Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6073 Another path of cultivation

At this time, a very strange scene appeared in a hall of the Crystal Palace.

Chu Yan sat cross-legged in the center, and around him were a dozen chubby mineral spirit dolls, and then one by one they spit at Chu Yan...

This scene was a bit eye-catching.

But fortunately, the effect was also significant.

In just a moment, Chu Yan's puppet had already taken shape and was quickly sprinting towards the realm of a giant.


At this time, the hall suddenly trembled, and Chu Yan's puppet's eyes opened suddenly.


Chu Yan was surprised: "It's done!"

At this time, there were two Chu Yans in the hall.

One is the original body and the other is a puppet.

The point is that the two people standing together actually gave people a sense of realism.

The aura of the puppet created by Chu Yan was not weaker than Chu Yan's original body at all.

You know, Chu Yan's previous puppet only had the same combat power as the original body after reaching the realm of self-existence.

But this time, the puppet is still a top giant, and it has reached this level.

When Chu Yan created this puppet, he applied all his experience into it, and it felt a bit like rebuilding a lifetime.

Except for the domineering body, it can be said that this puppet is no different from Chu Yan's original body.

Chu Yan's mouth corners slightly raised: "It's done!"

Of course, the puppet is not the point. The point is that with this puppet, Chu Yan can practice the idealistic method in the sky cave.

That is why Chu Yan deliberately did not connect to his own universe when he was promoted to the avenue in the process of creating this puppet, but connected to the sky cave universe.

Xiao Jiu said: "Maybe it won't be long before this puppet will go ahead of your original body."

Chu Yan nodded.

The puppet has a way, but I don't.

But it doesn't matter. It's also a good thing for Chu Yan that the puppet can become stronger.

After all, he has been studying the way of the universe, but before he has studied it thoroughly, he can't become stronger.

It's also a good thing that the puppet can practice on his behalf.

If one day, the puppet reaches the top level of idealism, at least his own safety will be guaranteed.

Thinking of this, he couldn't wait.

He wanted to see the puppet's promotion to idealism.

So he immediately stood up and thanked Xian Luo first.

Xian Luo said two words immaturely: "Friends, we should help each other."

Chu Yan was slightly startled, and his heart was warmed.

Then, he took out some candied haws and asked Xian Luo to distribute them to these origin mineral spirits.

After doing everything, he quickly went back to the library.

Prepared to let the puppet practice idealism.

However, he was stunned when he arrived at the library.

There are two people waiting here.

One of them is the old man of the immortal clan.

The other... is the golden robe of the purger.

However, the golden robe at this time is a little embarrassed, and his whole body is tied up with a golden chain, and all the power in his body is sealed up.

Chu Yan was startled when he saw the old man of the Immortal Clan: "Senior, are you looking for me?"

The old man said: "A man from the outside world came and said he knew you, so I brought him here."

Chu Yan looked at the golden robe with a slightly cold look in his eyes: "Eliminator."

He didn't know the meaning of the white robe and the golden robe yet, but he would not mistake the clothes of the eliminator.

The old man said: "Have a grudge?"

Chu Yan nodded: "My trouble outside was caused by them."

The old man suddenly realized that when he asked Chu Yan to take Xian Luo away before, Chu Yan refused the first time, because he had enemies outside and couldn't protect himself.

The old man said: "Then I kill him?"

"Woo woo woo!!!"

The golden robe struggled desperately and wanted to speak, but the old man sealed his mouth and he couldn't make any sound at all.

Chu Yan hesitated and said: "Don't worry, senior, I'll ask first."

The old man nodded, then bent his finger and pointed, and the seal in the golden robe's mouth was lifted, and he gasped for a few times.

Chu Yan walked up to the golden robe and said coldly: "Are you here to kill me?"

Hearing this, the golden robe thought for a moment and said: "If I say no... do you believe it?"

Chu Yan laughed when he said this.

This guy is quite cowardly?

The old man reminded: "Don't be careless, this person is not simple, his strength is far above yours."

Chu Yan nodded. Although the golden robe was trapped, he could still feel the powerful force.

This golden robe is stronger than the Shura God.

Chu Yan looked at the golden robe and suddenly said: "The Clearer has always asked the Divine Court to do it, why did he suddenly come down personally this time?"

The golden robe stared at Chu Yan and said in a low voice: "The Shura God is dead, no one in the Divine Court can kill you, we can only do it ourselves."

Chu Yan nodded: "That makes sense."

The Shura God is dead, and the Supreme obviously can't kill himself.

You can't let the God Ancestor come in person, right?

How embarrassing.

Chu Yan said: "I have always been curious about the purpose of your existence as the Clearers. What do you want from the destruction of one era after another?"

The gold robe said in a low voice: "I don't know."

Chu Yan frowned: "I don't know?"

The gold robe nodded: "Yes, the rules within the Clearers are strict, and we are just following orders."

Chu Yan fell silent.

Xiao Jiu said: "He didn't lie."

Chu Yan nodded: "I know, it seems that if I want to understand the Clearers, I have to go deeper."

Then, he looked at the gold robe and said again: "Let me ask you one more question, what realm are you in?"

This person is stronger than Shura God.

But Shura God is already at the peak of the only self.

This means that the golden robe is likely to be in the idealistic realm.

Among the purgers, is there a way to practice the idealistic path?

As for the ancient saints...

Chu Yan has never thought about it.

Ever since he learned about the idealistic realm from the origin mine spirit, he knew one thing, the ancient saints... are ridiculously strong.

The so-called half-saints now are all small scum.

The golden robe said in a deep voice: "Saints."

Chu Yan was stunned: "What is that?"


I have never heard of this realm.

The golden robe said seriously: "I didn't lie to you... I am really in the saint realm. Among the purgers, there is no distinction between giants, only me, and ancient saints. Our realm is different from yours."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly: "In other words, you have another system?"

The golden robe nodded: "Yes! Our practice method is also different from yours."

"But if you count it all, I should be about the same as the God Ancestor in terms of combat power."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes: "Is there a stronger realm above you?"

The golden robe said: "Yes... Saint! Saint is stronger than the saint."

Chu Yan's heart moved slightly.

The saint is already comparable to the God Ancestor... How strong would the Saint Venerable be?

Definitely the idealistic state.

Chu Yan took a deep breath and said in a low voice: "How many people are like you among the purgers?"

The golden robe said seriously: "Not many, but not a few! About thirty."

Chu Yan took a deep breath.

About thirty, that is to say, there are more than thirty people like the God Ancestor among the purgers.

The point is, there are Saint Venerables above...

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