Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6074 Red Robe Cursing

Suddenly, Chu Yan understood a little bit why the ancient times and the gods and demons were destroyed.

In the absence of the idealistic path, the purgers would crush any era.

After all, the only way to cultivate the idealistic path is to reach the saintly realm of the purgers at most.

"The purgers..."

Chu Yan murmured alone.

This force should not be underestimated.

He had always thought that the purgers could only control the disaster, so they destroyed the ancient times and the gods and demons.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

This force is really powerful.

At this time, the golden robe trembled and said: "My friend, I have said everything I know and should say. Can you let me go?"

Chu Yan looked at the golden robe: "What do you think?"

The golden robe glared: "You want to regret it?"

Chu Yan was stunned and laughed: "What do you want to regret? Did I promise you anything?"

The golden robe was stunned, and then recalled that it seemed that he really didn't.

After Chu Yan came here, he started asking directly, and then he said everything one by one.

I never promised him that I would spare his life.

But the problem is... Isn't that the case with most captives?

I am so competent...

I will tell you whatever you ask.

Chu Yan laughed and said, "It's strange, you said it too early. If you were a little more stubborn, I might have promised you some benefits. You told me everything right away, so I don't have to promise you."

Gold robe: "..."

Then, he wanted to struggle, but it was too late.

Chu Yan looked at the old man: "Senior, kill him."

The old man of the immortal clan nodded, and the man in the gold robe was immediately terrified, but he was about to roar: "Boy, you dare to kill me, the cleaner... woo woo woo..."

The second half of the words were all swallowed.

The old man of the immortal clan pointed his finger, and the seal was reopened.

Then, the old man spread his palm, and a sharp dagger emerged.


The next second, the man in the gold robe widened his eyes, and the dagger pierced his heart.

Even the soul didn't leave.


He fell to the ground and died completely.

Chu Yan watched silently without any sympathy.

Today, there was an old man from the Immortal Clan, otherwise he would not be the opponent of this golden robe.

Will the other party spare his life at that time?


Then don't blame yourself for being cruel.

After the death of the golden robe, Chu Yan tried to touch the corpse to see if he could find something useful, including another set of cultivation system mentioned by the golden robe man.

Unfortunately, he was disappointed.

Nothing, nothing.

Of course, Chu Yan was not upset.

The golden robe was not the first scavenger he killed.

He had killed some white robes before, and the results were the same.

The scavengers seemed to have some special rules. When they went out to perform tasks, they would not even carry space rings.

However, even so, Chu Yan was still not ready to give up. He spread his palms, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower emerged, and directly put the body of the golden robe into the tower.

A body stronger than the Supreme, it would be better to keep it for the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower to refine.

At this time, the old man of the Immortal Clan hesitated and said: "My friend, you just said that this so-called purger destroyed multiple eras? The era I am in was also destroyed by them?"

Chu Yan nodded: "Yes, the disaster of the God and Demon Era was controlled by them, and now... they are ready to take action in the era I am in."

The old man sighed: "It's a pity that I can't leave this place, otherwise I can help you a little."

Chu Yan shook his head: "Senior has helped me a lot."

The old man said: "This person fell here, the purger will definitely not give up, I will continue to go out and guard."

Chu Yan said: "Thank you, senior."

The old man said calmly: "My friend, you don't have to be polite, I also have selfish motives. If you solve the trouble as soon as possible, you can also take Xian Luo away as soon as possible and let him see the light again."

Chu Yan nodded: "Senior, don't worry, I will definitely fulfill my promise that day."

"That's good." The old man nodded slightly, and then took the initiative to exit the library.

Chu Yan took a deep breath alone, and then his eyes gradually became firm.

I must become stronger.

Especially after seeing the golden robe.

The pressure is great!

Now, just the Divine Court alone has made him anxious.

If one day, the barrier of the era loosens and the cleaner comes, he will not be able to stop it with his current strength.

Not to mention the potential crisis of the Haotian Disaster.


"Time waits for no one, I must become stronger quickly."

After saying that, Chu Yan summoned the puppet.

Now, he can only pin all his hopes on the puppet.

Soon, he controlled the puppet and came to a special bookcase.

There is a long-sealed book in this bookcase.

Chu Yan took it down before, but he couldn't open it anyway.

Because this book must have the power of the Tianku Universe to open it.

And this book records the idealistic path!

Chu Yan took a deep breath, and then the puppet flipped gently.


In an instant, the cover of the book was opened, and a dazzling golden light poured out from it.

Chu Yan was immediately excited.

It's open!

The road to idealism!

Soon, Chu Yan controlled the puppet to read.

At the same time.

The headquarters of the Eliminator.

The red-robed man had been resting with his eyes closed, waiting for something.

But suddenly, a young man in a blue robe broke in and knelt on the ground: "Saint...something happened."

The red robe looked up at the blue robe and frowned, "What happened again?"

The blue robe trembled and said, "Zhao Sheng...died."


Because the red robe man could not control his emotions, a terrible wave of air burst out from his body, causing cracks to appear on the stone walls in the palace.

The red robe man's eyelids jumped: "You...say it again!"

The blue robe lowered his head slightly: "Zhao Sheng...died."

The red robe man said in a low voice: "Didn't I ask him to go to the gods and demons to support the sun? Did he go to the new era?"

The blue robe youth said: "It was the era of gods and demons."

The red robe man was silent.

The first two gold robes died in the new era, so he was not prepared to attack the universe, but he died this time.

"Have you seen the recorder?" the red robe man asked.

The blue-robed youth nodded: "I saw that Zhao Sheng entered the Crystal Palace of the Sky Cave, but there was a mysterious strong man in the Crystal Palace. For some reason, he had a good relationship with Chu Yan and killed Zhao Sheng."


The red-robed man couldn't help but curse: "It's endless, isn't it?"

First it was the Lord of Heaven, then the Spirit of the Universe, and now another strong man has appeared?

You know, the combat power of the golden robe is comparable to the level of the God Ancestor, and only idealism can defeat it...

When did there become so many idealists?

The red-robed man rubbed his eyebrows.

I just felt extremely tired.

At this time, the blue-robed man said: "Holy Lord, what should we do now?"

The red-robed man narrowed his eyes: "We can't go to the Crystal Palace, so there is only one way, to lure Chu Yan out."

The blue-robed youth said helplessly: "But we can't go to the New Era. Without the threat of the universe, Chu Yan can't come out."

Zhuiri had thought of this method before.

Otherwise, the two golden robes would not have died in vain.

At this time, the red-robed man suddenly said: "Did you say before that Zhuiri and the others captured a king from the Demon Palace?"

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