robe joined the battlefield and instantly reversed the situation.

The young side of the Demon Palace immediately fell into a disadvantage.


The blue-robed man punched out, and immediately another young man from the Demon Palace screamed, his fist split open, and blood flowed down his arm.

Soon, Aomori and others gathered together, all with gloomy expressions.

"what to do?"

"Can't beat it."

"No matter what, let's fight him!"

Aomori gritted his teeth, and several people around him nodded slightly: "Even if I die, I will die standing, unlike some people, who are useless!"

When he said this, the man raised his head and glanced at the Demon Lord.

The Demon Lord clenched his fists.


The next second, Aomori and others rushed out together, killing madly towards the blue robe.

Upon seeing this, Lanpao showed a look of contempt in his eyes, and then he raised his hands, and a terrifying force suddenly gathered between heaven and earth, and then he pressed down with his palms.


Countless young people suddenly vomited blood and flew out, scattered on the ground.

"No! No! Stop! Stop!" On the execution platform, Blood Lord begged: "Go, go! Demon Lord, your uncle! Take them away! I can die, they are innocent, they are demons The future of the palace.”

The Demon Lord clenched his fists.

But at this time, Zhui Ri sneered: "Leave? I want to see who among these people can leave today."

After saying that, he said to Lanpao: "Kill them, don't leave any one alive."

Lanpao nodded slightly, and then he walked towards Aomori step by step. He soon stopped in front of Aomori and sneered: "Isn't it good to just watch? Why must you die?"

Aomori's eyes were red, he scratched his neck, and roared: "Come on! Kill me, you will support me even if I blink an eye."

The blue robe smiled disdainfully, and then he raised the long knife.

The eyes of everyone in the Demon Palace suddenly turned red.


The next second, the long knife slashed down.

"Alas." But at this moment, a sigh suddenly sounded from outside the sky, and then, a figure tore through the space and appeared directly behind Aomori.

As if he had been here all along, he grabbed the long knife in the blue robe with one hand.

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