Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6048 Ghost Story

Chu Yan's body froze.

He stood there in a daze, not daring to move.

It was so weird!

The point was, he didn't see anything behind him when his mind moved?

You know, at his level, he didn't need eyes to see the world. He could sense ordinary people within a hundred meters of him. Even if their eyes were blinded, he could still feel it clearly.

But now, he couldn't feel anything.


Chu Yan's throat rolled.

What's going on?

"Xiao Jiu... can you feel it?" Chu Yan said in a low voice.

Xiao Jiu asked in confusion: "Ah? Feel what?"

Chu Yan's face changed.

Xiao Jiu didn't notice it?

How is it possible?

In other words, except for himself, no one else can sense it?

Chu Yan took a deep breath, and the hand holding the Refining Heaven Sword tightened again.

Suddenly, he turned around.

But after he turned around, he was stunned!

Because there was nothing in front of him, nothing.

Chu Yan was stunned.

"No one? How is that possible?"

Chu Yan frowned: "Is it possible that I am hallucinating?"

Subconsciously, he consolidated his mental power and explored the surroundings.

To see if there is any illusion.

However, he searched around and still found nothing.

"Is it really my fault? I have been too tired recently and my mind is highly concentrated, so I am hallucinating?"

Is it possible?

Chu Yan is not sure.

Normally speaking, it is impossible.

Because he is now a top giant, his combat power has reached the tenth level of ego, and his control over himself is very strong, so he will not have hallucinations at all.

But apart from that, there seems to be nothing that can explain it clearly.

Chu Yan shook his head: "Hallucination, it must be an illusion, I don't need to scare myself."

Thinking of this, Chu Yan gradually relaxed.


However, Chu Yan's string has not been completely relaxed, and his pupils widened.

A hand patted his shoulder again.

Not an illusion!

This time, it will definitely not be wrong.

Chu Yan suddenly became nervous. The point is that based on the shape of the hand, he can be sure that it is a pair of human hands.

Is there anyone here...?

This is the bottom of the Heavenly Cave. People of Shura God's level cannot go deep into it, and will be completely corroded to death by the blood and energy here.

Even the God Ancestor and the Demon Ancestor may not be able to reach here.

This person can walk freely here, how strong can he be?

Thinking of this, Chu Yan's hand holding the sword tightened.

Suddenly, he turned around and slashed.

Swish - in an instant, a flash of sword energy slashed out, and with a click, the blood and energy were temporarily divided into two.

But the next second, Chu Yan was stunned again.

Because he found that there was still nothing.

No one?

Xiao Jiu frowned: "Boy, what are you crazy about?"

Chu Yan said in a deep voice: "Xiao Jiu, didn't you see it?"

Xiao Jiu was puzzled: "What did you see?"

Chu Yan's face became more and more gloomy.

As a part of the spirit of the universe, Xiao Jiu's means are very powerful regardless of his combat power.

Detection and sealing are its strengths.

However, Xiao Jiu didn't notice it?

Then this person is even more dangerous.

Chu Yan hesitated, and suddenly said in his body: "Zhiqing, Wusun seniors, did you see anyone nearby just now?"

Zhiqing said strangely: "No, what happened?"

Chu Yan's eyelids twitched: "I just felt someone patted me from behind."

Zhiqing was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "Boy, it's already very dark here, it's not suitable for telling ghost stories."

Chu Yan said helplessly: "I didn't tell a story."

Hearing this, Zhiqing frowned: "That's strange, we didn't notice anything, and with our strength, as long as someone approaches within a hundred meters... let alone a person, even a special power fluctuation will be detected."


Chu Yan said nervously: "Unless what?"

Zhiqing blinked: "Unless... the one who patted you just now was not a person, but a ghost?"

Chu Yan: "???"

His face darkened: "Senior, didn't you say that ghost stories are not allowed?"

Zhiqing said playfully: "Didn't you tell it first?"

Chu Yan: "..."

He was silent for a while.

No one believed him.

However, when they saw Chu Yan's solemn expression, they realized that something was wrong.

Suddenly, Zhiqing said: "Boy, did you really feel someone patting you?"

Chu Yan nodded: "Absolutely true, the first time, I was not sure, but the second time, I deliberately consolidated my mental strength, it can't be an illusion."

Zhiqing was silent for a moment.

Xiaojiu has been listening and fell into deep thought.

"If this kid is not lying and it is not an illusion... then there will be big trouble." Xiaojiu suddenly said.

Zhiqing nodded: "A person came close to here and patted this kid, and we didn't notice it, then there are only two possibilities."

Chu Yan looked at Zhiqing.

Zhiqing said: "The first one is that this person is very strong, so strong that we can't see him, just like the gap between immortals and mortals."

Why don't ordinary mortals believe that there are immortals in the world?

It's not that there are no immortals, but because they can't see them.

The aura of immortals is too strong. As long as the immortals don't want to be exposed, even if they stand in front of mortals, mortals can't see him.

Chu Yan's eyelids jumped: "No way? I am not weak now, and the seniors have seen the world. Can such a person still exist in this world?"

Too exaggerated.

Even if the ancient saint came in person, it wouldn't be that bad, right?

Zhiqing said seriously: "Not necessarily! This world is too big. Even now, we may just be the tip of the iceberg."

Chu Yan was silent for a while, but did not deny it.

Because he had such an experience, he even suspected that he was experiencing it at this moment.

Qin Ruoming, Chu Hanfeng!

Chu Yan always felt that Qin Ruoming would not completely ignore him. There might be someone watching him in secret at all times, otherwise he would not be able to perfectly resolve every crisis he encountered.

But so far, he has never discovered the existence of this person.

This means that the person in the dark, as well as Qin Ruoming and Chu Hanfeng, are all at the level that Zhiqing said.

At this time, Xiao Jiu shook his head: "It shouldn't be the case. Now the world has some restrictions on the ancient saints, and even the master has disappeared. If there are ancient saints under the sky, they must be suppressed, so we can sense them."

Zhi Qing nodded: "I think so too, then there is only the second possibility."

Chu Yan looked at Zhi Qing: "What?"

Zhi Qing took a deep breath: "This person... really has no energy! He is not even a mortal. After all, mortals also have some energy, and this person really has no power, so he can escape our detection."

"After all, we now look at the world through energy fluctuations."

Chu Yan's mouth twitched: "Cao! This is getting more and more scary!"

Without energy, isn't this a ghost?

No, ghosts still have souls.

However, as soon as he said this, his eyes suddenly widened.

Xiao Jiu and Zhi Qing frowned: "Boy, what's wrong with you?"

"Gurgle!" Chu Yan rolled his throat and whispered: "He...he slapped me again."

Xiao Jiu: "..."

Zhi Qing: "..."

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