Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5944 Three Conditions

Chu Yan looked at Xuejun and began to wait for Xuejun to propose conditions.

At this time, Lord Xue suddenly stretched out three fingers.

"I want you to do three things for me."

Chu Yan frowned: "Senior, are you a little greedy?"

The Blood King chuckled: "I saved your life in the hands of a demon king. Isn't your life worth three things?"

Chu Yan hesitated and said: "Senior, let's talk first."

Lord Xue said calmly: "Don't worry, you can complete the three things within the battlefield of gods and demons, and they won't be against principles."

Chu Yan continued to remain silent.

At this time, the Blood Lord put away one finger and said: "First, our demon clan has lost several games in a row. In the next battle, I want you to replace the Demon Palace and fight against the Divine Court as the commander of the Demon Palace."

Chu Yan nodded: "That's okay, I agree."

He came here just to fight with the Divine Court.

corresponds to his original intention.

Lord Xue put away one finger again: "The second thing is, I want you to find a way to defeat Tianya during the battlefield of gods and demons."

Chu Yan hesitated for a moment and said immediately, "I'll try my best."

He has never seen Tianya. Although he has heard some legends, he doesn't know the specific strength of Tianya. It is completely nonsense to agree rashly.

Blood Lord nodded: "Just do your best, you can't beat me anyway... There is a high probability that you will be killed. If you are killed, everyone will die, and it doesn't matter if the conditions are not met."

Chu Yan: "..."

He said with shame on his face: "Senior, have you always spoken so harshly?"

Lord Xue smiled and said, "It's just the truth."

Chu Yan didn't say much.

At this time, Lord Xue put away his last finger and said, "As for the third thing...it's simple. I want you to cultivate a powerful army for me during the battlefield of gods and demons."

Chu Yan frowned: "Training troops?"

Lord Xue nodded: "Yes, it's military training."

This time, Chu Yan simply remained silent.

The reason is simple, he is really not good at this.

The Blood Lord smiled and said: "Don't worry, I won't let you practice in vain. As far as I know, the Demon Lord has promised you 30% of the mine profit from the battlefield of gods and demons, right?"

Chu Yan nodded.

The Blood Lord said: "I'll give you another 10%! This means that as long as you promise me, from now on, if you seize ten original mineral veins, you can bring back four from the universe! I remember that your universe is very short of resources now, right? "

Chu Yan's eyes shrank.

Because Blood Lord's condition really made his heart move.

10% profit!

As Blood Lord said, what the universe lacks most now is resources.

Although there is no solitary path, Chu Yan has broken the upper limit of the era sky. Even if there is no solitary path, this era can still have a group of strong men with tenth level combat power.

But the premise is... there are enough resources.

Chu Yan smiled bitterly: "Senior, you didn't give me a reason to refuse."

Lord Xue blinked.

Chu Yan pondered for a moment and asked: "Senior, can I ask why? There are people in the Demon Palace who are stronger than me, and there are also people who are better at training than me. Why me?"

The Blood Lord said calmly: "Yes, but there are no people in the Demon Palace who opened up the universe! I need them to be proficient in the Dao in this army, just like when you fought Chi Hong, they will not be restrained by any Dao."

After saying that, the Blood King continued: "The Era of Gods and Demons...the Three Thousand Great Dao. The people here are actually too restricted by the Dao. In other words, the people in the Era of Gods and Demons are more like the extremely powerful people in your universe. But Yakuza...means flaws, and I want an army without flaws."

Chu Yan suddenly understood.

Lord Xue said again: "Don't worry, the number of people won't be too many! Just 50 people."

Chu Yan thought about it for a moment, nodded and said: "Okay, I promise, senior."

Lord Xue then smiled and reached out to rub Chu Yan's head: "Is this a good boy?"

Chu Yan: "..."

He suddenly had a dark look on his face.

"Okay, then I won't disturb you anymore, you can continue practicing."

With that said, Mr. Xue stood up and left. Just when she arrived at the door, she suddenly turned back and said: "By the way, you don't have to be vigilant all the time. I have cleared away the group of people you are worried about! From now on!" , As long as you are in the Era of Gods and Demons, I have no control over the people in the Divine Court, but you don’t have to worry about people from the Demon Palace taking action against you!”

Chu Yan's face changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "The disappearance of those auras, is it really the senior's doing?"

The Blood Lord smiled slightly and disappeared without saying a word.

When Blood Lord left, Chu Yan took a deep breath.

"I owe a favor." Chu Yan sighed.

Xiao Jiu said: "This woman... is deliberately trying to get closer to you."

Chu Yan shrugged: "Who knows, let's practice first. These three conditions are not easy to complete. Except for the third one, the first two are all hard work."

The first one is to fight on behalf of the Demon Palace...

It's easy to go into battle, but the question is, what if you can't defeat it?

What should I do if I lose?

Losing the fight means someone will die.

The second one is more direct.

If you fight Tianya, once you lose, you will most likely die.

Chu Yan rubbed his eyebrows: "I didn't promise three things. I just promised three lives."

Xiao Jiu said: "You promised yourself."

Chu Yan nodded: "Yes, so I need to become stronger!"

Immediately, he took a deep breath and said, "It seems... we have no choice but to choose the second way!"

What is Chu Yan lacking most now?

His fighting power is strong enough.

What is missing is the trump card!

Explosive power!

Means at the critical moment.

But he has almost used up all the trump cards.

"If I want to win, I must build a trump card for myself, which is also a means to save my life."

Chu Yan took a deep breath: "Puppet... is my only hope at present! I can't join the only me, but the puppet can!"

Chu Yan looked up at the sky: "Do you want to go to the God and Demon Era?"

He was not sure, but for now, he could not cross the only me river in the current era, unless he used the Refining Heaven Sword and the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower.

But the cost would be too high.

Other than that, he could only break through in the God and Demon Era.

"Let's try it, first see if we can erase the puppet's era mark and move it to the God and Demon Era. If we can, maybe we can really try it."

Chu Yan had an idea and closed his eyes directly.



At the same time.

God's headquarters.

The Asura God already knew the news that Chu Yan killed Chi Hong.

Xingjun said excitedly: "Haha, this Chu Yan really doesn't know how to live or die. He just went to the battlefield of gods and demons and caused an internal conflict."

"Now it's good. Maybe we don't have to do anything. Chiyou Demon King will not let him go."

Shura God glanced at Xingjun and said lightly: "It's not that simple. Xuejun, that woman, will not let Chiyou Demon King take action."

Xingjun frowned: "But Chu Yan is an outsider."

Shura God shook his head: "You don't understand. Xuejun, that woman... has something! She only has the battlefield of gods and demons in her eyes. As long as Chu Yan does not leave the battlefield of gods and demons, Xuejun will not let him get into trouble."

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