Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5989: Can't tell the difference

The old man retreated a thousand meters before stopping, also with a confused look on his face.

Was he knocked away?

Chu Yan... is stronger than he thought.

Thinking of this, the gray-robed old man's eyes condensed, and suddenly shouted to the people around him: "Everyone listen, come together!"

The people around nodded slightly.


In an instant, a terrible breath pressed towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan was surrounded in the middle and frowned slightly.

More than a dozen quasi-saints!

Yes, everyone here is a quasi-saint.

And they are not weaker than Tian Ya!

It can be imagined that the Divine Court is serious this time.

Chi Chi Chi!

At this time, more than a dozen people attacked together, and all the methods descended.

Chu Yan's hands suddenly closed in front of his chest, and black and white Dao patterns appeared on his skin.

Soon, one attack after another fell, but Chu Yan always stood there, indifferent.

I saw that some of those attacks hit the white Dao pattern, and then directly penetrated through Chu Yan's body, all of which missed.

Some of them hit the black Dao pattern and were directly swallowed by the black hole transformed by the black Dao pattern.

The people of the Divine Court were shocked when they saw this: "Nothing? What kind of method is this?"

"There is no such thing in the intelligence."

The gray-robed old man also shook his head slightly and said solemnly: "Be careful, this boy did not use his full strength when killing Tianya, he still has a trump card."

As soon as these words came out, all the people in the Divine Court were shocked.

Of course, they never thought that Chu Yan became stronger after killing Tianya.

Because in their opinion, this is simply an impossible thing.

Not to mention, Tianya has only been dead for one day, one day... too short, for people like them, one day is really a matter of a snap of the fingers, how could he suddenly become stronger.

Second, Chu Yan knew that the Divine Court was chasing him. After killing Tianya, he didn't run at full speed, so how could he have the mind to practice?

Isn't this nonsense?

But... this is the truth.

It's just that they didn't have the chance to know.

Chu Yan waited until the end of all the methods, whooshed, rushed to a quasi-saint, and slashed with a sword.

The quasi-saint was startled and immediately punched.


The next second, the quasi-saint's eyes widened, and his throat was pierced by blood.

The eyes of the other people in the Divine Court all shrank when they saw this.

Kill instantly!

So strong!

The gray-robed old man's face also changed: "Be careful, don't fight this boy head-on. I have already sent a message to Shura God and Star Lord. We just need to delay them until they come."

The people around nodded slightly.

After Chu Yan killed one person, he also frowned slightly.

Somewhat helpless.

Because he found one thing... the consumption was too great.

After he cultivated into a domineering body, although he had the combat power of a quasi-saint, he was confident that he could defeat everyone here in a one-on-one situation...

The problem was that there were too many people here.

More than a dozen quasi-saints.

He looked inward, and in just a moment, the black and white Dao patterns had been consumed by more than half.

If it continued, he would not be able to block it for many times.

Once the Yin and Yang Dao patterns were exhausted, it would be difficult for him to win.

At this time, the gray-robed old man stared at Chu Yan and found some problems. He was surprised and said, "His Dao patterns will disappear! Quick, everyone attack remotely and consume his strange Dao pattern together."

To be honest, the gray-robed old man was really shocked by Chu Yan at first.

The attack was ineffective, which was too scary.

This means that Chu Yan is invincible.

He can't be killed at all.

In this case, even if Chu Yan's combat power is a little weaker, he can kill them all by delaying time.

But the old man found that Chu Yan's Dao patterns are not infinite, but will be less each time they are used.

The people in the Divine Court were stunned when they heard this, and without saying a word, they began to open the battle line and launch attacks remotely.

After all, Chu Yan is only one person. Even if he locks on one person, that person will immediately turn around and run away.

Fly a kite to Chu Yan, and provide an output environment for the rest of the Divine Court.


In this way, after a while, the black and white Dao patterns around Chu Yan became weaker and weaker.

Consume most of it!

Chu Yan had a hunch that if he continued like this, in ten seconds at most, the Yin-Yang Tyrant Body would be depleted, and by then, his greatest advantage would be lost.

Thinking of this, Chu Yan was extremely anxious.

What to do?

At this time, Xiao Jiu said: "Boy, you must kill a few people quickly to reduce the number difference, otherwise you will lose this battle."

Chu Yan couldn't help but curse: "I know that too! But now they don't give me a chance to get close at all!"

Although his ability to resist beatings has increased after he has cultivated a Tyrant Body, his speed has not improved much.

A quasi-saint was determined to run, and Chu Yan had no way to deal with him.

Xiao Jiu hesitated and said: "You must find a way to let them approach you on their own initiative."

Chu Yan almost laughed in anger.

The people in the Divine Court are now running with all their heart, and they still want the other party to approach them on their own initiative?

Isn't this just a foolish dream?

But at this moment, he suddenly had an idea.

"Maybe... there is really a way."

Chu Yan raised his head fiercely.

Chi Chi Chi!

At this time, everyone in the Divine Court was still outputting crazily.

All the methods are like rain.

Chu Yan clenched his fists.

Suddenly, a dark shadow rushed out of his body.


But when the puppet appeared, its aura was not that of a half-saint, but was deliberately concealed.

It only looked like an ordinary level 10.

After the puppet appeared, it did not attack the people in the Divine Court, but instead seized a gap and immediately fled into the distance.

The grey-robed old man narrowed his eyes when he saw this: "Puppet? No, that's the real one!"

After saying that, the grey-robed old man sneered: "I know, no wonder you are so strong all of a sudden, it turns out that you have been using the puppet body from the beginning, but hiding the real one."

The rest of the people in the Divine Court also suddenly realized.

This can explain why Chu Yan suddenly has the quasi-saint level.

Because they have been fighting puppets!

Chu Yan's puppet can kill Tian Ya, so his strength is naturally beyond doubt.

The grey-robed old man pointed at Chu Yan's puppet body and shouted: "Stop him, don't let him run away!"

As soon as these words came out, two Divine Court strongmen immediately chased after him.

Chu Yan was furious when he saw this: "How dare you!"

In an instant, he slashed with a sword.

However, in the eyes of the grey-robed man, the puppet is the real one, how could he let it go?


In an instant, several Divine Court strongmen took risks and chose to forcibly stop Chu Yan.

Chu Yan pretended to be delayed and cursed: "Damn it, you dare!"

The gray-robed old man laughed: "Boy, you are dead this time."

On the other side, two powerful men of the Divine Court quickly chased behind Chu Yan's puppet at the speed of thunder.

This time, the two of them directly attacked from the front and back, less than a hundred meters away from Chu Yan's puppet, because in their eyes, the one in front of them was Chu Yan's real body, with a combat power of only level ten at most, not to be feared.

However, just as the two were about to speak, their eyes suddenly widened.

At this moment, Chu Yan's puppet suddenly drew his sword.

Swish-instantly, a touch of stunning sword energy penetrated the sky!

This sword directly made the sky dark, and then the world saw a terrible sword energy falling from outside the clouds, passing along the throats of the two people in the Divine Court.

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