Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6091 Rescue

Hearing this, Zhuiri narrowed his eyes and sneered: "You don't know how to live or die! Keep going!"


Suddenly, Yinyue waved his hand.

"Ah!!!" Xuejun screamed, and the clothes on his shoulders were taken off again.

Soon, Xuejun was a little naked.


In the dark, the people in the Demon Palace cursed wildly.

The Demon Lord's eyes were also about to burst: "Eliminator!!!"

If Xuejun really died, he would be speechless, but such humiliation made him unbearable and took a step forward.

The Demon Ancestor frowned slightly, but it was too late for him to stop him.


The Demon Lord suddenly stepped out from the dark.

"It's the Demon Lord!"

In the dark, Leng Ning and others were ecstatic when they saw this.

The Demon Palace... is it going to take action for Xuejun?

At this time, Yinyue and Zhuiri looked up, but they were slightly disappointed when they saw that it was the Demon Lord.

Zhui Ri said calmly: "Demon Lord, is your Demon Palace trying to stand up for her?"

Demon Lord said in a low voice: "Two messengers, killing is not enough, aren't you going too far in humiliating Blood Lord like this?"

Zhui Ri said: "How I, the Eliminator, deal with the sinners has nothing to do with your Demon Palace? As far as I know, Blood Lord has already left the Demon Palace, or is your Demon Palace ready to be an enemy of me, the Eliminator?"

Demon Lord clenched his fist fiercely.

Zhui Ri said dimly: "If not, please step back a little, Demon Lord, and don't affect us, otherwise this price will be borne by your Demon Palace."

Demon Lord gritted his teeth, suddenly turned around and looked at the Demon Ancestor in the dark, with a bit of fire and expectation burning in his eyes.

However, he waited for a long time, and what he finally waited for was the Demon Ancestor shaking his head slightly.

Demon Lord was immediately discouraged when he saw this.

Zhui Ri kept watching and sneered: "Come on, continue!"


Yin Yue attacked again.

"Ah!!" Xue Jun couldn't help but scream, but when she looked up at the Demon Lord, she just shook her head slightly.

The Demon Lord's eyes turned red.

Zhui Ri had been waiting, and suddenly he was a little impatient.

The time has come.

Did he really not come?

Zhui Ri smiled sarcastically: "That's all, Xue Jun, it seems that Chu Yan doesn't care about you, you are almost dead, and he didn't come to save you."

Xue Jun sneered: "Eliminate, don't stir up trouble here, it's my Demon Palace that is sorry for Chu Yan, he shouldn't have come, I won't care, I hope he won't come."


Zhui Ri narrowed his eyes slightly: "Then you can go."

After saying that, he raised his hand suddenly: "Do it!"

Immediately, the executioner of the purifier walked out.

In his hand was a long sword covered with golden curse marks, with holes specially opened on the back of the sword, and eighteen copper rings.

"Is this... Shura Sword?"

The Demon Lord knew this sword, it was a very evil sword.

It is said that those who are killed by this sword will not even have the chance of reincarnation.

The Demon Lord said hoarsely: "Eliminator, do you have to do things so drastically?"

The Eliminator said lightly: "I know that there are some strong people in your Demon Palace who are good at reincarnation. I don't want to raise a tiger to cause trouble."

The Demon Lord clenched his fist.

Zhui Ri waited for a while, but no one showed up.

He finally lost his patience.

However, just when he was about to take action.


Suddenly, a footstep sounded.

The space was torn apart again in the dark.

Zhui Ri and Yin Yue were delighted and looked up suddenly.

But then they were disappointed again.

Leng Ning!

In addition to Leng Ning, there were countless people from the Demon Palace behind him.

Qing Sen and the dozen young people who joined Chu Yan's army at the beginning were all here.

They stood in the center of the space storm.

Zhui Ri snorted coldly: "Are you still from the Demon Palace?"

The Blood King saw Leng Ning and others frowning and growled: "Why are you here?"

Leng Ning looked at the Blood King and chuckled: "General, we are here to save you."

The Blood King's eyes were red: "Assholes, I don't need you to save me, go, go! Get out!"

Leng Ning's eyes were also red: "General, when I offended the king in the army, you blocked many difficulties for me and saved me. Today, the general is in trouble, how can I not come?"

The Blood King shook his head painfully: "You are not opponents, you are here to die!"

Leng Ning smiled and said: "Then die!"

The Blood King's heart trembled, and he wanted to say something, but his voice was choked.

At this time, Zhui Ri looked at the Demon Lord and said coldly: "Demon Lord, what do you mean?"

Just as the Demon Lord was about to respond, Leng Ning suddenly said: "No need to ask Demon Lord, we have already withdrawn from the Demon Palace."

Qing Sen and others followed: "Yes, today, we are not from the Demon Palace, we are just soldiers of the Blood Lord!"

Zhui Ri sneered: "Withdraw from the Demon Palace? Okay."

After speaking, he looked at the Demon Lord: "Demon Lord, you have heard this. In this case, don't blame me for being ruthless next time. This matter has nothing to do with your Demon Palace."

The Demon Lord frowned slightly, but before he could speak, Zhui Ri snorted coldly: "Kill them all, don't leave any!"

At this moment, Zhui Ri's eyes flashed with a strong sense of hostility.

Because he was very angry.

Chu Yan didn't come!

These minions were not his target at all.

But since they were sent to the door, they should be used to calm his anger.


As soon as these words came out, many cleaners looked at each other.


Suddenly, a monstrous force rose.

Several white robes disappeared.

Leng Ning and others' faces changed, and they immediately felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

In an instant...


Ling Ning and others were suppressed and screamed one by one.

The purgers only sent out three white robes, but this was equivalent to three supreme-level ones.

Leng Ning and others were just ordinary egos, and the gap between the two sides was too big.

At this time, a white robe punched, Leng Ning gritted his teeth and chose to fight back, but then everyone heard a sharp bone cracking sound.


Leng Ning flew out directly.

On the other side, a white robe walked in the air, and his terrible aura was like a mountain, which actually shocked countless people in the Demon Palace to their knees.

However, at this time, there were still a few people standing in the crowd.

It was Qingsen and others.

They did not retreat because of the pressure of the purgers, but their eyes were determined.

"Huh, can you still stand?"

The white robe was surprised, and then sneered: "I want to see how long you can hold on."


Suddenly, the white robe's aura strengthened again.


Countless people in the Demon Palace vomited blood on the spot.

However, Qingsen and others still gritted their teeth and stood.

This made the white-robed man’s eyes change: “You have some skills.”


The next second, the white-robed man suddenly disappeared, leaving a series of afterimages in the void.

This time he did not choose a long-range attack, but rushed directly to Qingsen and punched him.

Qingsen made him look very embarrassed, so at this moment he had only one idea, to beat Qingsen to death.


The terrifying punch was thrown, and the surrounding space exploded instantly.

Seeing this, everyone in the Demon Palace became nervous: “Qingsen…”

But before they finished speaking, their mouths opened wide.


Qingsen did not dodge the punch, but shouted angrily and punched back.


Then, a miserable scream resounded through the world.

But this scream was not from Qingsen, but from the purger.

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