Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6054: The Incomplete Era

Chu Yan suddenly had a bold idea.

That is...the era of gods and demons...maybe there are more than just gods and demons?

At this time, Chu Yan suddenly thought of the universe.

Wandao is the unity of the five races.

Humans, monsters, gods, immortals, demons!

Chu Yan had no doubts at first, thinking that the eras were different, so the races were different.

But he ignored a very important thing.

That is... no matter which era or how many years have passed, the essence of the Dao remains unchanged.

There are a total of three thousand avenues in this world!

Of course, Chu Yan cultivated not only three thousand avenues, but tens of thousands of avenues.

But he later discovered one thing: his tens of thousands of avenues were actually just three thousand avenues in the final analysis.

This is like the avenue of mountains and rivers, which is actually a branch of the earth-type avenue in the Five Elements.

The River Avenue is a branch of the Five Elements Water System Avenue.

When Chu Yan created the world, he discovered that with the development of the times and society, many new avenues would gradually emerge.

For example, the earliest primitive people did not know how to use tools at that time, so they did not have weapons.

But as people's wisdom opened up, they began to learn to use tools little by little, and then some agricultural methods emerged, such as hoes, sledges, etc.

In the future, the ancients began to build empires, and then wars began.

At this time, the avenue of weapons was born, with swords, guns, swords and sticks.

However, in the final analysis, these avenues are just derivatives of the golden avenue.

If you look carefully at the nature of the avenues, you will see that there are actually only three thousand.

In other words, any era is composed of these avenues, and the foundation is the same.

That means that at the beginning of an era, everything looks the same.

Whatever the universe is like, the new era will be like, so that’s what the era of gods and demons should be like.

There are five races in the universe, but what about the Era of Gods and Demons?



At this time, Chu Yan suddenly swallowed his saliva and murmured to himself: "If this is really the case, some things may make sense."

Xiao Jiu said: "What?"

Chu Yan said: "Xiaojiu, you said that in the 400 million years of the Era of Gods and Demons, is it true that no one has put together all the avenues of gods and demons?"

Xiao Jiuyi was startled: "There should be, right?"

Chu Yan said: "It's not that it should be, it's a must! There must be! After the era of gods and demons has gone through so long, 400 million years of history, there will always be influential figures born who will completely unite the two races of gods and demons! But... They did not summon the spirit of the avenue of this era!”


"Because they were wrong from beginning to end!"

"In the era of gods and demons, there are not only gods and demons! There are also immortals, demons, and humans!"

"So even if we collect all the avenues of the gods and demons, we still can't summon the spirit of the avenue."

Xiao Jiu suddenly realized, nodded and said: "It is indeed possible."

But then, Xiao Jiu said again: "But don't the people from the Era of Gods and Demons know?"

Chu Yan said calmly: "It's normal. It's been too long. History is sinking. Coupled with the destruction of the era, some history has been buried."

"In the current era of gods and demons, even the ancestors of gods are already descendants!"

Chu Yan has investigated and found that the current divine ancestor of Shenting is only the 100th generation owner of Shenting.

This means that some of the history of more than a hundred years ago has been lost long ago.

Today's gods and demons, from the time they can remember, there are only gods and demons in this era, and it has also been named the era of gods and demons, so they have never thought about the existence of other races besides them in this era. .

Xiao Jiu said: "That makes sense."

Chu Yan thought for a moment and said, "I'm not sure yet. I need to verify it again."

After saying that, he turned around and looked at the old man: "Senior, can I take a look at your avenue?"

The old man was slightly startled, then nodded and said, "Of course."


The next second, an emerald green avenue appeared above the old man's head.

Chu Yan took a breath: "Sure enough!"

The avenue of life!

In the universe, the immortal race represents life.

At this point, everything makes sense.

"In other words, the Era of Gods and Demons is not just about gods and demons."

"If you want to summon the spirit of the avenue, you need to gather all the avenues except gods and demons."

"Humans, immortals, and demons all need it."

Chu Yan thought about it and said again: "Senior, besides the Shenmoxian clan, were there other tribes there?"

The old man was startled, then recalled: "There is another one, the Human Emperor's Department! It was also the most powerful one that year."

Chu Yan was startled: "Is there only one?"

According to his idea, there should be two more.

The old man nodded: "Yes, the human tribe. In fact, the three tribes of gods, demons and immortals were originally separated from the human emperor tribe."

Chu Yan shook his head.


"One is missing."

Chu Yan said in a deep voice: "Senior, are you thinking about it, besides the Human Emperor Tribe, what other tribes were there back then?"

The old man thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "No more. Back then, the Ancient Saints enslaved the world, and the Human Emperor tribe led all living beings to resist. If so, I will never forget it."

Chu Yan fell silent immediately.

At this time, Xiao Jiu said: "Besides the tribe, what other forces were there at that time?"

The old man hesitated: "Do monsters count?"

Chu Yan's eyes lit up: "Forget it!"

The old man said: "Then there are monsters! At the beginning of the era, human-monsters were natural enemies. Humans were weak at the beginning and could only become the food of the monsters! But in the later period, the stronger ones from the human race began to hunt the monsters in turn. ”

"But during the enslavement of the Ancient Saints, the human and demon clans joined forces for the first time. It was also at that time that we reached unprecedented strength! Only then did we overthrow the enslavement of the Ancient Saints."

Chu Yan took a deep breath: "Huh...then everything will make sense."

Five tribes gather together!

This is the foundation of an Epoch Avenue.

Chu Yan said: "Senior, does the Immortal Department have a Dao core?"

He once heard Lord Blood mention that although the Demon Palace is divided into many avenues, there is a core of demonic path within the Demon Palace.

The same goes for the Divine Court.

The old man was startled, nodded slightly and said: "There is indeed a core, which is the convergence of all the avenues of my immortal clan."

Chu Yan said excitedly: "Senior, do you know where this core is?"

The old man's eyes suddenly became strange.

Only then did Chu Yan realize that he had been rash. How could the core of the clan tell outsiders so easily?

Chu Yan said: "Senior, don't be surprised, I am not coveting the path of the Immortal Department."

The old man laughed: "That's not the case... Our Immortal Club was destroyed back then. It would be a good thing if someone could pass it on to us."

After saying that, the old man hesitated and said: "I do know where the core of the avenue is, but... if I want to get it, I may have a little trouble."

Chu Yan asked curiously: "Where is it?"

The old man said bitterly: "This core... is far away in the horizon, but also close in front of you."

Chu Yan was slightly confused, and then he saw the old man turning around and looking at the young Xian Luo beside him.

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