Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6032 Infinite Lifelessness

God Shura's face changed slightly when he saw this, because Chu Yan's movements were familiar to him.

This was the last moment Chu Yan blew himself up in the Shenying Camp.

It seemed that more than just self-destruction, God Shura noticed at that time that the Chu Yan puppet also released a very terrifying force in its body at the moment of self-destruction.

Otherwise, if the puppet self-destructs, the power may not be weak, but it will never be able to seriously injure itself.

That move... seems to be called, Wu Sheng?

God Shura heard Chu Yan's puppet shout it out.

Thinking of this, God Shura clenched his hands slightly, feeling a little nervous.

Chu Yan obviously also discovered this detail, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly: "Shura, it seems that you are still afraid. Do you still feel fear after that move?"

After saying that, Chu Yan continued to smile and said: "Shura, if you are afraid, you can retreat. There is no need to hold on here."

God Shura's face darkened.

At his level, talent is important, but Taoism is equally important.

Once his Taoist heart wavers, his way forward is almost cut off.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the fear in his heart.

"Boy, I don't believe you are still a puppet."

God Shura said calmly.

Although he didn't know how many puppets Chu Yan had, he was sure that this one was not one.

Otherwise, there was no need to keep running away before.

Chu Yan sighed when he saw this.

Not scared.

That’s it!


Chu Yan sneered: "Then look at what this is!"

After saying this, his hands began to form seals on his chest.


Suddenly, his skin began to burn, and a large amount of life force surged out of his body. However, as soon as this life force emerged, it all burned and became the fuel for self-destruction.

God Shura was shocked when he saw this: "How is that possible?"

Has it really been used?

At this moment, the fear in his eyes expanded infinitely.

Because he was too familiar with this scene.

This was how the puppet self-destructed at that time.

The next second, God Shura was about to turn around.

Unfortunately...it's too late!

"No life!"


In an instant, Chu Yan let out a low shout, and a terrifying force burst out from his body.


In an instant, the surrounding space collapsed, and all the life force in the body burned, directly turning into a terrifying sea of ​​fire and swallowing God Shura.


God Shura roared angrily, but at this distance it was too late to escape. In desperation, he could only put his hands across his chest: "Yu!"

A golden shield emerged.


But in just a moment, the shield was broken by the terrifying impact and turned into powder.

The monstrous sea of ​​fire directly engulfed God Shura.


Chu Yan was also exhausted in an instant. The burning and passing of his vitality made him look old in an instant, his skin began to relax, and his hair turned snow-white.

But he didn't pay attention, and instead stared at the ruins.


At this time, an embarrassed figure suddenly burst out of the ruins.

It is God Shura.

This retreat was a full ten thousand feet, and as soon as he stopped, his clothes were all shattered, and his arms were carbonized due to the terrible burning.

But, still not dead.

After God Shura stood firm, he took a few deep breaths, his face full of lingering fear.

Did he really blow himself up?

The person I have been chasing for a long time ended up being a clone?

God Shura's eyes became more and more gloomy, but suddenly he looked up and his face changed slightly.

"You're not dead?"

God Shura said in surprise.

Chu Yan looked at God Shura and sighed: "Isn't it still possible?"

This is the Supreme Being of the Divine Court. Even if he uses Wu Sheng, can he still not be killed?

You must know that after mastering the hegemonic body, my combat power is no weaker than that of the puppet, and even better than that of the puppet.

At this time, Xiao Jiu said: "It's different. Your own high combat power is mostly because you rely on the Overlord Body, as well as the gods and weapons from the era of gods and demons! Most of these are considered external forces, including the Overlord Body. But if you are alone In terms of strength, you are still inferior to the puppet."

"This move of Wu Sheng burns the power within the body, and those external forces are not blessed."

Chu Yan nodded slightly, this was the truth.

But he didn't care, and he didn't want to kill Shura God.

He looked up at God Shura and said with a ferocious smile: "Bitch, if you dare to chase me again, I will blow you up."

God Shura's eyes turned cold and he said coldly: "Boy, I understand a little bit. That move of Wusheng seems to be at the cost of burning your life force. The life force in your body has been exhausted now. You can still use the second one." times?"


Chu Yan glanced at Shura God and said in his body: "Senior Wushu."

"Yes." Wushuang responded, and then the Jiutian Xuan Tower started to operate rapidly, and the laws of the first level of life bloomed.

Soon, Chu Yan was enveloped in an emerald green light.


In an instant, Chu Yan's old look disappeared.

The restoration of his vitality soon made him radiant and his hair turned black again.

God Shura's eyes turned cold when he saw this: "How is this possible? Has your vitality been restored?"

At this moment, he was really shocked.

He has been practicing for so long and has never seen such a method before!

You know, in the world of spiritual practice, many things can be reversed.

Injuries can be healed, broken limbs can be reattached, and even for some strong people, even if the head is chopped off and the body is destroyed, it can be reshaped.

The same is true for the power in the body. If it is exhausted due to excessive consumption, it can be restored.

However, there is only one thing that cannot be restored!


In this world, everything can be reversed, except life!

Otherwise, how could immortality become the goal pursued by countless practitioners throughout their lives?

In this world, how many battles and chaos are ultimately due to the greed of sentient beings for immortality?

Too many.

This is the case with many people in the creation of the world and in the current era.

So vitality is really too important.

Lifespan may be increased by some methods, but once it is consumed, it can never be made up.

But what about now?

Chu Yan's life has obviously burned to the end, but it was restored in an instant?

How is this possible?

Shura God stared at Chu Yan: "Boy, are you a monster?"

Chu Yan did not explain, and sneered: "Old man, don't be ungrateful. Do you really think that I, Chu Yan, am so easy to kill? If you dare to chase me again, I will blow you to death sooner or later!"

After that, he turned around again and flew away.

Shura God's face changed slightly.

Can he let Chu Yan go?

Of course not, the cleaner is still waiting for his explanation in the God's Court.

Thinking of this, he snorted coldly: "Boy, I don't believe that your vitality can be infinitely restored!"

After that, he raised his palm again and grabbed Chu Yan through the air.


In an instant, a huge pressure locked Chu Yan, and the space around him was shattered.

Chu Yan's eyes suddenly flashed with a touch of cruelty, and suddenly turned around and clasped his hands together, roaring: "Seeking death, Wusheng!"

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