Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6064: One Sword, One Kill

Unknowingly, the two people had arrived at a restaurant.

"Forget it, Qingcheng, I also know that you can't change things like the engagement, but you and I have known each other for many years, and now you are getting married soon. Finally, I will treat you to a meal and a drink. You will never refuse. Bar?"

Liu Qingcheng wanted to refuse, but she was really in a bad mood, so after much hesitation, she nodded lightly.

When he saw Liu Qingcheng nodding, Qin Feng immediately became excited. When he thought about getting Liu Qingcheng right away, his eyes couldn't help but burst into flames.

"Drinking. How can you not call me Master for such a good thing? Third Master Qin, you are not interesting enough." But at this moment, Chu Yan appeared discordantly beside the two of them.

When they suddenly saw Chu Yan, Qin Feng and Liu Qingcheng were stunned, especially Qin Feng, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

"Why are you here?" Liu Qingcheng said coldly with a look of disgust.

"You are my wife. If you go out to drink with strangers, of course I will follow you. Besides, if Master Qin wants to do something evil to you, can't I still protect you?" Chu Yan said when Qin Feng face, smiling without scruple.

"Don't talk nonsense, Master Qin is not this kind of person." Liu Qingcheng glared at Chu Yan, and then quickly looked at Qin Feng, "Master Qin, don't misunderstand me."

"Haha, yes, yes, Mr. Qin, don't take it personally. This is how I talk, and it doesn't sound nice. But to be honest, it's not my fault, but yours."

"Blame us?" Qin Feng's mouth twitched. If you don't speak well, can you blame us?

"Yeah, think about it, if you weren't too polite, I wouldn't be so domineering, but there's nothing I can do about it. Look, your uncle, who was so polite as he said yesterday, nodded and bowed at the same time, how can I not be crazy? It's all your fault for getting used to me," Chu Yan said confidently.

"You..." Qin Feng clenched his fists angrily. Chu Yan's words were clearly meant to humiliate his Qin family.

"Why, Master Qin is not convinced? Do you still want to watch your uncle apologize for you?" Chu Yan sneered.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Qin Feng suddenly restrained himself. Of course, it was only his expression that restrained, but he could not hide the murderous intent in his eyes.

"Haha, Brother Chu, you are really good at joking, but to be honest, I was really offended by what happened yesterday. Brother Chu came just in time today, let's have a drink together? I can also apologize to Brother Chu." Qin Feng said .

"There is no need to drink. If you want to apologize, then kneel down now and be sincere. I might really forgive you...I can tell you that my patience is only once!" Chu Yan said meaningfully. said.

"You..." Qin Feng was furious!

"Chu Yan, that's enough! If you don't want to drink, just go back. We're not married yet, so it's not your turn to take care of it!" At this moment, even Liu Qingcheng couldn't stand it anymore.

Chu Yan was speechless for a while. He really wanted to say, silly girl, I am protecting you. You are still so cruel to me. You really have no conscience at all.

But seeing that Liu Qingcheng was really a little unhappy, he sighed and shook his head.

"Do you really want to drink?"

"Yes, I want to drink. How about it?"

"What can I do? I'll accompany you."

Chu Yan suddenly stopped his stubbornness, and then looked at Mr. Qin sincerely, "Haha, Mr. Qin, I'm sorry, I was so offended just now, haha, don't mind, we still have a drink, let's go, I'm treating you today ,You are welcome!"

Qin Fang and Liu Qingcheng were both stunned when they saw Chu Yan. Liu Qingcheng couldn't figure out how there could be such a shameless person like Chu Yan in the world. He had humiliated Qin Fang just now, but now it seemed like nothing happened. Same thing happened?

Qin Feng also clenched his fists fiercely, but now that the matter was at this point, he couldn't shirk anymore, otherwise it would only expose his purpose.

"How can you use Mr. Chu to treat guests? You two are newcomers, so of course I will be the host."

"I didn't mean to invite you, I just wanted to be polite to you and don't take it seriously." Chu Yan said, taking Liu Qingcheng's hand and walking towards the restaurant.

Looking at Chu Yan's back, Qin Feng didn't need to keep pretending, his eyes were spitting fire.

"Chu Yan, you came to die on your own, so don't blame me!"

Qin Feng had booked a wine table in the restaurant early in the morning. It was a separate private room. The room was very spacious and could accommodate more than twenty people.

As soon as the three of them sat down, Qin Feng said with a smile, "Brother Chu, let me tell you, this restaurant is very famous in Tianyong City. You have just come to Tianyong City not long ago. Have a good taste. Waiter, come and go." For food, remember to bring good wine!”

Qin Feng bit the word "good wine" very hard, and then he felt relieved when he saw the waiter give him a look of understanding.

Unfortunately, Qin Feng didn't know that all these small actions were seen by Chu Yan. He was playing with a wine glass in his hand alone and sighed deeply.

Qin Feng, Qin Feng, I just gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it, so you can't blame me.

This restaurant is really good. Soon the room was filled with aroma and the waiter was serving delicious dishes.

The delicacies were served, and a jar of fine wine was deliberately brought.

"A few people are objective, enjoy it!"

The waiter poured wine for the three of them respectively, and then left with a smile. When he thought of Qin Feng's promise to him, he couldn't help but feel excited. Liu Qingcheng, the most beautiful woman in Tianyong City, was lucky enough to find such a big deal, so when he left, he took a greedy look at Liu Qingcheng.

When there were only three people left in the room, Qin Feng immediately picked up the wine glass and said with a squinting smile, "Haha, Brother Chu, the floods washed away the Dragon King Temple yesterday, so don't blame me. Qingcheng, your wedding is about to happen. Let me toast you first and wish you a happy marriage."

Liu Qingcheng didn't want to accept Qin Feng's blessing, but before she could say anything, Chu Yan had already picked up the wine glass with a laugh, "Thank you, Mr. Qin, thank you, Mr. Qin, Qingcheng, why are you standing there in such a daze!"

Liu Qingcheng rolled her eyes at Chu Yan, but she still raised her glass.

Watching Liu Qingcheng raise the wine glass, Qin Feng's eyes became more and more excited.


All three of them drank it down in one gulp. Qin Feng sat down with satisfaction. Next, the three of them chatted nonstop. During the chat, Qin Feng was constantly observing Liu Qingcheng's condition. Within half a stick of incense, Liu Qingcheng felt hot and soft all over.

Qin Feng knew that the Spring Heart Pill had taken effect and his chance was about to come, so he hurriedly said it knowingly.

"Qingcheng, what's wrong with you? Why do you look so ugly?"

"It's nothing, I just feel a little uncomfortable. Mr. Qin, this is the end of the day. I have to go back first."

Liu Qingcheng didn't know what was going on with her. Ever since she opened the door to practice and awakened her life body, she had never been sick, but now her head felt dizzy and her whole body became very hot.

But at this moment, Qin Feng suddenly laughed sinisterly and said excitedly while banging his hand on the table.

"Leave? This is not possible! You may not be able to leave today!"

Liu Qingcheng immediately frowned, and then the door of the private room was suddenly pushed open, and three men in black clothes wearing night clothes immediately surrounded Liu Qingcheng and Chu Yan.

"Miss Liu, you'd better stay and have a drink with the young master!" The three men in black said coldly.

No matter how stupid Liu Qingcheng was, she could understand what was going on. She looked at Qin Feng in disbelief.

"Qin Feng, you actually put medicine in my wine?"

As soon as Liu Qingcheng was about to stand up, she found that her whole body was limp and she couldn't stand up at all. The vitality in her body was also in chaos at this time, completely tied up in knots, and there was no way to release it.

"Liu Qingcheng, I have been flattering and attentive to you for so many years, but you would rather marry a loser than me. You forced me to do this!"


Liu Qingcheng and Liu Ye frowned. She tried her best to stay rational at this time, but the medicine was too strong. Although she was not completely stunned like Qin Feng's little maid, she was just an ordinary woman without the power to restrain a chicken. .

"Liu Qingcheng, didn't you expect that you would also have today? It's just a pity that I originally dreamed of marrying you, but since I found out that you were going to marry this loser, I am no longer interested in you. Humph, wait a minute I’ll have fun first, and then I’ll let you experience the true joy of life!”

"Besides, I advise you not to struggle, and don't expect anyone to save you. That will only make me more eager to humiliate you." Qin Feng said excitedly.

"Qin Sanshao, this is wrong. How could no one save her? Have you forgotten someone?"

At this time, Qin Feng smiled faintly. From beginning to end, he remained calm and composed, as if everything was as expected.


Qin Feng sneered, "Chu Yan, I don't know how big your background is, but this restaurant is surrounded by people within a thousand meters of me. Even if I kill you now, no one will know that I did it." ”

Liu Qingcheng looked at Chu Yan in despair at this time. Every woman has imagined that when she is threatened, Prince Charming will come to save her, just like ten years ago when she was surrounded by monsters and saved herself. The little boy who fought his way out of the siege.

But now, Chu Yan is here, but he is just a waste, with a single life body, a first-level mortal realm, and even the most rubbish mortal body. So what if he is here?

Liu Qingcheng just regrets now. If she had known this would happen, she would never have gone out with Qin Feng. Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.

"Then why don't you do it?" But Chu Yan was still playing with the wine glass in his hand calmly.

"Haha, don't worry! Killing you now is too easy for you. I want you to see with your own eyes how your woman was ravaged by me. I will kill you when the time comes. But don't worry, after you die, I will also send this woman I played with on the road to accompany you. When tomorrow, everyone in Tianyong City will think that she, Liu Qingcheng, did not want to marry you, a loser, and ended up killing you and then committing suicide. When that time comes, Even if the forces behind you want to take revenge, let them take revenge on the Liu family. From now on, there will be no Liu family in Tianyong City!"

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