Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 591 Epilogue [Three Updates]

"It's our turn." Someone laughed on the Emperor-breaking Stage.

The starry sea is vast, with billions of sentient beings, but how many people can reach the Emperor-breaking Realm in the age of fifty?

Wangyue and Li Xian'er are only top-level Heavenly Emperors.

Youyu has been practicing for a hundred years after breaking the Emperor Realm.

Therefore, there are very few people on the tenth battle stage, only a few dozen, but those who can stand there have self-evident talents without making any moves, and any of them can be called the Tianjiao.

"Everyone is familiar with each other, and fighting is too cumbersome. Why don't we each make a move, do our best, and use all our strength. The envoy of Tianbei Mountain is here, and the honor will be seen." Ji Longyu spoke, and the others naturally nodded without any doubt.

"This method is feasible." The one-armed swordsman walked out first, and the terrifying Broken Sky Sword King figure appeared behind him. It was as if a deep abyss canyon was split between heaven and earth, and the sword intent was born in it, as if there were ghosts howling.

"This boy has one arm, but it doesn't affect his swordsmanship at all. It's like he is one with the sword, and he can break a cliff with one sword. It's precious." Someone in the stands praised.

"I'll do it." The second place, Zi Feng, walked out. He raised his hand, and there was a crackling sound in the sky. The thunder was overwhelming, and nine giant stings woke up in the clouds, as if the world was destroyed.

"What a terrible thunder attribute." Another person exclaimed and looked at Emperor Zi Lei: "The Purple Thunder Dynasty has a successor, congratulations."

"Haha, you are too polite, this boy doesn't know how to restrain himself at all, and he doesn't deserve such praise." Emperor Zi Lei laughed modestly.

After one move, Zi Feng smiled triumphantly and looked in the direction of Chu Yan: "If such a blow kills you, do you think you can block it?"

"He made the right choice not to participate in the competition." The one-armed swordsman sneered on the side.

Chu Yan was calm and composed, as if he didn't hear what the two said.

On the tenth battle stage, the various geniuses made a move to show themselves.

The old man on the first seat watched and nodded from time to time. Just as Ji Longyu said, he had already judged the honor in his heart.

The three most outstanding ones were naturally Ji Longyu, Leng Feng, and Shen Xueting. All three of them were the eleven people of destiny, and the power they used was amazing.

Ji Longyu's attack was like the peerless emperor. When the golden scepter came out, it was as dazzling as a solar panel, controlling all living beings.

Leng Feng used the power of the clone to transform into thousands of phantoms. He was like an imperial group alone. The original body sat in the void, playing a guqin in his hand. The sound of the guqin was high and powerful, just like a general of a country, leading thousands of troops, talking and laughing, and getting involved in the country.

Compared with the other two, Shen Xueting's attack was a little bland. It was a kind of charm that could make people hallucinate. She blinked her beautiful eyes, like a gorgeous fox, bringing everyone into her world, creating a phantom, a gentle place, and a hero's tomb, making Po Di addicted to it and unable to extricate himself.

"As expected of the three people of destiny, such an attack, I'm afraid no one under you can resist it." Everyone nodded.

Shen Xueting retracted her charm at this time. She was already very beautiful, and with her slender figure, a certain part was extremely plump, which made many men excited.

But at this moment, she was a little surprised, looking up at Chu Yan, the two looked at each other, and Chu Yan smiled faintly.

"Interesting, Mr. Chu is also good at illusion?" Shen Xueting laughed tenderly. Just now, she created an illusion, the picture was charming, there were thousands of fairies dancing, tempting all living beings, as good as Ji Longyu, they were all trapped in it.

Chu Yan didn't. In the illusion, he was calm and let countless pink skeletons provoke him, but he turned a blind eye. The most important thing was that in the illusion, Shen Xueting found that while everyone was sinking, Chu Yan was unusually sober, and the two even treated each other equally in the illusion.

You know, those who are good at illusions are gods in their own illusions, but just now, Shen Xueting found that Chu Yan also had the dominant power in her illusion.

"Not good at it." Chu Yan smiled and shook his head. He didn't lie. He had never practiced illusions, but he practiced the power of mirrors, so the moment Shen Xueting created the illusion just now, he copied it and established a mirror.

So Shen Xueting's strangeness was not wrong. It seemed to be Shen Xueting's illusion just now, but it was also Chu Yan's mirror.

Everyone didn't know what happened in the illusion, and they all looked at Chu Yan.

"Awesome!" Ye Xun gave a thumbs up and asked, "Can you tell me how you did it?"

"Maybe it's because I'm handsome." Chu Yan touched his chin and said seriously.

"Do you know how to write the word face?"

"I don't think I know..." Chu Yan said, and Ye Xun was speechless again. How could there be such a shameless person.

"You can leave now." After everyone on the tenth battle stage performed, the elder of Tianbei Mountain said, which made many people sigh and feel unsatisfied.

But immediately, they became energetic again, because after the Emperor War, there is another battle, that is the King.

That is the most talented existence in the star sea, the half-hundred king.

"Boom!" At this moment, the battle stage changed, and ten of them joined together. The number of stone statues guarding doubled, because the king battle was too terrible.

When the king took action, it was extraordinary.

On the highest seat, many people nodded slightly, looking very proud.

"The king battled... the half-hundred king is a natural saint."

There is such a legend in the star sea that if you can become a king at the age of half a hundred, as long as you don't die, you will become a saint. So in a sense, once a force has a half-hundred king, it is believed that they will have a saint soon.

At this moment, a royal will suddenly erupted in the distance, and a young man rose into the void, stood with his hands behind his back, and strolled towards the battlefield.

In an instant, the people in Jian Wuya were boiling with pride.

"Zhuoyang! He was the first one to take the stage. He is the second level monarch. He seems to be very confident. Does he want to win the first place in the Heaven Seizing Banquet?"

Immediately behind Zhuoyang, another person stepped out, with a tall body and a bloody giant ax on his back, like a god with a huge axe.

Compared with Zhuo Yang, the way he came on the stage was extremely violent, and the ground trembled with every step he took.

"It's the Ax Maniac!"

The Ax Madman is naturally not named Ax. This name was given by himself. The ax is his weapon. He is responsible for the word "crazy".

Moreover, this man is fond of fighting and will definitely fight when he encounters an opponent. There are stripes on the bloody ax on his back, each one representing a genius who has been defeated by him.

After that, three more people flew out and jumped onto the battlefield. Their auras were extraordinary. One of them was the son of the leader of the Poison Sect, named Chen Yang. He was a first-level human being. But the most feared thing was his mysterious poisoning method. .

The second person is named Lou Fengyu. This person is a direct descendant of Tianbei Mountain. After practicing for forty years, he has the strength of a king.

The third person is the contemporary saint son of all saints.

Of these six people, Zhuoyang and Ax Madman are at the second level of the monarch, and the rest are at the first level of the monarch, but even so, they are still proud enough.

"There is one more person!" Many people stared, and saw a terrifying aura rising in the distance, and the sky changed into a picture of mountains and rivers, relying on icebergs.

"A disciple of Taixu, Beiming kills the sky!"

Chu Yan looked sweetly and saw that in two years, the monarch's Beiming Shatian had become stronger, and the map of the king and the country was almost perfect. Standing there, he looked like a human emperor.

After he came on stage, he looked at Chu Yan like a knife, as if tearing the distance apart, filled with overwhelming murderous intent.

He must repay Chu Yan for the revenge of destroying his family.

Some people who knew about the grudge between Chu Yan and Beiming looked at Chu Yan sympathetically.

Although Chu Yan defeated Beiming Shatian in the imperial journey, Beiming Shatian is now the king.

On the King's Platform, seven people finally stood up. All seven of them were sons of destiny. It was no exaggeration to say that the seven of them were the seven most talented people in the land of One Star Sea.

"Just because we can stand here, we have reserved the top seven for the Heavenly Banquet, but there is only one first place. It seems that we have to give it a try." Lou Fengyu said with a calm smile.

"Indeed, I am also very curious, who is also hailed as the Son of Destiny by the world, who among us is more suitable to be the number one in Destiny!" Chen Yang, the son of the Poison King, said with an evil smile.

"Zhuoyang and I are on the same level as you. I won't bully you. You decide who is the strongest and fights against the two of us." Ax Madman said as his name suggests.

"You are too confident after one level difference." Chen Yang sneered, and the next moment he moved, like a ghost, attacking the ax madman, and the terrifying king's picture bloomed.

"Roar!" The ax maniac roared. He held his hands and struck out the blood ax behind his back. With just this blow, there was a click, and cracks appeared in several of the suppression stone statues guarding Juntai. The blood was like a python. Open the bloody mouth and devour Chen Yang.

Chen Yang's face hardened, and he felt endless pressure. He quickly took a step back, but he was still injured by the blood and his face was pale.

"Don't listen to advice." The ax madman snorted coldly, Chen Yang's eyes were strange: "How good do you think you are?"

The Ax Maniac's expression condensed, and black streaks appeared on his skin. Was he poisoned?

"As expected of the Poison King's son..."

"This little bit of poison is not enough." The ax madman shouted, a terrible blood light rose up in his body, his blood boiled, and then he saw streaks of black smoke flying out from it?

"Blood boiling?" Chen Yang's face turned even more ugly, and he snorted coldly. He finally stopped challenging the ax madman and turned to attack the other people.

"The Ax Maniac is really domineering, he seems to be a humanoid machine."

On the platform, no one provoked Kuangren Chu for a while. After Chen Yang retreated, he fought with Beiming Shatian again. After a hundred moves, he retreated and gave Beiming Shatian a thumbs up: "Awesome. "

Next, the seven people on the Jundai competed with each other. The most exciting one was the battle between Zhuo Yang and the Ax Maniac. Both of them were Jun Level 2. Zhuo Yang was good at swords and had a reputation for swords being faster than light. Due to his dexterity and dexterity, he had some advantages in front of Madman Chu, but after the fight, he looked embarrassed. He found that his sword could not break through Madman Chu's defense.

The ax madman was shrouded in Juntu's blood axe, like a bloody god of war, slashing down the world with one axe, Zhuo Yang could only barely parry.

"Boom!" There was another roar, and the ax madman's blood energy became even more terrifying. His body became huge and he slashed out with the giant axe.

Zhuoyang was shrouded by the giant axe, his eyes showed unwillingness, but he finally took a step back and whispered: "I give up, seize the heaven banquet, you will be the first!"

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