Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 592 Ranking

There was a bug in yesterday's chapter. There were six people on Jundai, but it was written as seven people. It has been corrected.

------- "Zhuoyang, defeated!" A peak battle ended, and many in the audience were still unfinished.

"It seems that Jun Zhan has basically come to an end."

Zhuo Yang fought against the Ax Madman, and Zhuo Yang was defeated, but he still received many looks of approval. After fifty years of practice, he was proud enough to have such fighting power, even if he lost.

Of course, the person who caused the strongest response was the Ax Maniac, whose shocking blood ax shocked the entire audience.

So that in the ranking of Seizing Heaven Banquet, Ax Madman is ranked first, there will be no objections, and he is well deserved.

After the two of them finished, the remaining people had fought against each other with mixed success and failure, and they all retreated, each taking their own side and no longer challenging.

The Heaven Seizing Banquet is here, coming to an end.

The chief old man smiled, took a sip of turbid wine, and said calmly: "Aren't you going to challenge anymore? In this case, let's end it here."

"You can retreat." The elder of Tianbei Mountain nodded, and with a wave of his hand, the battle platform disappeared. The seven geniuses each withdrew from it and sat down on the side.

This banquet was extremely exciting. There were extraordinary emperors and venerables in their twenties, emperors like Wang Feng who had continuously crossed borders, and even a battle between kings.

The Heaven Seizing Banquet, which happens once every thirty years, is now over.

But everyone's enthusiasm remained undiminished, and their eyes instead shone with fervent and expectant gazes, because what came next was the most critical moment for the Heavenly Banquet, when rankings were determined and the big list was engraved.

"Today's battle was very exciting. Tianbei Mountain is proud of you." The first old man said slowly, and someone next to him said with a flattering smile: "Some juniors make the saint laugh."

"Haha, you are so polite. You can cultivate such outstanding disciples in fifty years. It shows your dedication to Tianbei Mountain. You are all heroes of Xinghai." The chief old man smiled and said calmly: "About the ranking, What do you think? Which geniuses should be ranked in the top ten?"

Although the top 100 people will be accepted into the disciples of Tianbei Mountain, the top 10 ones are of great significance. They will be accepted as disciples by the elders of the Taizi generation and receive rewards from Tianbei Mountain.

Therefore, each lineage wants to fight for future generations, but they dare not be too blatant.

"On the Junzhan Stage, there are six sons of destiny. Their talents are unparalleled. They were born in the sea of ​​​​stars. The first to sixth positions are given to six of them. They are well-deserved." A fair old man said lightly.

"Well, what Mr. Xia said makes sense, so let's do it this way. Is there anyone who doesn't accept it?" The chief elder also agreed. Looking around at everyone, no one refuted.

In this battle, those who can stand on the throne must be among the top ten.

"Okay, so there are four people left. Which four geniuses do you think are suitable to serve?" the chief elder asked.

"Ji Longyu, a disciple of the Taiyan Sage, is dormant in the stars, neither arrogant nor impetuous. He should be named among the top ten."

"Both Shen Xueting and Leng Feng are good. Leng Feng's piano music is superb and full of artistic conception, and Shen Xueting's illusion skills attract everyone."

"The three of them are the sons of destiny, and they can shoulder the responsibility." The chief old man said with a smile: "In this way, there is only one person left."

Emperor Zi Lei looked in the direction of Jian Wuya, his eyes were profound, and he said with a smile: "On the Broken Emperor Stage, the one-armed swordsman has extraordinary fighting power, and the Condensing Cliff Sword is an extraordinary monarch, that's good."

Elder Jian Wuya smiled knowingly: "Prince Zifeng is equally impressive. I think it's okay to put him in the tenth position."

"Zi Feng and the One-Armed Swordsman are indeed extraordinary. They can be ranked among the top thirty, but the top ten are far behind." Someone immediately retorted, and the two parties let out a cold snort without saying much.

The final ranking still needs to be decided by the first old man.

At this time, the ancestor of the Demon Sect said calmly: "My sect disciple Wangfeng is a junior Heavenly Emperor. He fought in all directions and defeated all the Po Emperors. The Heavenly Emperor is invincible. I think he deserves to be among the top ten."

When Wangfeng was mentioned, the expressions of the people in the Five Major Meridians immediately turned gloomy. The Purple Thunder Emperor snorted coldly: "Wangfeng's combat power is indeed good, but his level is slightly low. I think he is not suitable for the top ten."

"It's ridiculous. The Heaven-Seizing Banquet is about talent. Since when has the ranking been judged based on realm? Otherwise, why would the emperor and the venerable participate?" The Demon Sect Ancestor snorted coldly.

During the whole process, except for some extraordinary beings, everyone else could only listen, including Chu Yan.

At this moment, he raised his head slightly and glanced at the high seat in the void.

The Heaven Seizing Banquet is not about realm, but talent. Wangfeng's performance is outstanding and rare in Xinghai. Although he has not challenged Po Emperor, he can still be in the top ten.

"Wangfeng, this boy is really good." The old man in the first seat said with a smile. At this time, he looked at the young man next to him.

The young man didn't respond, and stood up alone. The surroundings were quiet for a moment, as if he was the only one in the world, and then everyone's hearts began to beat loudly.

Just because his status is too special and noble.

He is also the son of destiny, a genius who has been practicing for less than fifty years, but he did not participate in the Heaven Seizing Banquet.

Because he is the head of the eleven Destined Sons, and there is no doubt about his existence.

He comes from that place.

"Wangfeng." Suddenly, the young man spoke, and everyone stopped breathing, including those in the five major veins, and their hearts sank.

Does this young man also value Wangfeng?

Wangfeng sat in the Demon Sect and looked up at the young man, full of confusion.

"Are you willing to join the direct line of Tianbei Mountain?" The young man said calmly, with cold arrogance in his tone, but the next moment, everyone in the world looked at Wangfeng with envy.

Zi Yin's heart pounded loudly at the side. There was no one who was a direct descendant of Tianbei Mountain, a land of Xinghai, a true royal family, and a royal family, and no one dared to disobey.

Now, they invited Wang Feng.

The people of the five major veins also showed surprise and hatred at this time. Previously, Wang Feng killed countless of their geniuses on the ninth stage. They were ready. After this battle, they would kill Wang Feng at all costs.

But now, the young man invited Wang Feng to join the Tianbei lineage. Once he joined, no one would dare to touch him in the starry sea, let alone the five major veins.

Wang Feng was not interested in the Tianbei lineage, including the ranking. He had only two purposes for today's battle, one was to represent the Demon Sect, and the other was to fight for Chu Yan.

"I have an enemy with the five major veins, and you still invited me? Aren't you afraid of revenge?" Wang Feng asked.

The young man was stunned for a moment and laughed: "If you join the direct lineage, no one in the Xinghai Land will dare to touch you."

"If I agree, can I still be considered a disciple of the Demon Sect?"

"No!" The young man said firmly: "If you join the direct lineage, you will no longer belong to the Demon Sect. You must obey the direct lineage in the future. However, the direct lineage is far more promising for you than the Demon Sect."

Wang Feng frowned and fell into deep thought.

Chu Yan looked at him and did not give any advice, because he knew that in the eyes of others, this might be a problem that did not need to be considered.

But Wang Feng was different. His junior brother was too sentimental, otherwise he would not have rebelled against the Northern Temple because of him.

"I need to consider it." Wang Feng said calmly. He was impulsive, but not stupid. Now the situation between Chu Yan and the Tianbei lineage was tense. Although Tianbei Mountain did not explicitly target Chu Yan, the top few people had the intention to wipe him out. Once he joined, would he be an enemy of Chu Yan?

"I haven't considered it." The young man shook his head.

"Sorry." Wang Feng bowed slightly to show his attitude.

"Rejected..." Countless surprised and stunned eyes fell on Wangfeng. The invitation of the direct lineage was like a leap into the dragon gate, but Wangfeng refused such an opportunity?

The direct lineage was different from the other sixteen lines. It was a real royal family.

In the land of the sea of ​​stars, the sixteen lines each unified a state, but only the direct lineage ruled the world and had power over the government and the country. Once it became a direct lineage, it would be a star-studded avenue with unlimited future. It was an opportunity that many people dreamed of but could not get, but Wangfeng refused.

The young man stared at Wangfeng, showing a terrible aura. That power was actually a top-level monarch: "Do you know what you missed? Now you have another chance to regret it."

"I have no regrets." Wangfeng said calmly. A hint of coldness flashed across the young man's face, but the next second, he was restrained, as if nothing had happened. His eyes left Wangfeng and he slowly sat back in his seat: "Go on."

The first old man looked at Wangfeng and sighed. He was originally wavering, but now, he didn't need it.

"I now announce the top ten of the Tianzhu Banquet."

The audience fell silent, listening to the words of the first elder.

"First place: Axe Maniac!"

"Second place: Zhuo Yang!"

"Third place: Lou Fengyu!"

"Fourth place: Bei Ming Sha Tian!"

"Fifth place: Chen Yang."

"Sixth place: Holy Son."

"Seventh place: Ji Longyu!"

"Eighth place: Leng Feng!"

"Ninth place: Shen Xueting."

The first nine seats of Tianzhu Banquet were announced one by one by the chief elder.

These nine people were originally the sons of destiny, so no one questioned them, but the last one was the key.

"I wonder who the last one will be."

"It should be Wang Feng, he is invincible across two realms, and his years of practice are far less than Zi Feng, the one-armed swordsman and others. He is qualified for this position." The nine sons of destiny have all been ranked, and now only the last one is left, but in the eyes of everyone, it seems that it is not difficult to guess.

Chu Yan looked at the sky, his eyes full of confidence, the tenth seat of Tianzhu Banquet must belong to Wang Feng.

"10th place: Zifeng of the Purple Thunder Dynasty!" The next moment, the chief elder spoke, and Chu Yan's eyes froze for a moment, and then gradually became cold.

"11th place, Wangfeng of the Demon Sect!" The chief elder continued to announce.

Many people in the audience were puzzled by this ranking. It was not that Zifeng was not outstanding enough, but that Wangfeng was too amazing, so that to some extent, he overshadowed Zifeng who broke the emperor realm.

However, in the final ranking, Zifeng was 10th and Wangfeng was only 11th.

But soon, everyone was not surprised, just because Wangfeng had just rejected the direct lineage.

After the ranking was determined, some people immediately looked at the Purple Thunder Dynasty with envy and congratulated them. They knew that after today, the Purple Thunder Dynasty would be a smooth road and a higher status.

The Purple Thunder Emperor smiled proudly, while Wangfeng, who performed brilliantly at the Heaven-stealing Banquet, was a little cold at this time. Some people who originally wanted to make friends with him were alienated at this time and seemed a little lonely.


At this time, with a thud, a figure stood out. He had been quiet since the beginning of the Heaven-stealing Banquet, but at this moment he was extremely eye-catching, standing out from the crowd.

"Just now you said, Wangfeng, yes, why is Zifeng tenth and he eleventh?" Chu Yan stood alone in the crowd, raised his head slightly, and stared at the high seat.

The chief old man frowned. As a saint, when had he ever been questioned in public like this?

"Just because Wangfeng rejected you?" Chu Yan laughed mockingly. Just now, when the direct lineage invited him and he was rejected, he guessed that the result might not be satisfactory, but he did not expect that under the eyes of the public, Tianbei Mountain would be so unscrupulous and trample on Wangfeng's achievements.

The expressions of the people changed drastically. Although everyone knew that the ranking was biased, no one would question it.

Now Chu Yan said it in public, which was to embarrass Tianbei Mountain in public.

"There should be rules for the ranking, and you, an outsider, questioned it?" The chief old man frowned and said unhappily.

"Rules? The Duotian Banquet invites all the geniuses. Today, Chu is really amazed by how fair it is! My junior brother Wangfeng is the only one, a junior emperor, who swept nine battle platforms with unparalleled combat power. The world can bear witness to this, but he is only ranked eleventh. Zifeng has practiced for fifty years and has broken the emperor realm, but he is ranked in the top ten? Is this what you call the rule?"

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