Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5988 is not over yet, right?

Chu Yan finally cultivated a Tyrant Body under the guidance of Zhiqing and Wucai!

A real Tyrant Body!

The power of the Yin-Yang Dao Pattern is also very exaggerated.

In addition, he also discovered that the Yin-Yang Dao Pattern had some strengthening effects on the previous Five Elements Dao Pattern.

After the fusion of Yin and Yang, the Tyrant Body itself was taken to a higher level.

Chu Yan tried the Gold Dao Pattern, and his defense reached the extreme.

Chu Yan calculated that with his current physical strength, even if he did not use puppets, he would have the strength to fight Tianya again.

Even win!

This is the difference.

Before Chu Yan, his body had not reached the Quasi-Saint level, but now after cultivating the Tyrant Body, his body was directly promoted to Quasi-Saint.

It can be said that Chu Yan can now fight against Quasi-Saints without his body.

In addition, he discovered that the Tyrant Body can actually grow.

This means that even if he cannot break through the ego for the time being, he has found a brand new way!

The way of the physical body!

This is what makes him most excited.

However, just when Chu Yan wanted to consolidate his Hegemony Body, Zhi Qing frowned and suddenly said, "Boy, someone is coming."

Chu Yan was slightly startled, and his mind spread.

Only then did he realize that a very powerful force from the outside world was approaching him quickly.

"Someone from the Divine Court."

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed.

I was worried that no one would try the Hegemony Body, and now someone is here."

After refining the Hegemony Body.

Chu Yan was actually eager to fight.

Fighting has always been the best way to become stronger.

"I'll go out and take a look."

Chu Yan said goodbye to the four laws.

When he opened his eyes, he appeared in the battlefield of gods and demons again.


At this time, a figure descended from the sky.

Enclosed in endless rays of light.

The man was a middle-aged man wearing golden armor, holding a silver-white spear, and there was a faint sense of oppression nearby.

The middle-aged man was surprised to see Chu Yan and said, "Boy, I found you! I didn't expect you to be still in the battlefield of gods and demons. I thought you would run far away."

Chu Yan glanced at the middle-aged man.


The next second, he suddenly disappeared from the spot.

The middle-aged man was stunned and a little confused.

They started fighting now?

In general, wouldn't both sides start with a verbal attack?

However, the middle-aged man didn't care. Since he was sent by the Shura God to search for Chu Yan, he naturally had certain strength.

After all, Chu Yan killed Tian Ya, which is now known to all gods and demons. The Shura God would not send a weakling out to give Chu Yan experience.

So everyone who came to search for Chu Yan has quasi-saint combat power and is not weaker than Tian Ya.

The middle-aged man didn't think much, spread his palms, and thrust his spear forward.


Instantly, there was a shocking dragon roar.

The spear was like a swimming dragon, biting directly at Chu Yan.

As soon as this force came out, the sky was shaken.

However, Chu Yan only glanced at the silver spear, and did not even dodge, but went straight to meet it.

The middle-aged man was startled when he saw this, and narrowed his eyes and said: "Boy, do you want to change your moves?"

He shook his head slightly, why did he choose the spear as a weapon?

It is because an inch longer is an inch stronger.

Chu Yan used a sword, even if he changed his moves, Chu Yan had no chance.

Tsk-at this moment, the middle-aged man's eyes shrank.

Because he clearly saw that a layer of white Taoist patterns flashed around Chu Yan, and then his body suddenly became illusory, and he actually passed through his spear directly without leaving any scars.

The next second, Chu Yan dodged and rushed directly in front of the middle-aged man, slashing with a sword.

Close to the face!

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man's face changed drastically, and he quickly blocked with his arms.


The middle-aged man suddenly retreated a thousand meters.

As soon as he stopped, he couldn't help but said in shock: "How is this possible? Boy, what kind of tricks are you using?"


Chu Yan ignored him and rushed towards the middle-aged man again with a whoosh.

The middle-aged man's eyes narrowed. With previous experience, he didn't dare to be careless anymore. He pointed the spear in his hand at the sky.

Swish - a silver light rushed into the sky.


The next second, the clouds rolled, as if the awakening insects woke up, turning into roaring dragons, biting Chu Yan madly.

However, Chu Yan still didn't dodge, but layers of black Dao patterns appeared around him.

Yin power!


When the black Dao pattern appeared, a black hole appeared directly above Chu Yan's head, swallowing all the dragons.

This time, the middle-aged man was completely stunned: "No... This is impossible!"

What kind of tricks are these?

The middle-aged man has actually been guarding against Chu Yan's puppets.

When Chu Yan killed Tian Ya, the people of the Divine Court were at the scene.

The Good God also saw it with his own eyes.

So the Divine Court knew that Chu Yan himself did not have the quasi-saint combat power, and he achieved it with the help of a puppet.

That was why the Asura God specifically told them to beware of Chu Yan's puppet before sending people out this time.

They also brought a special treasure that could suppress the puppet.

In the end... it was not used?


The next second, Chu Yan flashed and rushed to the middle-aged man again, slashing with a sword.

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and raised his hand to resist, but before the sword energy fell, his eyes suddenly widened.

Because he clearly saw that after Chu Yan's sword energy was slashed out, it was accompanied by bursts of dragon roars?

The power in this sword... all comes from his own shot?

The point is, there is also a blessing?


The middle-aged man roared, but it was useless.


A flash of red light suddenly appeared.

The middle-aged man's body froze, and then he felt dizzy!

A bloody head fell to the ground!

The middle-aged man was full of reluctance until the moment of death.

Chu Yan killed the middle-aged man, slowly put away the sword, and also showed a smile.

Obviously, he was very satisfied with the effect of his domineering body.

"With the domineering body, even without the help of puppets, I have the combat power of a quasi-saint."

Chu Yan had an estimate of himself in his heart.

However, before he could be happy, his brows suddenly frowned.


Because at this time, a terrifying force from the sky approached again.

Chu Yan cursed in a low voice: "It's not over yet, right?"

He knew that the people from the Divine Court were coming again!

But he didn't care, instead he smiled excitedly: "Come on, in that case, let the storm come even harder!"

Just right, while fighting, polish the Tyrant Body.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

At this time, because of the death of the middle-aged man, the other powerful men of the nearby Divine Court were quickly attracted.

As soon as they approached, they saw the body of the middle-aged man, and their faces changed slightly.

An old man in a gray robe said: "Boy, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Chu Yan suddenly disappeared.

The old man's eyes condensed, snorted coldly, and slapped out with a palm.

Chu Yan swung his sword and slashed.

The sword energy met the palm print.


The next second, a figure exploded and retreated thousands of feet, it was the gray-robed old man of the Divine Court.

Seeing this scene, all the people in the Divine Court were stunned.

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