Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5931 God and Demon Battlefield

Xiao Jiu said: "This is the river of me. On the other side, as long as you can cross it, you can enter the realm of me."

Chu Yan nodded slightly.

Then, he hesitated and suddenly squatted down.


The torrent was still gushing wildly.

Chu Yan gently stretched out his hand and gently touched the river.


Chu Yan's face suddenly changed.

In an instant, Chu Yan's palm was corroded completely.

Only snow-white bones were left.

"What a terrible corrosive power."

Chu Yan was slightly shocked; "No wonder hundreds of millions of years have passed, but no one has ever been able to cross this river."

You know, Chu Yan is now a first-level giant. It stands to reason that he can easily break through me.

Moreover, Chu Yan's giant... is different from other giants. Chu Yan's giant can kill the tenth-level me.

But even so, he did not have the path of me, and just touched the river of me, and he was immediately subjected to horrible corrosion.

Chu Yan leaned over and looked. The river was not too far away, only about 100 meters.

But Chu Yan had a hunch that with his current strength, he could only walk 30 meters at most, and he would be corroded immediately, and not even his bones would be left.

Chu Yan hesitated, and suddenly took out an origin stone in his hand, and then flicked his finger.


The origin stone was pushed by a strong force and quickly broke through the air and tried to fly to the other side.


However, as soon as the origin stone reached the river, it was immediately attracted by a strong suction.


The origin stone fell vertically directly into the river of me.

"There are restrictions on this river, and I can't fly over it." Chu Yan narrowed his eyes.

Xiao Jiu nodded: "It's definitely impossible to fly over it. If it's that simple, the current era would have been full of me."

Chu Yan nodded, yes.

The current era has never lacked top giants. If it's that simple, the only me would have been full of me.

Chu Yan pondered for a while, and suddenly spread his palm.


Suddenly, a long sword appeared.

Heavenly Sword.

He flicked his finger and the Heavenly Sword instantly broke through the air and flew to the other side of the river.


As soon as the Heavenly Sword fell into the river, the terrifying corrosive force appeared again.

However, a terrifying sword intent also surged out of the Heavenly Sword, forming a very terrifying sword domain, and then began to resist that force.

In this way, the Heavenly Sword flew 50 meters, but at 50 meters, the Heavenly Sword was blocked.

Although it was not swallowed, it was also blocked by the terrifying river and could not move forward.

Chu Yan shook his head: "No! Even a strong Heavenly Sword cannot cross this river."

Xiao Jiu said: "The Refining Heavenly Sword should be able to."

Chu Yan nodded: "The Refining Heavenly Sword is the weapon of the Lord of Refining Heaven. It is not a big problem to cross this river, but I can't use the Refining Heavenly Sword."

"Why?" Xiao Jiu asked in confusion.

Chu Yan said, "Didn't you find one thing?"


Chu Yan said again, "The path to me is broken. If you want to cross the river and break through, you need a weapon to prove the truth. Once you prove the truth, this weapon will replace the original path to me and become a part of the great way!"

"Once I use the Refining Heaven Sword to help the puppet prove the truth, it means that the Refining Heaven Sword will be completely integrated with the puppet!"

"At that time, once the puppet collapses, even if the Refining Heaven Sword does not break, it will definitely suffer huge losses!"

"This is a price I can't afford."

The Refining Heaven Sword represents too many things.

It concerns the entire universe, and Chu Yan can't gamble for a puppet.

If it were him, he could still consider it.

But he himself...will never become me.

Chu Yan took back the Heaven Sword, and then he hesitated, and suddenly there was another magic weapon in his hand.

Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower.


Chu Yan sent the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower into the River of Me.


The next second, Chu Yan's pupils shrank.

The turbulent River of Only Me was suppressed directly when it encountered the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower, and the entire river became calm.

Xiao Jiu was shocked and said, "What a terrible power! This tower can actually suppress the River of Only Me."

Chu Yan nodded, "This is indeed a little scary."

He then said, "The Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower can also prove the truth, but I can't use it either."

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower is as important as the Refining Heaven Sword.

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower also needs to suppress the blood pool in his body.

Suddenly, Chu Yan rubbed his eyebrows: "In other words, I have a magic weapon that can cross the River of Only Me, but I can't use it. I can use it, but I can't cross it."

Xiao Jiu nodded: "It seems that you can only take the second path."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes: "God and Demon Era Proof of Truth?"

He was not sure whether this path was feasible.

Chu Yan said, "Let's go, let's go back first."

Xiao Jiu nodded, and the two quickly withdrew from the world of the Great Dao.


Soon, Chu Yan returned to the Demon Palace.

As soon as Chu Yan appeared, he was slightly startled, because there was an extra person in the hall at this time.

The Demon Lord looked at Chu Yan and said lightly: "You went to the realm of Tao? Did you have any insights?"

Chu Yan smiled bitterly: "It's not that simple."

The Demon Lord smiled and said: "Don't worry, you have only reached the ninth level of the self, and the tenth level is not so easy to break through."

Yes, in the eyes of the Demon Lord, Chu Yan is only the ninth level of the self now.

Chu Yan has said before that his giant realm almost corresponds to his solitary state.

There are nine levels of giants in total. He is now a first-level giant, which corresponds to a ninth-level solipsism.

In the eyes of outsiders, Chu Yan is not a level 10 solipsist.

Chu Yan nodded and immediately said: "Senior Demon Lord, come here..."

The Demon Lord's face suddenly became serious and he asked, "How is my little friend's injury?"

Chu Yan said calmly: "Basically recovered."

The Demon Lord nodded: "Just recover. I came to see you this time because I want your help with something."

Chu Yan looked at Demon Lord.

The Demon Lord took a deep breath: "Just now... news came from the battlefield of gods and demons that the original mineral veins of our Demon Palace in the battlefield of gods and demons have been plundered, and now 30 original mineral veins have been lost."

Chu Yan frowned: "Did Shenting do it?"

The Demon Lord nodded: "Yes, after the end of Shura Field, Shenting directly strengthened the strategy of the battlefield of gods and demons. Since yesterday, there have been more than ten level 10 self-centered battles in the battlefield of gods and demons, and Shenting has invested a lot of troops."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes: "Shen Ting wants to find the mineral veins lost in the Shura field in the battlefield of gods and demons?"

The Demon Lord nodded: "It seems so."

Chu Yan hesitated and said, "Senior came to see me this time..."

The Demon Lord took a deep breath: "I want my little friend to go to the battlefield of gods and demons on behalf of my Demon Palace to help the Demon Palace defend the remaining original mineral veins."

Chu Yan frowned slightly: "Me? Senior, the battlefield of gods and demons is not as good as the Shura field. There are no age-related rules there. Even if I go, I can't change anything, right?"

The Demon Lord shook his head: "No, my current combat power is at the top level even in the era of gods and demons! Moreover, I just won the Shura Field and my prestige in the Demon Palace is very high."

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