Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6049 Xian Luo

This is so scary.

The educated youth hesitated and suddenly said, "Little guy, are you sure he is taking a photo of you?"

Chu Yan said with a dark face: "Nonsense... A hand is on my shoulder, can't you see it?"

The educated youth looked at each other strangely.

Because they really didn't see it.

At this time, Xiao Jiu said, "Boy, don't move first, let's find a way."

After that, Xiao Jiu quickly arranged, "Jie Gui, you do it."

Jie Gui cried out, "What do you mean I do it? I'm a turtle, but it doesn't mean I'm not afraid of ghosts."

Xiao Jiu: "..."

It said helplessly, "What ghosts, at this point, the so-called ghosts are nothing more than the blind spots of mortals for some unknown things, and they scare themselves! You are the rules and laws, and you are most likely to control this mysterious thing. You seal the surroundings first, and I will cooperate with you, we will do it together."

Jie Gui thought for a while and nodded slightly, "Okay."


Soon, Chu Yan felt a special barrier forming around him.

He knew that Jiegui and Xiaojiu had taken action and sealed the area.

Xiaojiu suddenly said: "Boy, grab it now!"

Chu Yan turned around and grabbed his shoulder.

However, it would have been better if he didn't grab it. When he grabbed it, the corner of Chu Yan's mouth twitched.

"Ah! It hurts!"

He used too much force, and as a result, there was nothing on his shoulder, causing all his strength to act on himself.

Xiaojiu and Zhiqing were stunned: "Didn't catch it?"

In an instant, the two of them swept the surroundings with their spiritual thoughts again.

Still empty.

Suddenly, the two of them looked strange: "Boy, are you... sure you are not hallucinating?"

Really not.

Chu Yan's face darkened: "No!"

Once, twice, maybe it's an illusion, but three or four times, how could it be?

Besides, he has consolidated his mental strength.

There will be no problem.

Xiaojiu and Zhiqing looked at each other, a little puzzled.

Suddenly, Zhiqing stretched out his hand, gestured in the sky, formed a special spell, and then pointed it at Chu Yan's brow.

Chu Yan was startled: "What does this mean?"

Zhiqing said faintly: "I have traveled in the mortal world, some mortal Taoist priests helped others expel some dirty things, just like this."

Chu Yan: "???"

He was speechless and growled: "I said, I don't have hallucinations!"

But unfortunately, Xiaojiu and Zhiqing obviously didn't believe it.

No hallucinations, and now there is nothing.

How to explain all this?


However, just when everyone doubted Chu Yan, a light sound suddenly came from all around.

Everyone was startled.

"What's the noise?"

"It seems that someone kowtowed."

"It's a sealed barrier! Something wants to break out. This kid is not lying. There is really a 'dirty' thing here!" Xiaojiu said in a low voice.

Chu Yan breathed a sigh of relief. Finally someone believed him.

The next second, several people turned around immediately.

Soon, they saw the ‘dirty’ thing in a corner of the barrier!

A person!

A child, curled up, looking at Chu Yan with a vigilant face.


Chu Yan and the others were all shocked.

The child looked like he was only seven or eight years old at most.

Zhiqing said in a deep voice: “This is not the point! Everyone, feel it carefully, this child… has no breath or power at all.”

Chu Yan was shocked when he heard it.

Indeed, he clearly saw the child squatting there, but when his mind swept over it, the area was still empty.

The child seemed to be non-existent.

“Is this… a soul?” Chu Yan said subconsciously.

Zhiqing shook his head: “No! Even if it is a soul, we can sense it! The soul is not completely non-existent, and the soul also has soul power! But this child seems to be completely non-existent, with no power in his body.”

“This is too strange.” Xiao Jiu said.

Even a mortal has power.

As long as people breathe, inhale and exhale, and live, they need energy.

But the child in front of him was like a transparent body, as if he really didn't exist.

At this time, the child curled up in the corner, also with a vigilant face.

Chu Yan's face was dark: "You scared me, and you are still vigilant?"

The child seemed to understand, but didn't say anything.

At this time, the educated youth said: "What should we do now?"

Chu Yan frowned slightly.

Because he didn't know.

Of course, at least there is good news.

This child is not mysterious and powerful.

Chu Yan hesitated and suddenly walked towards the child. The child suddenly became nervous and made a face at Chu Yan, as if trying to scare Chu Yan away.

Chu Yan ignored it. Soon, he walked in front of the little boy and a candied haws appeared in his hand: "Here, do you want to eat it?"

The little boy tilted his head when he saw the candied haws, and he didn't understand.

Chu Yan thought about it and ate one.

The little boy understood it immediately, and then took the candied haws and ate one according to Chu Yan's way.

The next second, the little boy's eyes brightened.


Chu Yan was startled: "Can you talk?"

The little boy looked at Chu Yan warily and hid the remaining half of the candied haws behind him.

Chu Yan laughed: "Don't worry, I won't snatch it. Now I'll ask you a few questions. Can you answer them?"

The little boy hesitated.

Chu Yan continued: "You have to answer for eating my food, otherwise you are not a good boy."

The little boy was immediately entangled, but finally nodded under the temptation of the candied haws.

Chu Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

If we can communicate, it will be easy.

He thought for a while and said: "Who are you?"

The little boy rolled his eyes: "I am not a dirty thing."

Chu Yan laughed and said: "I know, you are not, then what is your name?"

The little boy said childishly: "Xianluo."

Chu Yan was slightly startled: "Your last name is Xian?"

The little boy nodded slightly.

Chu Yan fell silent.

What a strange last name.

But he didn't think much about it, and said again: "Then Xianluo, where is your home?"

Xianluo turned around and pointed to the crystal palace behind him.

Chu Yan was stunned: "Do you live in it?"

Xianluo nodded, then shook his head again.

Chu Yan was stunned for a while. At this time, Xiao Jiu said, "Ask him why he is not affected by blood."

Chu Yan was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that the blood here is very terrible. Even the strong Shura God can't resist it, but Xianluo can walk freely here.

Chu Yan said, "Aren't you afraid of this blood?"

Xianluo looked around and shook his head.

Chu Yan said, "Why?"

Xianluo still shook his head.

Chu Yan: "..."

It's over. This is a fool. He doesn't know anything.

However, just when he wanted to continue asking, he suddenly raised his head with a solemn face.


A piercing sound rang out, and then the sky cave began to tremble wildly.

The door of the special blood-colored crystal palace suddenly opened.

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