Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6055 The door is open

Chu Yan followed the old man's gaze and was slightly startled: "Senior, could it be that..."

"Yes, this core is in Xianluo's body." The old man sighed: "When the disaster came to the Xianbu, the entire tribe was wiped out. In order to preserve a glimmer of hope for the Xianbu, I protected Xianluo's body with my death. A trace of soul! But I found that just the soul couldn't help Xian Luo escape. In times of crisis, I sealed it with the Xianbu's Dao Core!"

After saying this, the old man said helplessly: "It can be said that Xianluo itself is now the core of the Xianbu's avenue."

Chu Yan was silent for a moment.

At this time, the old man said: "If I can reshape Xianluo's body, I may have a chance to peel off the core of Xianluo."

Chu Yan smiled bitterly: "Senior, you won't always be waiting for me here, right?"

The old man shook his head: "No, I didn't know that my friend was interested in the core of Xianbu's avenue at first."

Chu Yan thought about it for a moment, and it was the same.

Immediately, he looked towards Xian Luo.

Now that I'm fine, even if I want to bring Xian Luo with me, I'm afraid I can't.

If he wanted to summon the core of the great avenue of the Era of Gods and Demons, Xianluo would become an indispensable part.

All we can say is that everything has its own destiny.

At this time, the old man suddenly said: "My little friend has been talking about the era of gods and demons before. Is it possible that in today's world, only the Ministry of God and the Ministry of Demons are left?"

Chu Yan shook his head: "No, the era of gods and demons has been destroyed and became the era of the old era! However, in the later period of the era of my predecessors, only the gods and demons were left alone."

The old man asked curiously: "What happened next? Did we defeat the Ancient Saints?"

Chu Yan nodded: "If we win, the gods and demons will create their own world, so it is called the era of gods and demons."

"It's good if we win." The old man nodded: "We were really miserable at that time."

Chu Yan said: "Senior, don't you hate gods and demons?"

The old man wondered: "Why hate?"

"Obviously there were the Immortal Tribe, Monster Tribe, and the Human Emperor Tribe who fought against the Ancient Saints together, but you were not named in the final era."


The old man waved his hand: "It's just a false name. Besides, my friend said, the era of gods and demons has been destroyed! In this world, in countless historical reincarnations, who in this world can always rise and fall."

Chu Yan was stunned, and said with a smile: "Senior can see clearly."

The old man said quietly: "I have been imprisoned here for hundreds of millions of years. If I were me, I would be able to see through it."

Chu Yan nodded and said nothing more.

After this brief conversation, he gained a better understanding of the Era of Gods and Demons.

Then, he withdrew his gaze and turned to look at the huge palace in front of him.

This palace is the real core of Tiancao.

With Chu Yan's Eye of the World running, he can clearly see it.

The avenues of the two races of gods and demons are all connected here.

He had a hunch that as long as he could enter the palace, the mystery of the cave would be completely revealed.

However, how should I get in?

The old man said that he had been trapped here for hundreds of millions of years and had never entered the palace once.

Chu Yan hesitated, then slowly stepped forward and pushed the palace door with his hand.

It is worth mentioning that this palace does not have the same protection mechanism as the Crystal Palace.

After Chu Yan approached, there was no attack.


However, Chu Yan pushed hard, but the palace door did not move at all.

Chu Yan frowned slightly: "Can't open it."

The door seemed to be firmly welded together. Chu Yan mobilized all his strength, but he still couldn't make the door move at all.

Not even a little bit of slack.

The old man said from behind: "Little friend, there is no need to try. The power of this door is beyond imagination. With my strength, I can't open it despite many attempts."

After saying this, the old man added: "I guess that opening this door may require some special conditions."

Chu Yan took back his hand and fell into deep thought.

He's not pushing.

The old man said that even his strength cannot shake this door, let alone himself.

The question is, under what conditions?

At this time, Xiao Jiu said: "Boy, there is a special power inside this door, which seems to be attracting me."

Chu Yan was slightly startled: "Do you feel this way too?"

As soon as he approached the palace, he felt a sense of attraction.

At that time, he thought his induction was wrong.

Now Xiaojiu also appeared.

Xiaojiu nodded: "Yes! I can't tell. It's like the resonance of some kind of power, but I can't tell."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly.

the same!

The same goes for him. There seems to be some power within this door that resonates with him all the time.

At this time, he suddenly said in his body: "Senior Educated Youth, Senior Wushu, do you feel the same resonance?"

The educated youth shook his head: "No."

Wushuang said: "Me neither."

Chu Yan was silent for a moment.

Except for Xiaojiu and himself, no one else felt this way.

In other words, the power of resonance is not for everyone.

Only myself and Xiaojiu.

That would be strange.

Is there anything special between you and Xiaojiu?

In other words, are there any similarities between myself and Xiaojiu, so they both sense resonance?

Here, only he and Xiaojiu resonate. In other words, the power in this palace resonates because of a certain characteristic of himself and Xiaojiu.

What will it be?

Is there any overlap between me and Xiaojiu?

That's not right, I'm a human, Xiaojiu is a spirit.

They are not even the same species.

It doesn't make sense.

Normally, if Xiaojiu and the educated youth felt the resonance, it would make sense.

At least they are all spirits.

But I shouldn't.

Suddenly, Chu Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Maybe it's true!"

Chu Yan thought of a certain factor that only he and Xiaojiu have!

At this time, Xiaojiu also thought of something and said in a low voice: "The universe!"

"Yes! It's the universe!"

Xiaojiu is the spirit of the universe.

Chu Yan opened up the universe.

Xiaojiu said: "Boy, give it a try."

Chu Yan nodded slightly, and then his mind moved, and a bright star suddenly appeared in his palm.

It was his universe.

In the back, the old man exclaimed: "What is this, what a strange thing."

The old man died early, so he didn't know what the universe was.


At this time, the palace seemed to sense something, and suddenly let out a joyful cry, and the resonance became stronger and stronger.


The next second, Chu Yan clearly saw that the originally indestructible giant door trembled violently at this moment, and then began to open to both sides.


Then, a dazzling light burst out from the palace.

Chu Yan and the old man became excited when they saw this.

The palace opened!

It was really because of the universe!

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