Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6063 Asking for the Saint

Heavenly Domain.

One of the most mysterious places in the current era.

It is also one of the few areas that are not under the jurisdiction of the universe since Chu Yan unified the era.

The reason is very simple, this is the place of the Lord of Heaven.

The person that Chu Yan has always regarded as an imaginary enemy, or even the ultimate opponent in the universe.

But later, after Chu Yan entered the void, the Lord of Heaven gradually faded out of his sight.

However, this is not because the Lord of Heaven has become weaker... On the contrary, it is because the Lord of Heaven is too strong.

After Chu Yan unified the era, he actually never stopped investigating the Heavenly Domain.

But the more he investigated, the more surprised he was.

Because he found that the Heavenly Domain was like a bottomless pit. As his enemies in the void became stronger and stronger, forces like the Blood River and the Buddhist sect surfaced one by one, but there was no one who knew about the Heavenly Domain.

Chu Yan once asked the Lord of the Blood River if he knew about the Heavenly Domain.

As a result, the other party said that he knew nothing!

After the appearance of the Heavenly Domain, it has always been a special existence in the era.

There are no enemies or opponents. Anyone who has provoked the Heavenly Domain, no matter what force you are, will eventually disappear.

So there has been a saying in the era, don't provoke the Heavenly Domain.

Fortunately, the Heavenly Domain will not take the initiative to cause trouble.

As long as you don't try to attack it, the Heavenly Domain will not attack you.

As a result, today... someone took the initiative to find the Heavenly Domain.


A loud noise suddenly exploded in the sky above the Heavenly Domain.

Everyone in the Heavenly Domain was stunned.

They looked up one by one, with a blank face.

Enemy attack?

How is it possible?

This is the Heavenly Domain.

Is there anyone who dares to attack them?

You know, the Heavenly Domain has been in the void for hundreds of millions of years, and no one dared to take the initiative to attack here.

Of course, Chu Yan came here once before, but that doesn't count...

That time, the Lord of Heaven specifically told them to let all the strong men retreat.

Only some minions from the outside world were left to play with Chu Yan.

At that time, there were still many strong men in the Heaven Realm who were unhappy, but since the Lord personally ordered, they did not dare to say anything.

That was also the most embarrassing time for the Heaven Realm.

At that time, there were even people in the Heaven Realm who privately spread that Chu Yan was the Lord's illegitimate child in the universe.

After all, the Lord also came from the universe.

Of course, no one can confirm it.

What is the situation this time?

Everyone's first thought is... the illegitimate child is here again?

This shouldn't be the case, the boss didn't say this.

What should I do?

Should I continue to act?

Everyone looked at each other.


At this time, the purgers in white clothes descended over the Heaven Realm Hall.

"Hey, aren't they from the universe?"

"It's a bit strange, who are they?"

"I don't know."

"Then fight or not?"

"Who cares, anyway, the boss didn't say it."

The strong men in the Heaven Realm discussed with each other.

At the same time, the purgers were very close.

The leading purger looked down, and heard all the discussions just now.

So he was more certain of Chen's words.

This group of people said that they were not from the universe, so they could take action.

In other words, the relationship between the Lord of Heaven and Chu Yan must be very good.

Thinking of this, the leading purger was happy, and he didn't expect everything to go so smoothly.

The next second, he leaned over and looked at a middle-aged man, and said proudly: "Where is the Lord of Heaven, let him get out!"

The strong men in the Heavenly Domain: "..."

As soon as these words came out, the people in the Heavenly Domain were stunned.

Who is this person...?

Is he crazy?

Still want to see the Lord of Heaven?

They... are so weak.

How dare they be so arrogant when they are so weak?

The people in the Heavenly Domain were stunned.

Seeing that people were indifferent, the leading purger snorted coldly: "Is it not working?"

Immediately, he turned to a subordinate next to him and said: "Go, show them some color."

The subordinate heard the words and immediately smiled grimly.

In the purgers, they are not considered strong, otherwise, with the epoch barrier here, they would not be allowed to come, just because they are not strong.

However, in the current universe, that is the existence of the ceiling.

So the subordinate was very confident, and with a whoosh, he flashed and quickly landed in front of a middle-aged man in the Heavenly Domain.

The middle-aged man was named Tianchao, and he was a warrior in the Heavenly Domain.

The purger punched without saying a word.


A loud noise.

But then, the purger's face changed.

Because he found out one thing, he punched, but the other party didn't even move?

"How is it possible?"

Tianchao looked at the purger strangely, and then laughed: "Where did the weak chicken come from?"

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the purger.

The purger's pupils shrank, and he turned around to escape.

Unfortunately... it was too late.

The moment Tianchao's palm stretched out, it was accompanied by a huge pressure, which pressed the purger so hard that he could not move and could only stand there.


Suddenly, Tianchao grabbed the throat of the Clearer with one hand.

The Clearer's eyes widened: "You..."

At this time, Tianchao's palm exerted force.


Then, the Clearer's throat was twisted off.

His soul couldn't escape because Tianchao's attack directly locked the soul.


In an instant, a blood mist exploded in the sky.

Above, the rest of the purgers were stunned, their minds were blank.

What happened?

Their people, dead?

Or killed instantly?

The question is, how is this possible?

In this era... Isn't the path of me broken? What's the situation with this person?

The leading purger's eyes sank, but he was about to speak.

Tianchao sneered: "Where did this group of idiots come from? Kill them."

The rest of the strong men in Tianyu were excited. They were indeed idle for too long. In the universe, Chu Yan repeatedly warned them not to provoke Tianyu, which resulted in them being fine.

They could only watch others fight and show off.

Today is a rare opportunity, how could they waste it?


"Cao, don't push me, don't grab it!"


All of a sudden, a group of people took off into the air and quickly pounced on the purgers.

Like a hungry wolf seeing a little white rabbit.

All the purgers' faces suddenly sank.

However, just when they were about to resist, their faces all changed drastically.

Because they discovered one thing, this group of people are very strong, and each of them is at the Supreme level?

"How is it possible..."

The Clearer was confused. Did he go to the wrong place?

He even doubted for a while whether he had gone to the wrong era?

This is not the current era, but the ancient era, right?

However, when they wanted to run, it was too late.

Chi Chi Chi - in an instant, bloody heads flew out.

All killed instantly!

In a blink of an eye, only the leading Clearer was left on the field.

He was the strongest and also at the Supreme level, but at this time he was also covered in blood, his body was on the verge of being broken, and death was a matter of time.

At this time, he looked unwilling and couldn't understand why.

But he knew that he must not die in vain, and suddenly a trace of cruelty appeared in his eyes: "You are looking for death!"

After that, he put his hands together in front of his chest and shouted: "Please ask the saint!"

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