Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5932 Negotiating Conditions

Chu Yan fell into silence.

Are you going to the battlefield of gods and demons?

The battlefield of gods and demons, Kobe's battlefield, and Shura's battlefield, the two are completely on two levels.

Let's put it this way, for the Era of Gods and Demons, Shura Field is like a kindergarten, where children play and have fun. Only the battlefield of gods and demons has been the main battlefield of the two races over the years.

Just because you can win in the Shura Field, it doesn't mean you can win in the battlefield of gods and demons.

Chu Yan hesitated and said: "Senior, can I first understand the battlefield of gods and demons?"

The Demon Lord nodded: "Of course."

Immediately, he said: "The battlefield of gods and demons, as the name suggests, is the place where our two clans of gods and demons have clashed for generations."

"Let's put it this way, the battlefield of gods and demons is the core area of ​​the era of gods and demons. The two tribes have always wanted to occupy it, but neither of the two tribes refused to give in, so a problem arose. The core area became neutral instead. ”

Chu Yan was slightly stunned.

If the era of gods and demons is compared to a circle, the battlefield of gods and demons is the dot and center of the circle!

Both clans were fighting for it, but in the end no one succeeded, and instead the center became a neutral zone.

The Demon Lord continued: "So, the battlefield of gods and demons can be said to be the most fertile place in this era."

After saying that, the Demon Lord paused and said, "Let me tell you this, little friend, I have been to Shura Field. What do you think of the resources there?"

Chu Yan said: "It's very rich."

There are hundreds of original mineral veins in Shura Field alone.

You know, these veins produce very large amounts of source stones every year.

The Demon Lord said: "The resources of the battlefield of gods and demons are almost ten thousand times more than those of the Shura field."


Chu Yan took a sharp breath of air.

"Ten thousand times?"

Chu Yan couldn't help but said: "Isn't this too exaggerated? There are hundreds of original mineral veins in the Shura field, so wouldn't there be millions of them in the battlefield of gods and demons?"

If true, this number is an exaggeration.

Millions of mineral veins!

If each mineral vein only produces 100 million source stones per year, then the battlefield of gods and demons will produce hundreds of billions per year!

This is just a minimum value.

Some high-grade original mineral veins may produce tens or even hundreds of billions a year.

The Demon Lord said seriously: "It's no exaggeration. According to the statistics of our Demon Palace so far, there are a total of 1.32 million original mineral veins in the battlefield between gods and demons, of which there are 500,000 intermediate-level original mineral veins and 100,000 high-level ones." , there are hundreds of special-grade mineral veins, and more than a dozen king-grade mineral veins.”

The Demon King continued: "My little friend may not have a concept when I say this. Let me briefly explain to you the differences in the original mineral veins!"

"The source stone produced by an intermediate-level mine in one year is almost ten times that of a low-level mine, and a high-level mine can produce ten times that of an intermediate mine, and so on!"

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed: "In other words, a king-level mineral vein can produce trillions of source stones in a year?"

The Demon Lord nodded: "Now you know why our two tribes must fight for the battlefield of gods and demons at all costs."

Chu Yan nodded: "In this case, we really have to fight!"

It can be said that if the two tribes of gods and demons can conquer the battlefield of gods and demons first, then the hundreds of millions of years of battle between gods and demons will be over.

The effect may not be visible in the short term, but within a year or two, there will be a huge gap between the two sides.

The Demon Lord said seriously: "My little friend, are you willing to agree?"

Chu Yan hesitated and said: "Senior, I still don't understand."

Demon Lord looked at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan said: "Since the two tribes of gods and demons have been fighting on the battlefield for hundreds of millions of years, and the two sides have never widened the gap, why have they suddenly fallen into a disadvantage recently?"

The Demon Lord sighed: "Because of one person."



Chu Yan was slightly startled: "Tianya? Who is that?"

He doesn't recognize it.

The Demon Lord said helplessly: "A weirdo from the Divine Court."

Chu Yan was full of doubts: "Weird?"


The Demon Lord nodded and said: "This Tianya is a very strange person. He is very powerful, but he never accepts the fate of Shenting. Let me tell you this, in the eyes of this person, there is only one thing in the world: cultivation." He doesn’t care about anything except cultivation, but it’s this kind of character that makes him such a martial arts idiot.”

Chu Yan asked: "This person was not on the battlefield between gods and demons before?"

The Demon Lord nodded: "Yes, this person rarely participated in the battles between the Divine Court and the Demon Palace before, so our Demon Palace did not take him to heart, but this time he suddenly went to the battlefield of gods and demons and slaughtered many people in our Demon Palace. stronghold."

Chu Yan said: "Because of me?"

The Demon Lord rubbed his brows and said: "It should be! This Tianya has a very strange personality. He doesn't even listen to the words of the ancestor of gods. Normally, he will not appear on the battlefield of gods and demons, but this time I don't know what Shura God uses. By some means, Tianya suddenly entered the battlefield between gods and demons."

After saying that, he looked at Chu Yan: "If my guess is correct, God Shura must have told Tianya about you, so he aroused Tianya's interest."

Chu Yan's eyelids twitched slightly.

Because he also felt that this possibility was very high.

For a martial arts fanatic, what is the most interesting thing?

Fight, fight with geniuses, Chu Yan understands this psychology very well.

Chu Yan smiled bitterly: "So, I actually have no way to refuse this time?"

The Demon Lord smiled and said: "Little friend, before I came here, I just arranged for someone to send another mid-level mineral vein to the other side of the universe."

Chu Yan was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "Senior, if I don't go to the battlefield of gods and demons, will Tianya continue to invade the base of the Demon Palace?"

The face of the Demon Lord changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "I am willing to have another intermediate mineral vein."

Chu Yan shook his head: "Senior, I don't mean to threaten you. Although my universe is barren and lacks resources, I will fight for it myself!"

The Demon Lord looked at Chu Yan strangely: "What do you mean?"

Chu Yan smiled and said: "I can go to the battlefield of gods and demons, but before that, can we talk about the issue of profit distribution first?"

The Demon Lord was stunned: "What do you want?"

Chu Yan stretched out three fingers.

The Demon Lord narrowed his eyes: "Three mineral veins?"

"Thirty percent!"

Chu Yan said seriously: "This time, everything I got in the battlefield of gods and demons, whether it is the origin stone or the mineral vein, I want thirty percent of it."

The Demon Lord's face changed slightly.

Not three, not thirty, but thirty!

This is a bit big.

You know, there are millions of origin mineral veins in the battlefield of gods and demons.

Chu Yan smiled and said, "Senior, I won't go. These mineral veins also belong to the Divine Court, and have nothing to do with the Demon Palace, right? Of course, didn't the Demon Palace lose 30 mineral veins? I don't need to take any commission for the first 30."

The Demon Lord frowned slightly and hesitated.

Because this condition was too big, so big that it was no longer something he could decide.

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