Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6033 Seeds of Fear

Hearing this, God Shura's expression changed, and he subconsciously retracted his palm, and quickly fled back.


In an instant, he and Chu Yan were separated by a thousand meters.


After he stopped, nothing happened around him.

All is quiet.

God Shura looked at Chu Yan fiercely.

Chu Yan smiled sarcastically: "Idiot!"


The next second, Chu Yan turned around and flew away into the distance.

God Shura's eyelids dropped slightly, and his facial features became ferocious.

He knew that he was being played.

Chu Yan did not release Wu Sheng at all.

Thinking of this, his face became darker and darker.

What upset him was not only being played by Chu Yan, but also the fear in his heart!

It has to be said that Chu Yan's two consecutive failures planted a seed of fear deep in his heart.

This had a huge impact on his Taoist mind.

God Shura could even feel that the road ahead of him was blocked by a huge boulder.

Unless Chu Yan dies, his path can basically be said to be cut off.

Of course, he has actually reached the peak of egoism long ago and can no longer become stronger in this era.

But if one day, the epochal barrier relaxes, or the path of the ancient saint emerges, his Taoist heart will be damaged and he will be unable to break through.

This is definitely not the result he wants.

It has been 200 million years since the Era of Gods and Demons fell, and he has been struggling for 200 million years.

You know, as one of the five supreme gods, he has lived for too long until today, and he doesn't have much life left. He has been persisting, just looking forward to the day when the path of the ancient saint will emerge. He can advance immediately and increase his lifespan.

Now, Chu Yan has cut off his way forward, which can be said to be a huge hatred.

Thinking of this, the murderous intent in Shura God's eyes became even stronger.

It can be said that he wants to kill Chu Yan now not only to complete the mission of the purifier, but also to find his own Taoist heart.

"Boy, you really pissed me off."

Shura God said coldly.


In an instant, he took one step forward.

Ahead, the corners of Chu Yan's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"Cao! What's going on?"

Chu Yan cursed lowly, because he discovered that just for a moment, Shura God's murderous intention towards him changed.

Before, it was more like a mission. Although there was murderous intention, it was not so determined.

But now, the murderous intent around God Shura has almost solidified.

Xiao Jiu said: "The reason why he wanted to kill you has changed."

"What do you mean?" Chu Yan was confused.

Xiaojiu said calmly: "He wanted to kill you before because it was a mission for the Purge. But now, you have affected his Taoist heart, so he wants to kill you himself."

Chu Yan had a dark face: "Is this person sick? He is afraid. What does it have to do with me?"

Xiao Jiu said calmly: "Then I don't know, but you are really in trouble now."

It is still very scary when a person is determined to do something.

It's like morale.

Chu Yan's mouth twitched.

Bang bang bang!

The next second, God Shura closed the distance and punched continuously.


Chu Yan was immediately hit hard, and in desperation, he slammed his hands together and directly activated his body.

However, God Shura is still too strong.

As soon as Chu Yan's domineering body emerged, the Dao lines on it began to collapse.

First there were the Yin and Yang Dao Marks, then the Golden Dao Marks, and in the end even the Water Dao Marks were shattered, without even the basic ability to repair them.


Soon, Chu Yan's body continued to fragment, making his face darker and darker.

"Xiaojiu, how far is it from the Heavenly Cave?" Chu Yan couldn't help but ask.

Xiao Jiu pondered for a moment and said, "One hundred thousand meters."

Chu Yan's face turned dark.

One hundred thousand meters...

If it were normal, it would be really close to him, just a matter of the blink of an eye.

The problem is, with God Shura chasing after him, these 100,000 meters seem very far away.

Behind, God Shura sneered: "Boy, you can't run away."

Chu Yan's face was dark, and he suddenly stopped, then turned to look at God Shura: "Old man, do you really think I can't kill you? Have you forgotten how kindness dies?"

God Shura narrowed his eyes slightly.

The death of kindness remains a mystery so far.

But he knew that he couldn't be cowardly now, and said coldly: "You can give it a try."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and suddenly nodded slightly: "Okay, you asked for this!"

Immediately, he clasped his hands together again.

God Shura's expression changed slightly, and the fear in his heart reappeared.

But soon, he suppressed it forcefully and did not take a step back. Instead, he said coldly: "Boy, if you have the guts, just try it again!"

Chu Yan nodded slightly: "Okay."


Instantly, a large amount of life force began to flow out of his body.

God Shura's fist clenched suddenly, but he still stood up and growled: "I don't believe it!"

Chu Yan glanced at Shura God.

"No life!"


The next second, there was a loud noise.

Suddenly, the life force in Chu Yan's body was completely drained, and then burned into a huge fireball that swallowed God Shura.

"Are you crazy?"

God Shura screamed fiercely, but when he tried to dodge, it was already too late.


In an instant, he was engulfed in a sea of ​​fire.

There was silence for a long time—poof!

A embarrassed figure flew out, it was God Shura.

This time, as soon as he stopped, half of his body was burned by the flames, and only the golden skeleton was left on his arms, and the flesh and blood had long disappeared.

As for why it is golden... it is normal.

At this level, everyone has forged the original skeleton.

Even so, Shura God's injuries were very serious, and he was panting.

But the next second, Shura God did not rush to heal himself, but suddenly raised his head and looked at Chu Yan.

He did not believe that Chu Yan could recover.

However, as soon as he looked at it, his face suddenly became dull.


Chu Yan's body was covered with green fluorescence again, and all the vitality consumed before was replenished.

"Why?" Shura God almost screamed.

Is this still a human?

Chu Yan snorted coldly: "I'll say it again, don't chase me, if you chase me, I will really blow you to death."

After that, Chu Yan retracted his gaze and fled to the distance again.

And this time, Shura God stood in place and did not dare to move for a long time.

He clenched his fists, and the seed in his heart even began to sprout, making his fear grow stronger and stronger.

The third time...

The first time, Shura God knew it was a puppet.

The second time, Shura God could say it was a coincidence, or Chu Yan could not use it multiple times.

What about the third time?

Three times is the limit, how to explain it now?

If I continue to chase, what if Chu Yan can still use it?

You know, the previous two times have already seriously injured him. If it happens two or three more times, I might really be blown to death!

I am strong, but not invincible.

However, just as he hesitated, Chu Yan was also very nervous, speeding up!

Because only he knew...

Wushen...cannot be used.

It's the limit.

All the times that Wushen can recover have been consumed.

So he must enter the Tianku before Shura God reacts, otherwise he will really be in trouble.

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