Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5960 Test

After Chu Yan left.

The square of the Demon Palace Barracks suddenly fell into silence.

Chu Yan's last words were like a curse, constantly echoing in everyone's ears.

Do you dare not take action because the enemy is strong?

The Blood King also fell silent at this time.

As a general, she understood the Anbu's difficulties, but she was also a little disappointed.

Suddenly, she turned to look at the ANBU and said: "From now on, you should retreat to the post-war. The ANBU will be disbanded from today, and I will train another ANBU."

The ANBU leader's expression changed: "Blood Lord..."

"That's it."

After saying that, the Blood Lord withdrew her gaze and looked at the mighty Demon Army.

Here, I am alone among thousands of people.

Suddenly, Lord Xue said loudly: "Now, little friend Chu is going to attack Shenji Camp. Over there, Tianluo is very strong and dangerous. Is anyone willing to fight?"

The expressions of all the Demon Army members changed slightly.

Most people lowered their heads.

Don't dare!

Just like what the ANBU leader said before, this is completely a way to die!

However, among the tens of thousands of people in the Demon Palace, there are still some passionate people who have the guts!


At this time, someone suddenly took a step out of the crowd. It was a young man. He looked up at Blood Lord and said, "Xue Lord, I would like to petition to follow General Chu to participate in the sneak attack on Shenji Camp."

Lord Xue looked at the young man and said with a smile: "Have you thought about it? You have just entered the tenth level."

The young man glanced at the ANBU leader and suddenly said: "I think General Chu is right. In this life, if you don't dare to fight because the enemy is strong, then why fight? You might as well surrender."

The ANBU leader's face darkened.

Lord Xue nodded: "Okay! I'm sure."

The young man was overjoyed and turned around to fly into the air.

I'm afraid someone will take the lead in this kind of thing.

Following a young man, the Demon Palace soldiers looked at each other, and several people walked out of the crowd again.

Ask for help together.

"Xuejun, let's go too!"

"Let's go too!"

"Made, isn't it just a magic machine camp, afraid of a ball!"

"Fuck him!"

More and more people are walking out of the demon army.

Lord Xue looked at it and smiled happily.

She raised her head and looked into the distance, and suddenly said: "Did you see it? There are not only cowards in my demon army."

at this time.

Beyond the sky.

Chu Yan stood with his hands behind his back, remained silent for a while and said, "Let them follow me. When they come back, I will give you a complete demonic army."


Lord Xue showed a smile: "Okay!"

on the square.

Everyone looked confused when they saw Lord Xue talking to himself.

Don't know what happened.

The Blood King was too lazy to explain.

Chu Yan did not leave after leaving the square, but kept waiting outside the sky.

Because what happened today was the result of a long-standing discussion between the two of them.

Lord Xue had previously asked Chu Yan to help train a group of demon army who were skilled in the Tao.

However, Chu Yan didn't want to train wastes and cowards, so selecting manpower was a problem.

Moreover, ordinary people would not obey Chu Yan.

So the two of them thought of today's big drama.

it's good now.

The dozens of people selected were all infected by Chu Yan's warm blood.

I will also obey Chu Yan’s words next time.

Lord Xue lowered his head and looked at the fifty young men below, and suddenly said: "I allow you to go out with General Chu! However, the ugly words lie ahead. You all know the Demon Palace Military Order. This time you go out, Chu Yan will be your leader!" On the battlefield, his words are the only instructions. You must obey everything he says, otherwise... don't blame me for not cherishing old feelings. "

At this time, a voice sounded from outside.

Chu Yan said quietly: "Don't worry, if we get to that point, you don't need to miss your old feelings, because if they don't listen to me, I will kill them with my own hands, and they will have no chance to come back."

At this time, everyone in the square was shocked.

"Chu Yan?"

"He didn't leave?"

The ANBU leader also shrank his eyes when he saw this.

Who can achieve his status, who is not a human being?

Therefore, his face darkened.

He knew that he had been fooled. From beginning to end, this was a big drama between Blood Lord and Chu Yan.

Thinking of this, the ANBU leader clenched his fist again.

But he still snorted coldly in his heart.

"Why are you pretending? When you go to the Shenji Camp, you will regret your choice today."

At this time, Lord Xue glanced at the ANBU leader and shook his head slightly.

Not saying much.

Because it's useless what she says now.

Time will give a complete answer.

Below, fifty young people were shocked, and then nodded after understanding the truth.

"As you command!"

Chu Yan stood in the void and said calmly: "Okay, everyone, take off and follow me."

The fifty young men were startled when they heard this: "General Chu, are you leaving now? Are we... not ready?"

Chu Yan said calmly: "What are we going to do? Sneak attack! Sneak attack, what is the purpose of sneak attack? It is not to give the enemy a chance to prepare! In this case, how can we achieve the ultimate sneak attack?"

Fifty people shook their heads slightly.

Chu Yan said righteously: "That is... we don't even leave a chance to prepare ourselves!"

Blood King: "..."

Fifty young demon soldiers: "..."

At this time, everyone was confused!

Is this your great idea?

How do you say that……

Yes, you want to be cruel and do it to your own people?

However, the demons soon fell silent.

Because they found that Chu Yan's words did not make sense.

What is a sneak attack?

It is to catch the enemy by surprise.


Then, time is the most critical factor!

If we are well prepared, it is equivalent to giving the enemy time.

On the contrary, if we are caught off guard, let alone the enemy?

At this time, one of the fifty young demon soldiers suddenly took off and came directly behind Chu Yan.

"General Chu, I listen to you."

The others looked at each other, and without saying a word, they all took off.

Chu Yan saw this and showed a satisfied smile.

"Okay, let's go."


The next second, Chu Yan rushed out first, followed by fifty soldiers.

In this way, the crowd disappeared from the sight of the people in the square.

Below, the rest of the demons were still a little confused and felt a little unreal.

"They...really went to attack the Shenji Camp like this?"

At this time, Leng Ning was beside Xue Jun and couldn't help but said: "King, are we really going to let him mess around like this?"

Xue Jun looked at Leng Ning: "Do you think he is messing around?"

"Isn't it?"

Leng Ning said in a deep voice: "That's the Shenji Camp!"

Xue Jun smiled and said: "So? In your opinion, the Shenji Camp is very strong, so we shouldn't attack it, right?"

Leng Ning was silent, but he had already chosen to acquiesce in his heart.

Xue Jun said disappointedly: "This is the situation facing the Demon Palace now! Why do we only dare to pick on the weak? We are timid in front of the strong. In this case, how can we win?"

After speaking, Xue Jun looked into the distance and said expectantly: "Now... I am looking forward to his triumphant return! I finally understand how he unified the new era step by step!"

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