Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6092: One Punch and Flying Away


With a loud roar, the white robed cleaner flew out, drew a perfect parabola in the air, and finally fell heavily to the ground.


When the white robe stopped, his hand bones were all shattered and twisted into deformities.

"How is it possible?"

The next second, everyone uttered four words that went straight to their souls.

Not only the cleaners, but also everyone in the Demon Palace was shocked.

Not to mention them... even Qingsen himself was actually confused at this time.

He looked down at his fist and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

He... was knocked away by a white robe?

You know, the white robe level is equivalent to the Supreme of the Divine Court and the King of the Demon Palace. Even from the situation when Zhui Ri attacked the Blood King, the white robe may be stronger than the Supreme.

As a result... just flew out like this?

At this time, Leng Ning also endured the pain and said: "Qingsen, what did you do?"

In the distance, the Demon King and the Demon Ancestor were surprised.

There is such a genius in the Demon Palace?

Why didn't they find it before?

After being asked, Qingsen scratched his head awkwardly: "If I say that I don't know myself, will you believe it?"

Everyone: "..."

Believe it!

You punched someone and sent him flying, but you don't know it yourself?

Qingsen muttered softly: "Forget it, I know you don't believe it."

But the problem is, this is true!

Qingsen was actually very scared just now. The reason why he chose to punch was that he didn't want his belief to be shattered, but at the moment of punching, he was actually ready to be killed.

You know, Qingsen's strength in the Demon Palace has always been inferior to Leng Ning.

But Leng Ning was suppressed by a white robe, let alone himself.

At this time, another white robe's eyes turned cold: "Boy, you dare to hurt my purger? You are looking for death!"


In an instant, another white robe stared at Qingsen, spread his palm, a white space vortex emerged, and then turned into a storm palm print and slapped Qingsen's chest.

Qingsen was shocked, but he still punched immediately.


The next second, the shocking scene appeared again.

The storm palm print of the white-robed man was directly shattered by a punch, and then Qingsen's fist hit the white-robed man's chest like a cannonball.


The white-robed man spurted out a mouthful of blood and retreated ten thousand meters.

When he stopped, he didn't know how many ribs on his chest were broken.

"How is it possible?"

"Supreme level?"

"Boy, who are you?"

At this time, Zhui Ri also raised his head and stared at the Demon Lord: "Demon Lord, does your Demon Palace really want to intervene? Is this person hidden and disguised by other kings?"

The Demon Lord had a headache, and he said helplessly: "I do care about the Blood Lord, but the Demon Ancestor has ordered that I am not allowed to take action, and the other Demon Lords will not do so! This person... is just an ordinary disciple of my Demon Palace."

"You fart!" Zhui Ri roared: "Are you humiliating me, the Eliminator?"

An ordinary disciple, but he solved their two white robes with one punch?

The Demon Lord rubbed his brows: "I know you don't believe it, because I don't believe it myself, but I can only say this is the truth!"

Falling Sun: "..."

He narrowed his eyes slightly and snorted coldly: "Very good, no matter who this person is, he must die today if he dares to hurt me, the Eliminator!"

"Go, kill him!"

As soon as these words came out, the white robes around looked at each other.


In an instant, several more people rushed out.

At the beginning, the Eliminators didn't take these shrimp soldiers and crab generals of the Demon Palace seriously, thinking that any three white robes would be enough to solve the problem.

Now it seems that they underestimated them.

It doesn't matter, they came with 20 white robes this time.

Two people were seriously injured, and there were still 18 white robes.

At this moment, they flew out in an instant.

All of them killed Qingsen.

Qingsen was surrounded by more than ten white robes, and he was immediately facing a great enemy.

"Qingsen!" At this time, the rest of the people in the Demon Palace saw this and their eyes were about to burst, and they immediately wanted to rush out together.

However, any white-robed person is of the Supreme level, and most of the Demon Palace disciples present are ordinary disciples, who simply cannot withstand the powerful pressure.

However, not everyone can resist.

At least, the dozen young men who joined Chu Yan with Qingsen at the beginning all survived, and their eyes were blazing.

They are the same age as Qingsen, and they have experienced several major events with Chu Yan. They are brothers who have passed their lives together. Now seeing the purger bullying Qingsen like this, how can they stand by and watch him die?

"Bastards, I'll fight you!"


At this time, a young man in green who had also joined Chu Yan roared, and then he took a step into the air and punched a white-robed purger.

The white-robed man was startled when he saw this, and then he showed a sarcastic smile: "Looking for death!"

Yes, in his opinion, this young man in the Demon Palace is looking for death!

Qingsen is very strong, which is an accident. Maybe it's good to have one Qingsen, but can the Demon Palace have another one?

Not to mention he is just a little disciple, even if the Demon Lord himself comes to the battlefield, this white-robed man is not afraid!

The white-robed man is meant to be at the supreme level.

Thinking of this, the white-robed man raised his hand and punched the young man.


The next second, the two fists collided.


Then, a miserable scream came.

Then, everyone was stunned.

Because this scream was still not from the Demon Palace, but from a confident white-robed purger.


The white-robed purger flew straight out and stopped after reaching 10,000 meters, with one hand hanging directly on both sides of the body.

"How can it be?"

All the Purges were stunned.

At this time, the young man from the Demon Palace was also stunned, and he couldn't help but said in surprise: "Wo Cao, am I so awesome? No, no, did you let me down on purpose?"

The eyelids of the white-robed man opposite him jumped.

I'll let you daddy!

Above, the eyes of Demon Lord and Demon Ancestor shrank at the same time.

Very strong!

Aomori and the young man still didn't know why.

But some discerning people can easily see that both Aomori and this young man are really powerful and have reached the true supreme level.

The Demon Ancestor turned to look at the Demon Lord, who said helplessly: "Boss, don't look at me. I'm only at the Supreme level myself, so I don't have the ability to train them."

"What's going on?" Demon Ancestor frowned.

The supreme level is also a rarity in the Demon Palace.

Over the years, there are only a few people in the Demon Palace who have this kind of combat power.

The five great kings, and then several deputy palaces.

Other than that, it's far inferior.

At this time, Aomori looked up at the young man and was startled: "Brother, have you become stronger too?"

The young man nodded weakly: "Yes, I seem to be a bit powerful."

"what happened?"

Leng Ning was also a little confused.

At this time, Aomori's eyes shrank and he suddenly said: "I know!"

Everyone looked at Aomori.

Aomori said in surprise: "It's the cultivation method given to us by General Chu!"

As soon as these words came out, many young people in the Demon Palace came to their senses.

Even the young man was stunned and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, it must be! It's because we listened to General Chu and used his cultivation method that we became so strong."

To be honest, Aomori and the others didn't really feel that they were getting stronger before. They hadn't taken action since Chu Yan's accident.

The battlefields of gods and demons are sealed.

The war between gods and demons also stopped.

But during this period, they were not idle either, practicing the cultivation methods taught to them by Chu Yan every day.

But just practicing, there is no chance to take action, so although they know that they have become stronger, they don't know how strong they are.

There is no comparison after all.

Now... they know.

Supreme level!

They all reached the supreme level.

As soon as these words came out, except for Aomori and the young man just now, the other young people from the Demon Palace who also joined Chu Yan's command suddenly became excited.

"So...are we all that strong?"

"Let's go and give it a try!"

Suddenly, another young man from the Demon Palace flew into the air and rushed towards a white-robed man.

Baipao's eyes turned cold when he saw this. As a purger, he has always been invincible over the years.

He has a distinguished status and is not respected by everyone wherever he goes? Even if they are Demon Lords and Demon Ancestors, they have to give them some face.

What about today?

Someone actually took the initiative to hit them?

At this moment, the white robe only felt extremely humiliated.

Therefore, he also punched.


The next second, his fists collided, and the surrounding space suddenly collapsed, spreading in all directions like a spider web.


Immediately afterwards, there was a pitiful scream, and an embarrassed figure flew out directly.

This person is none other than Baipao!

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