Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5959: Bullying the weak with a gun, just garbage

When Chu Yan heard this, he suddenly opened the map in his hand, then lowered his head and started reading.

Blood King: "..."

Is it so direct?

Chu Yan looked at the map.

This is the first time he has seen the complete appearance of the Gods and Demons Continent.

The Continent of Gods and Demons is really too big.

Even with his strength, he couldn't fly high into the sky to overlook the whole scene.

This map took the Demon Palace many years to create.

After Chu Yan saw the map, he couldn't help but gasped again.

Just because there are too many source veins marked above.

Densely packed, like countless earthworms hovering together, millions of them.

Fortunately, there is a difference in thickness on it, which can determine the grade of the vein.

Chu Yan also saw on the map that the two tribes had multiple war zones on the Gods and Demons Continent.

Generally, a war zone will control tens of thousands of source mineral veins.

Of course, this is normal.

If there is one mine and one war zone, the combat power of the two tribes will be too scattered.

There are millions of them in the Gods and Demons Continent...but even if the two tribes' solipsisms add up, they may not be able to gather a million people.

This is one million...not ten thousand.

No matter how bad I am, I am not a cabbage grown in the ground.

Chu Yan took a cursory look and landed on a war zone that was in charge of more than ten high-level source mineral veins.

He immediately stretched out his hand and said, "I'll fight here."

However, as soon as these words came out, everyone in the Demon Palace Army looked strangely in their eyes.

Lord Xue also coughed: "Um... are you sure?"

Chu Yan nodded seriously: "Okay, that's it. Senior, just help me contain the rest of the military camps."

Lord Xue rubbed his brows and suddenly smiled bitterly: "I think... if you go to fight here, I shouldn't have to delay the other military camps."

"Why?" Chu Yan asked in surprise.

At this time, Leng Ning said with a cold face: "The place you want to attack is called Shenji Camp! It is the top three existences among the ten military camps stationed here by Shenting!"

"The chief general sitting here is a divine general named Tianluo."

After saying that, Leng Ning said lightly: "Do you know why he is called Tianluo?"

Chu Yan said speechlessly: "His mother picked it up for him, otherwise I could have picked it up for him?"

In his opinion, this question is a bit silly.

You can call me whatever you like.

Condensation: "..."

He said with a dark face: "I'm telling you again, his name is Tianluo! His surname is Tian."

Chu Yan was slightly startled and suddenly said: "The sky at the end of the world?"

Leng Ning snorted: "It's okay, he's not a fool. This man is Tianya's twin brother. Although he is worse than Tianya, he is also first-class in talent and his combat power is unparalleled. Do you know now?"

Chu Yan suddenly understood, and then he said "Oh" and said, "I know, so what?"

Leng Ning frowned: "So? Tianluo is very strong. He is a top-notch existence even in the Gods and Demons Continent. He is also the younger brother of Tianya, and then you said oh?"

Chu Yan said sarcastically: "Who is his brother and what does it have to do with me? Why, I chose a strong one and you still don't agree and insist that I choose a weak one?"

"I'm sorry, I, Chu Yan, don't have this habit. If a person doesn't even have the courage to face a strong person, I think this person will most likely have no future."

Leng Ning's eyes shrank: "Boy, you..."


Suddenly, a terrifying aura emerged.

Chu Yan's eyes turned cold, he looked towards Leng Ning and said coldly: "Senior, for the sake of Lord Blood, I call you senior, but please remember, I am Chu Yan, not a soldier of your Demon Palace, I , the new emperor of the universe! I am here to cooperate with the Demon Palace, and I am obeying the Blood Lord! If you keep talking nonsense, will you believe it or not?"

Leng Ning suddenly became angry.

At this time, Lord Xue raised his hand to stop the two of them.


Lord Xue looked at Chu Yan: "Have you made up your mind? Are you going to fight here?"

Chu Yan nodded: "Senior, I came to the Continent of Gods and Demons to make money. To put it bluntly, I am a mercenary. I take action based on profit! If the profit is not enough, why should I take action?"

Lord Xue narrowed his eyes and showed a deep smile: "Interesting! Okay, what do you need me to do now?"

Chu Yan thought for a moment: "Since the Shenji Battalion is so powerful, seniors don't need to take the initiative to attack. As usual, we just gather people to defend, and I will go directly to sneak attack."

Lord Xue nodded and turned to look at the ANBU people: "From now on, you all obey Chu Xiaoyou, can you do it?"

However, as soon as these words came out, the ANBU people did not respond. Instead, they lowered their heads one by one.

Lord Xue frowned upon seeing this: "What do you mean?"

The ANBU leader gritted his teeth and suddenly said: "Blood Lord... we are soldiers of the Demon Palace. We are not afraid of life and death, but that doesn't mean we are cannon fodder!"

Lord Xue's expression changed: "What did you say?"

The ANBU leader said solemnly: "If it is a sneak attack on other military camps, we dare to fight, we are not afraid! But the sneak attack on Shenji Camp... This is completely an act of risking death. Do we have to fight a war with no chance of winning at all?"

At this time, another member of the Anbu said: "Blood Lord, you have always been a wise king and a famous general. We follow you willingly, but if you die for an outsider... we are not convinced."

Lord Xue's expression changed, but she was about to speak.

"A bunch of cowards!"

Chu Yan suddenly smiled sarcastically: "Xuejun, that's no need, let them all stay."

Lord Xue frowned: "Chu Yan..."

Chu Yan said calmly: "Blood Lord, do you think they are willing to fight now? The war hasn't started yet, but they are already scared and believe that they can't win. Then why do I need them? To put it bluntly, if I really go, I'm worried that they will stab me in the back."

As soon as these words came out, the people of the Anbu were furious.

The leader of the Anbu said gloomily: "Young friend, are you humiliating us?"

Chu Yan looked at the leader of the Anbu, and then nodded seriously: "Yes, I am humiliating you."


The eyes of the Anbu leader were blazing.

At this time, Chu Yan said again: "Let me ask you, is there anything wrong with what I said? The battle hasn't started yet, and you have already retreated, boosting their momentum and destroying your own arrogance. Is there any need to fight this battle?"

The people of the Anbu all clenched their fists, but they couldn't speak.

At this time, a member of the Anbu said unconvincedly: "Boy, you are talking without any pain in your waist. Do you know how strong Tianluo is?"

Chu Yan was silent for a while and shook his head: "I don't know."

When this was said, the Anbu people sneered: "You don't know, of course you can brag at will."

Chu Yan sighed, looked up at Xue Jun, and suddenly said: "Xue Jun, you asked me to lead the troops for you before, I will take back that condition, change it, I will not lead these people."

After speaking, Chu Yan turned and walked out.

When he walked to the edge of the venue, he suddenly turned around and looked at the person who spoke in the Anbu, and said lightly: "I don't know how strong Tianluo is, but even if I know, I dare to fight, just like I didn't know how strong Shenting was, but I dared to kill into Shenting!"

"Instead of being like you, you only dare to draw swords against the weak, what kind of hero are you, just trash."

After speaking, he took a step into the air and flew away alone.

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