Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5945 Chiyou Demon King

Xingjun nodded slightly after hearing this.


Xuejun is a great man!

Over the years, Shenting suffered several losses in the battlefield of gods and demons, all because of Xuejun, especially in terms of protecting his shortcomings, which can really be said to be the ultimate.

Once, Shenting wanted to try to provoke the relationship within the Demon Palace, and deliberately set up a trap to contact a Demon Palace general, and then deliberately let the Demon Palace army go a few times, and then found some people to put some treasures in the tent of the Demon Palace general.

It was to arouse the suspicion of the Demon Palace.

The result is conceivable, very successful.

In the end, this matter even alarmed the Demon Ancestor.

Prepare to transfer the Demon General back and then investigate...

But in the end, Xuejun saved the Demon General by himself. That time, the Demon King came to ask for people in person, and Xuejun did not hesitate to fight with the Demon King.

Later, the matter was investigated and it was found that the Demon General had been following Xuejun until now.

At this time, Xingjun hesitated and said: "By the way, what was the name of the demon general we tried to frame?"

Shura God said lightly: "Ling Ning, now he is also the most trusted subordinate of Xuejun."

Xingjun sighed: "It's a pity, it was just a little short at the beginning. If it weren't for Xuejun, the plan would succeed, and now at least 30% more of the battlefield of gods and demons would belong to the Divine Court."

Shura God smiled and said: "So, this is the charm of Xuejun. Xuejun is a talent, at least a general. With her, Chu Yan will not have this time. There will be no trouble in the God and Demon battlefield in the future, so let's not think about the internal strife. "

After speaking, Shura God said lightly: "Moreover, the people behind Chu Yan have not been investigated clearly. Even if Chu Yan killed Chi Hong, the Demon Palace will not take action against Chu Yan!"

"The Demon Palace brought Chu Yan here this time, just to rely on the people behind him to deal with us. How could the Demon Palace shoot itself in the foot?"

Shura God said: "Wait, Blood King should use Chu Yan soon, that's our chance. "

Star Lord nodded.



At the same time.

God and Demon battlefield, Demon Palace camp.

Blood King just left Chu Yan.

Leng Ning walked over quickly: "Xue Jun..."

Xue Jun raised his hand to interrupt: "Is it Chi You, the Demon King, who is here?"

Leng Ning nodded helplessly: "Yes, just now the outside world reported that Chi You, the Demon King, has arrived outside the battlefield of gods and demons, and wants to see Xue Jun."

Xue Jun chuckled: "Let's go, we can't avoid what's coming, let's go see Chi You."

Leng Ning nodded, and soon the two of them flew into the air together and arrived outside the battlefield of gods and demons.

Outside the battlefield of gods and demons, a rough man stood in the sky.

The man had red hair and was bare-chested. His chest was covered with black ghost totems, and his body was surrounded by a huge evil spirit field.

The man was holding two axes in both hands.

Xue Jun walked out and said with a smile: "Chi You, long time no see."

Chi You said in a low voice: "Xue Jun, where is Chu Yan?"

Xue Jun looked at Chi You: "Chu Yan? Of course he is training in my camp. What does Chi You Demon King want to see him for?"

Chi You said coldly: "Xue Jun, don't pretend to be confused when you know the truth!"


The next second, a terrifying aura swept out.

Leng Ning said calmly: "Chi You, the Demon King, please be careful with your words."

Chi You was suppressed by that force, his face changed slightly, he looked at Leng Ning, snorted coldly: "My son died in the battlefield of gods and demons. If he was killed by the God Court, then I have nothing to say, he won glory for the clan! But he died in the Demon Palace camp, and was killed by his own people. Isn't Xue Jun going to give me an explanation for this matter?"

Xue Jun glanced at Chi You and smiled: "As a veteran in the army, Chi Hong knew the law and broke it. He first showed his murderous intention to Chu Yan, and was killed by Chu Yan. He deserves to die for counter-killing. I wonder what the Demon King Chiyou wants to explain? "

Chiyou's eyes turned cold, and he said in a deep voice: "Xuejun, you should understand that Chi Hong is from the Demon Palace! Chu Yan is not..."

Xuejun said lightly: "In my eyes, there is no such thing as the Demon Palace or not. As long as you enter my military camp, you are my soldiers! My soldiers are my people."

Chiyou clenched his fist fiercely and said in a low voice: "Xuejun, you are determined to protect him, right?"

Xuejun smiled and said: "Yes!"

Chiyou's face sank.


Suddenly, Chiyou stepped on the sole of his foot and suddenly disappeared from the spot, rushing directly into the battlefield of gods and demons.

However, he had just flown a short distance when his face suddenly changed drastically, because a slender figure suddenly blocked him in front of him, and a slender jade hand grabbed his throat.


Chiyou's tiger body suddenly stiffened, and then his body was lifted up alive.

At this time, Xue Jun's smile had disappeared. She looked at Chi You and said coldly: "Chi You, I give you face and call you the Demon King. If I don't give you face, what are you? This is the battlefield of gods and demons. I'm telling you again, Chu Yan is my soldier, no one can touch him, do you understand?"

Chi You's eyes are now full of fear.

He has always known that Xue Jun is very strong, but as one of the twelve demon kings, especially one of the top ones, he is also confident enough.

He thought that even if he couldn't beat Xue Jun, he could at least fight a few hundred times.

What about now?

One move.

At this time, a cold light flashed in Xue Jun's eyes, and his five fingers suddenly exerted force: "Do you understand?"

Chi You's eyes widened, and a strong sense of suffocation ran through his body. He nodded hurriedly: "Yes..."


Xue Jun exerted force with his palm, and Chi You flew backwards a thousand meters.

As soon as Chi You stopped, he gasped for air, his eyes showing deep fear and lingering fear.

At this moment, he had a premonition that if he dared to say no just now... Blood Lord might really kill him.

The point is, Chi You knew very well that even if Blood Lord killed him, the Demon Palace would not do anything to Blood Lord.

When a general is away from home, he is not subject to military orders.

Besides, this is a war zone.

Here, Blood Lord is the most powerful, and it is useless for the Demon Ancestor to come.

He was somewhat at fault in this matter.

After Blood Lord threw Chi You out, he snorted coldly: "You cheap skin, you won't learn your lesson without a beating. Go back. If you come to the battlefield of gods and demons again, I will kill you."

After that, Blood Lord turned and left.

Chi You stared at Blood Lord's back, and finally lowered his head with reluctance.


At this time, a man appeared behind Chi You.

Chi You was delighted to see this: "Demon Lord?"


The next second, Chi You didn't wait to come back to his senses, his eyes widened, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person was blown away thousands of feet.

Chi You stopped and looked puzzled: "Demon Lord... why?"

The Demon Lord said coldly: "Didn't I say that Chu Yan could only die in the hands of the God Court? Your son almost ruined my good deeds, and you dare to ask me?"

Chi You bowed his head slightly.

At this time, the Demon Lord's face changed, and he comforted: "Okay, Chi Hong will not die in vain. Chu Yan is still useful now. When the forces behind him surface, I will personally give you an explanation."

Chi You was stunned, and his iron-green face recovered a little.

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